AF ScaleModels
AF ScaleModels
  • Видео 80
  • Просмотров 627 245
F-16AM MLU in Ukrainian AF 1/48 Kinetic [full video build]
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Hello everyone.
For your attention, a new video about the assembly of the F-16AM Block 20 in the 48th scale from Kinetiс.
I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for watching!
I will be grateful for the activity under the video - likes,
subscriptions and comments !!!
More video reviews of new products and build of models coming soon !!
All the best!
Yura Shalenny aka fixxxet.
Просмотров: 12 216


Su-25M1 "In constant combat readiness" Eduard 1/48 [full video build]
Просмотров 13 тыс.3 месяца назад
Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - Also become my patrons - More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Video review of the model -видео.html Hello everyone. In this video, I will build...
AH-64D Longbow Apache and many resin:) [full video build]
Просмотров 23 тыс.4 месяца назад
More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - 00:00 - Intro 01:30 - cocpit and 3d decals 05:45 - resin engines 08:37 - resin pilons and fuselage assembly 13:15 - priming, preshading and painting 15:46 - decals, wa...
Eduard Su-25 1/48 [detailed video preview]
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Hello everyone. I am starting a new assembly - Su-25 Frogfoot from Eduard in 1/48 and will briefly share the contents of the box. Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoy...
F/A-18E Super Hornet 1/48 Meng "A Super Bug on an carrier" [full video build]
Просмотров 23 тыс.10 месяцев назад
More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - Hi to all! In this video I build my first United States aircraft model. It will be a legendary jet based on an aircraft carrier. The plane has undergone many modificat...
Su-17M4R 1/48 HobbyBoss Ukr Air Force "A lost generation"
Просмотров 31 тыс.Год назад
More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - The result and the assembly in the video I hope you enjoy it. I will be grateful for the activity under the video - likes, subscriptions and comments !!! More vi...
"On combat duty" Ukrainian Su-27 Flanker 1/144 scale diorama [full video build]
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - Link to the video that inspired me -видео.html Hi to all! Video about building a little Flanker and diorama for him. The result of the a...
"Right on target" Ukraine's Maritime Drone 1/35 MikroMir
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.Год назад
Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Hello everybody! In this video I will again practice creating dioramas of the sea. The basic idea is a new product from MikroMir, the Ukrainian maritime drone in the 3...
"Sea Combat Dragonfly" Ka-27PL Helix 1/48 HobbyBoss Part 2 Final
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
More interesting photos here - af_scalemodels Become a sponsor, support the channel to improve the quality of videos and the regularity of new videos. THANK YOU!!! - The first part is here -видео.html Hello everybody! The final part of assembly and painting. In this video, I finally finished the "drag...
Building Kamov Ka-27PL Helix 1/48 HobbyBoss Part 1
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F-16C on Ukraine Service What if... 1/72 [full video build]
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Su-24M Trumpeter 1/72 on landing [full video build](ukr sub)
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  • @dattarcadeep
    @dattarcadeep 3 дня назад

    Congratulations on the high quality build & fantastic weathering. I have the same kit and plan to build in Indian Navy colours. Will be taking lot of clues from your video, thanks.

  • @Viperrm64
    @Viperrm64 5 дней назад

    Beautiful model, hopefully someone will bring out aftermarket special Ukraine Viper "pylons" which only Ukraine F-16's have as an upgrade to their defence against SAM's and other AAM's.

  • @juliocalvo1940
    @juliocalvo1940 9 дней назад

    Beatifull model 😍

  • @malkontent21
    @malkontent21 10 дней назад

    Poor, banderman. WOŁYŃ REMEMBER.

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels 10 дней назад

      Biedny facet, wygląda na to, że nie masz 90 lat, żeby wiedzieć i pamiętać, co się tam wydarzyło.

