I've beat him, how i did it was, max out ranger and spell sword on all characters, then use lit 3 on your weapons and quad attack him repeatedly with dual weapons, he goes down in like 3-5 turns and doesn't counter as much with mustard gas.
yes, sword dance does x4 damage, but she's dual equipped, and omega is weak to thunder, so that too. so in total... sword dance: x4 dual equip: x2 weakness: x2 equals: x16 ...i think. ps. i can read japanese too, im japanese (^^)
actually, Krile's weapons were Trident and Dancing Dagger, but she also used the ability "Dance", trying to get that "x8 damage dance"-thingy. trident has a thunder attribute, so it actually gives damage to omega.
He uses the Kakureru(Hide) ability which is the first ability learned in the Bard job. Then he counts the number of attacks Omega does to time his return from outside the screen. I guess he uses the Assassin Dagger which can randomly kill the target, so he uses the Oduru(Dance) command hoping for the 1/4 chance of the Tsurugi no Mai/Sword Dance to be triggered and then hope the 1-hit-kill occurs.
I still wonder what makes Krile hide from the battle and reappear after dodgeing Omega's attack. Whatever this is, I could use this techique to defeat Gogo.
低レベル+タイマンバトル縛りの参考になりますね。 (^^)d 詰め将棋。
あえて0にしてるのか すご
やり込んでるのが分かる! それよりも、バトルBGMがずーっと聴けるのが♪^^
昔、知らずに突っ込んで 即殺されてコントローラ ー投げた記憶がある
I could not believe this monster was not a boss........
オメガの行動パターンが固定されたローテーションになっていて、 炎属性の防御さえ完璧ならば瞬殺されない2ターンが存在するのか。 やっかいなのは「虹色の風」のスリップ効果だけのようだね。
蟻と象の戦いというか、なんかこう・・・ 最後までただあっけに取られて戦況を見守ってたわ。 これぞ、真のジョブマスター。
やっぱり、これほどのハンディキャップを背負っても勝てる方法あったんだ… 不利な状況で勝ち取った勝利の味は格別でしょうな。
I've beat him, how i did it was, max out ranger and spell sword on all characters, then use lit 3 on your weapons and quad attack him repeatedly with dual weapons, he goes down in like 3-5 turns and doesn't counter as much with mustard gas.
yeah, but i think Square did a good job for the second game they made for the SNES.... XP
yes, sword dance does x4 damage, but she's dual equipped, and omega is weak to thunder, so that too. so in total... sword dance: x4 dual equip: x2 weakness: x2 equals: x16 ...i think. ps. i can read japanese too, im japanese (^^)
yeah, i think thats the english name.... ive only played the japanese FFV, so yeah XP
actually, Krile's weapons were Trident and Dancing Dagger, but she also used the ability "Dance", trying to get that "x8 damage dance"-thingy. trident has a thunder attribute, so it actually gives damage to omega.
He uses the Kakureru(Hide) ability which is the first ability learned in the Bard job. Then he counts the number of attacks Omega does to time his return from outside the screen. I guess he uses the Assassin Dagger which can randomly kill the target, so he uses the Oduru(Dance) command hoping for the 1/4 chance of the Tsurugi no Mai/Sword Dance to be triggered and then hope the 1-hit-kill occurs.
I still wonder what makes Krile hide from the battle and reappear after dodgeing Omega's attack. Whatever this is, I could use this techique to defeat Gogo.
Actualy, that's one genius way to do it, but Wow, SO little hp taken every time, I admire him for being this patient:P
Quite a "unique" strategy to beating Omega