- Видео 47
- Просмотров 13 337
Code Strong
Добавлен 25 сен 2017
I build cool projects and share my learnings ✨
Making an ISS (International Space Station) Tracker.🚀 #iss #project
In this video, I have shown how you can build your own ISS(International Space Station) tracker using a NodeMCU board.
Link to the Code - github.com/Pushpendra766/spot-ISS/...
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - Hardware
01:36 - Coding
03:12 - Testing
04:10 - Outro
Deep Space Samurai - Forever Sunset
Amber Lights - Chill Cole
electronics project
robotics project
east side engineer
track iss
spot iss
space and technology
nasa live
iss live
international space station
earth from space
how to track is
live shoot is
see iss with your eyes
International Space Station
how to spot Space Station from your home
Space Station live
iss live
International Space Station f...
Link to the Code - github.com/Pushpendra766/spot-ISS/...
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - Hardware
01:36 - Coding
03:12 - Testing
04:10 - Outro
Deep Space Samurai - Forever Sunset
Amber Lights - Chill Cole
electronics project
robotics project
east side engineer
track iss
spot iss
space and technology
nasa live
iss live
international space station
earth from space
how to track is
live shoot is
see iss with your eyes
International Space Station
how to spot Space Station from your home
Space Station live
iss live
International Space Station f...
Просмотров: 780
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Cool project
How is this not famous , its amazing!!
@@MinexGamer30426 Thanks bro❤️
Subscribed ❤
Thanks man!
nice work bro
Thanks bro
Just sign in for notification in NASA site.
I’m cooked bruh. I couldn’t solve it 😭
Too bad there was music and no explanation of the code as you wrote it.
Hey bro!!!ur efforts are good but try to explain ur code as well in parallel....👍👍
Really cool bri
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made my day . have been tired to find this code ..thnkyou
Enjoy Coding.....