  • @Bumblebeeamdsenin4580
    @Bumblebeeamdsenin4580 10 дней назад

    I love the bumblebee custom painting

  • @stevehammond9156
    @stevehammond9156 11 дней назад

    $60 for the kit and twice that for all the aftermarket stuff. That is just insane. Most of that stuff you got resin for can be improved with a little scratch building. Try being a _MODELER_ not just an _ASSEMBLER_ . The method of pre-shading that you use is very time consuming. It is much better to use the gray primer and microfiller and then airbrush black lines over it. You spent all that money on resin but complain of the smell of lacquers. I suggest you get yourself a spraybooth and vent it to the outside. That way you are not painting all over your work area and won't have to deal with the smell. Lastly, American choppers are not painted olive drab, they are painted Helo drab which is a darker green. Also, the blades on an Apache are not painted black, they are painted dark gray.

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels 11 дней назад

      Thanks for the feedback and criticism, but... Most of what you wrote is nonsense. The model with all the additions cost me $60. There are such inaccuracies and simplifications on this model that ordinary scratching cannot fix. Everything is correct - I am a MODELIST who ASSEMBLING models and not collects boxes of plastic. Regarding preshading, I will say that everyone goes their own way and everyone does as they please. The paint booth, which I have, by the way, does not save from the smell at the moment when the lacquers are being prepared for application and I do not like the smell itself, so I use a respirator, which I advise you to do. The colors are a controversial issue and this is not the place to discuss. I have looked at thousands of photos and videos of Apaches and I will say that there is no single standard color, and over time, after long-term operation, it is difficult to find two helicopters that are very similar to each other. Thanks again for the feedback.

    • @stevehammond9156
      @stevehammond9156 11 дней назад

      @@AF921ScaleModels I was an Air Assault Infantryman for 22 of my 26 years in the Army. I have flown in Hueys, Blackhawks, Shithooks and Little Birds. We were around Apache's all the time. Never once in that entire time did I ever see an Army chopper besides Huey's and Cobras that were painted in OD. It is not a controversial issue, they are all painted in Army Helo Drab CARC. I mix, spray and clean all paint, acrylic, enamel and lacquer in my double spray booth with both fans going. My wife has walked in many times and says she never smells anything. I suggest you get a better spray booth. And if you rely on other people's work rather than using your own scratch building, you _are_ and assembler rather than a modeler.

    • @scottmurphy650
      @scottmurphy650 11 дней назад

      @@AF921ScaleModels Actually I would say what Steve wrote is quite accurate. I agree that there are modelers and there are assemblers. To use that much resin clearly puts you in the "assembler" category. And what is _really_ nonsense is your statement _"There are such inaccuracies and simplifications on this model that ordinary scratching cannot fix."_ . There is _nothing_ that cannot be fixed with the appropriate amount of scratch building if you are a skilled modeler. I built the old 1980's Revell 1/32 Apache back in 1996 and pretty much rebuilt the whole kit because it was far simpler than the 1/48 Hasegawa one. It took Best in Class and Best in Show at the 2000 IPMS Nationals. I lived 20 minutes from FT Rucker and knew people that let me take hundreds of reference photos. I did this WIP website in 1996, so it is pretty simple and the photos not the best, but it details everything I did to that old kit. THIS is real modeling, not using other people's work. If a model has shortcomings, and all do, FIX IT YOURSELF. And Steve is right, no Army choppers were painted OD after Vietnam.

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels 11 дней назад

      @@scottmurphy650 Everyone has their own vision. This is what makes the 90s different from modern times, that back then there weren't so many additions to models and you had to do everything yourself. I remember those times well. Yes, you're right, in principle you can fix a lot on a model, but the time spent... is it worth it? You yourself wrote the number of hours in the description, and I created my model in 30-40 hours. I don't want to spend half my life assembling one model. Maybe someday I'll retire and build models day and night, but now I only have 2-3 hours a day to do what I love. And my goal was not to create a perfect copy of Apache, it's impossible to create one. I just wanted to quickly correct the inaccuracies that the manufacturer made in the model. And I don't claim prizes and don't put the model up for a competition, I don't brag that this is the best model in front of everyone - I assemble models for myself and share the process and the result with everyone. You have made many open technical compartments on your model yourself, spent hundreds of hours, I wonder how much the geometry of the model corresponds to a real helicopter? I say again - everyone assembles models as they want, there are no single rules. You did not come up with scale modeling and did not write the rules for assembling models and you have no right to call someone a modeler and someone simply ASSEMBLER. This is your opinion and keep it to yourself. All the best...

  • @fighterace316
    @fighterace316 12 дней назад

    Beautiful Ukrainian Viper mate, I have a project in mind to make a Israeli F-16A Netz with this kit

  • @KennethTheModelBuilderGuerrero
    @KennethTheModelBuilderGuerrero 13 дней назад

    I've been inspired to build this jet now that I have seen your video. I happen to have this kit in my stash and pulled it out to take a closer look at it.

  • @samsungtab6877
    @samsungtab6877 15 дней назад


  • @JackRoadkill
    @JackRoadkill 18 дней назад

    Excellent build! Much love from your friends in the UK; Slava Ukrainii!

  • @Aerospotter.
    @Aerospotter. 20 дней назад

    Щойно купив цю модель, було б чудово, якби відео її створення було випущено, я беруся за створення моделей українських ВПС

  • @VolodymyrGryniuk
    @VolodymyrGryniuk 23 дня назад

    З йодом гарна ідея. А Міраж 2000 прикупив?)

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels 23 дня назад

      Привіт. Ще ні. Ще невідомо точно яка модифікація буде. Говорять ніби 2000-5 але це не точно)

    • @VolodymyrGryniuk
      @VolodymyrGryniuk 23 дня назад

      @@AF921ScaleModels маю в колекції ІІІС і F1, не то щоб мені 2000 дуже подобався, але як буде український, то мус зробити

  • @alegogo2911
    @alegogo2911 25 дней назад

    Any brand that makes pre colored kits? I want to build a model like this but i dont have the skill, patience and resources to paint it myself 😖

  • @fuckingchina884
    @fuckingchina884 25 дней назад

    Why are you not fighting and only making money? Do you not care if others die? Are you a neo-Nazi too?

    • @Tom-g9p9z
      @Tom-g9p9z 25 дней назад

      Why are you so so stupid?

  • @modelfan87
    @modelfan87 26 дней назад

    Думаю тоже собрать 16й в украинской ливрее, чтобы подорвать жопы в нашем российском сообществе моделистов))

    • @Superape
      @Superape 25 дней назад

      Даа, Z моделисты спокойными не остануться))

    • @Tom-g9p9z
      @Tom-g9p9z 25 дней назад

      I recommend to you build a lot of models of russian Ka-52, Su-34, T-90 ect. One model for the one lost in Ukraine. You will have too much to do in your model community and perhaps you will realize stupidity of russia :D

  • @lamyzockt
    @lamyzockt 26 дней назад

    very well done

  • @calvingifford9442
    @calvingifford9442 27 дней назад

    Fantastic work! I have planned a UAF Viper in 1/72. Glad to know someone makes the ecm equipped pylons in 1/48. Slava Ukraini!!

  • @TukaihaHithlec
    @TukaihaHithlec 27 дней назад

    Loved the video! My ancestors left Ukraine over a hundred years ago and where I live has among the highest concentrations of Ukrainian descendants outside Europe, so I’m glad my country supports Ukraine today! 🇨🇦🤝🇺🇦

  • @briansonnenfelt7125
    @briansonnenfelt7125 28 дней назад

    Looks awesome. Not all vipers have thr smoked canopy here, only the ones that have the Have Glass paint scheme. But, as with all models, its the modelers choice. Ive built several Vipers this way, cuz i think it looks better

    • @flick_shot_5625
      @flick_shot_5625 27 дней назад

      as far as im aware most F16's have a sort of gold smoked canopy to protect against radar stuff and UV from the sun.

  • @RaduB.
    @RaduB. 28 дней назад

    Nice! 👍 Good thing that Kinetic remade their F-16. Their first edition was almost appalling... It looks fine in ukrainian colours. I wish you all the best and a decisive victory for Ukraine!

  • @HummerPoint
    @HummerPoint 29 дней назад

    Класна англійська в тебе і руки схоже теж з правильного місця😅

  • @Olympman-un7ff
    @Olympman-un7ff 29 дней назад

    Интересный лайфхак с йодом в лаке. Результат достойный.

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels 29 дней назад

      Дякую за відгук. Чесно кажучи йод то експеримент який ще триває. Є можливість того що він з часом втратить колір.

  • @justin8894
    @justin8894 29 дней назад

    Does it come with the pilot’s gravestone? 😂🇺🇸

    • @jernejfunkl8300
      @jernejfunkl8300 29 дней назад

      Completely inappropriate message :(

    • @jkoeberli
      @jkoeberli 29 дней назад

      with the russian pilot's gravestone, yes ;)

    • @Jimmythefish577
      @Jimmythefish577 28 дней назад

      @@jernejfunkl8300it’s true though isn’t it?

    • @МихаилБаринов
      @МихаилБаринов 25 дней назад

      К каждому самолету в комплекте поставляется пианино

    • @lorenzcassidy3960
      @lorenzcassidy3960 6 дней назад

      Are you born such an asshole or have you studied to become one?

  • @edmachado22
    @edmachado22 Месяц назад

    Fantastic looking Viper, well done 👌 💙💛 💪

  • @Blowinshiddup
    @Blowinshiddup Месяц назад

    The Canadian government picked the CF-18 Hornet over the F-16, despite the cost difference. Recently we purchased used F/A-18s from Australia to supplement the fleet as attrition reduced our numbers. The F-16 would have been the better choice in my view.

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Thanks for the feedback. Big and heavy multi-role fighters for your big country are better in my opinion. The F-16 cannot lift such a load and does not have the same range as the 18.

    • @Blowinshiddup
      @Blowinshiddup Месяц назад

      I never directly worked on the CF-18 when I was in the air force, too short to load the AIM-9 on the wingtips... we have made them work for 40 years, but it's way overdue for replacement!

  • @user-tl5fi9lz9z
    @user-tl5fi9lz9z Месяц назад

    Very very nice. You are a great model builder. I especially like how you treated the canopy to make it look gold.

  • @paulhargreaves1497
    @paulhargreaves1497 Месяц назад

    Rush Models (Ukr) do a dedicated decal set, plus it includes the ECIPS pylon. Super job here! Slava Ukraini. OOps..made the comment before the end of the video!

  • @janvanleeuwen1700
    @janvanleeuwen1700 Месяц назад

    You did a great job on your 'Viper' !!! One minor thing : the Danish vipers had no transmitter/receivers on their leading edge flaps.... Forgot to remove them ? Further only compliments !!!

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Thanks for the feedback. Actually they are. If you find a photo of this plane still in Denmark, its registration number was E-599, there are these ttransmitter/receivers on their leading edge flaps.

    • @janvanleeuwen1700
      @janvanleeuwen1700 Месяц назад

      I just studyd some 24 pictures of the E-599 and this one had no rec/trans on it's flaps...

    • @janvanleeuwen1700
      @janvanleeuwen1700 Месяц назад

      The only one i could find was the E-006

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад


    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад


  • @Marshal976
    @Marshal976 Месяц назад

    Thanks for the video, it's turned out awesome. New subscriber!

  • @lesthiele4921
    @lesthiele4921 Месяц назад

    Good morning Yura, that was a absolutely fantastic build, I do like the look and toughness of the F-16, congratulations this build, I hope that all Ukrainians will know TOTAL PEACE again soon, very best regards from Australia, Les

  • @ASIFMUSAYEV-jb5gr
    @ASIFMUSAYEV-jb5gr Месяц назад


  • @pencomnobo
    @pencomnobo Месяц назад

    Дуже крута модель! Йод не міняе з часом колір?

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Дякую за відгук. Йод наразі тримається, але мені здається що як і в бутилці з футурою втратить колір з часом.

  • @richardjordan5036
    @richardjordan5036 Месяц назад

    Very nice build on the f 16 . Worth watching to me.....😊😊😊😊

  • @Poopster4U
    @Poopster4U Месяц назад

    Amazing job!

  • @devorer77
    @devorer77 Месяц назад

    Чудова работа! Amazing job!

  • @kaytrell
    @kaytrell Месяц назад

    Fantastic - now, when are you going to join your countrymen and actually do something to defend your country (apart from replaying speeches your idiot president is making, praising our help, asking for more money and weapons and then blam us for your own demise)? You don't sound under-aged (below 16) so you are viable to be a conscript - if you did your duty in Ukraine and served with dignity (I somehow doubt that) I apologize sincerely - If you are somehow disabled, I apologize again but from what I hear from Kyiv, even the disabilities are nowadays rarely a case to be excluded from the draft - your disability has to be pretty severe in order not to be drafted (again, if that is the case, I am very, very sorry for being so direct and blunt but while other people round the world volunteer to help and fight for your Ukraine, I see people like you playing with plastic). Considering the way you speak English, I would dare to say you have lived in the USA (or you are still living), or someone is doing your voice-overs Yura because you claim to originate from Ukraine... So if you are Yura, from Ukraine, I was wondering how long are you gonna play with plastic toys and start doing something to change the appealing situation Ukraine is finding herself in? That plastic F-16A ain't gonna impress or scare Uncle Vanya one bit!

    • @superfamilyallosauridae6505
      @superfamilyallosauridae6505 Месяц назад

      He has been modelling since 1999 according to his bio. That would make him a fossil. If he is out of Ukraine, he has probably been out of the country for quite some time. He could also be contributing to the defense of Ukraine without being in the trenches, and still having time to make models. Lots of work to do to support militaries.

    • @kaytrell
      @kaytrell Месяц назад

      @@superfamilyallosauridae6505 According to current news, that remains to be seen how much work will be left - with this tempo, and with all them front-lines rapidly collapsing as they are, Uncle Vanya could be in Kharkiv, Kherson, Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia by spring and for that reason, no one is a fossil! Judging by his hands he is not older than 50, 55 making him eligible to serve - currently his playing with plastic is doing little to comfort thousands that die daily - I would rather showcase exactly what I am doing to contribute my country by not being in the trenches! Playing with plastic at this moment, streaming idiotic messages from an moronic president is certainly not helping Ukrainian cause!

    • @joeshmoe9978
      @joeshmoe9978 Месяц назад

      ​@@kaytrellyet you have time to watch plastic model videos? 🤔

    • @kaytrell
      @kaytrell Месяц назад

      @@joeshmoe9978 I'm a 'Kraut' Yank, I don't need to consider defending my country at this point in time, yet, I am worried that while some play with plastic toys, others die! And yes, I have time to watch plastic model videos... How 'bout you?

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Greetings! Sitting at home in a safe country thousands of miles away, you can better see what and where I should be doing and how best to do for me and the people of my country. Please do not insult my president, he was elected by my people with 75% of the votes, unlike yours. And if it wasn't for him, the country wouldn't exist anymore. And your messages are exactly the same as those of the ruzzian fascists - they also constantly say what we should do. The whole country is asking for help, and the whole country is now working at the front. And we are asking because in 1994 nuclear weapons were abandoned at the request of several countries, and your country was one of them. If the nucleus had remained, there would have been no war. In order to defeat the Nazis from the east, not everyone should sit in the trenches. In addition to the trenches, there is still a lot of work for the country to live and function as a country and not as a military unit. So my request to you is to take care of your country and the politicians in your country. And don't forget to support Ukraine. If my country falls, the ruzzians will not stop and you and your children will have to fight in the future. After all, war is such a thing today and tomorrow you have it. Think about it.

  • @R.A.V.E.Design
    @R.A.V.E.Design Месяц назад

    Я слышал, что один такой устаревший литак уже сам упал без помощи ПВО РФ...

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      А я чув що ти заблукав. Ти маєш бути на рутубі а не тут... йди своєю дорогою!

    • @R.A.V.E.Design
      @R.A.V.E.Design Месяц назад

      @AF921ScaleModels Ютуб - это чисто украинский видеохостинг, как ф-16?

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      @@R.A.V.E.Design Ютуб як і F-16 західні, культуру якого ми підтримуєм, і користуємось, це ти і твоя азійська країна проти всього західного а свого нічого зробити не можете, до цього моменту користуєтесь спадщиної совка. Без зарубіжних компонентів всі сучасні вироби твого мордору - шматок лайна. Гордишся своєю країною? Цікаво чиї приціли стоять на сучасних Су-30 та 35??? Хм.... Французкі? Навігаційні плати в ракетах що вбтвають дітей??? Китайські...йди своєю дорогою патріот своєй страни...

    • @joeshmoe9978
      @joeshmoe9978 Месяц назад

      Source: "trust me bro!"

    • @user-gg3mr4so8e
      @user-gg3mr4so8e Месяц назад

      @@AF921ScaleModels Разхрюкался🤣Нация попрошаек🤣...иди в окоп патриот))))или сидишь в польше клубнику собираешь?🤣🤣🤣

  • @kiethpederson7558
    @kiethpederson7558 Месяц назад

    Can't believe this day and age in the price of these kids they still can't get the mold team off of the canopies- sad

  • @j.heilig7239
    @j.heilig7239 Месяц назад

    Nice work! Slava Ukraini!

  • @neilhaas
    @neilhaas Месяц назад

    Love jets very nice

  • @bartoszpaweczyk8252
    @bartoszpaweczyk8252 Месяц назад

    Great job - I have identical project to start soon. I bought exactly the same kit. My plan is to use Ukrainian decals from few previous kits but I am not sure now they will fit well. But your video gave me few tips what to look for. Slava Ukrainie!

  • @RedeemeR_U2K
    @RedeemeR_U2K Месяц назад

    Норм з коментарями, було би добре з Українськими.

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Каналів з українськими коментарями є достатньо. Ідея мого каналу пропагувати Україну у світ. Моя англійська дуже примітивна тому я думаю що не проблема її зрозуміти навіть з мінімальним знанням.

    • @RedeemeR_U2K
      @RedeemeR_U2K Месяц назад

      @@AF921ScaleModels наманя :).

  • @luispacheco6807
    @luispacheco6807 Месяц назад

    What´s the blue and yellow paint references ? Thanks

  • @GP15Connoisseur
    @GP15Connoisseur Месяц назад

    This is impressive! Well done! Hello from the good ol’ USA 💙 🇺🇸🇺🇦

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Thanks for your support and feedback! Hello from Ukraine!

  • @apathtrampledbydeer8446
    @apathtrampledbydeer8446 Месяц назад

    It looks great!

  • @slavkingsxr
    @slavkingsxr Месяц назад

    Неперевершено! Візьму вашу модель як референс для свого українського F-16 👍

  • @IntergalacticViking
    @IntergalacticViking Месяц назад

    Looks fantastic. I enjoyed the entire video!

  • @recreanazaza2581
    @recreanazaza2581 Месяц назад

    Дуже круто, де ти купуєш допи для моделей? ну крім "рескіт" звісно))

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Дякую за відгук. Різні виробники у різних магазинах. Маю в закладках близько 15 онлайн магазинів з України там і шукаю. Дещо під замовлення можу чекати декілька днів а то і тижнів. Саме довше до мене їхало травлення на Ка-27 - близько 2 місяців. Сам за кордоном зараз нічого не замовляю тільки через наші інтернет-магазини. Трохи дорожче але ризиків немає - оплата тільки по прибутю товару.

    • @recreanazaza2581
      @recreanazaza2581 Месяц назад

      @AF921ScaleModels зрозумів, дякую!)

  • @normangruss4426
    @normangruss4426 Месяц назад

    What a pleasure to see such a beautiful model of the F-16 being created. The new Kinetic kits look really good and the fit seems to be excellent? I hope that there will be a chance for peace in your country in the near future. Thank you for the video and I hope to continue to see such beautiful models.

    • @AF921ScaleModels
      @AF921ScaleModels Месяц назад

      Thanks for the feedback. All of us in Ukraine hope for a just peace for our country. Thank you!