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爱国爱澳名人说⑤ | 尤肖吾:苏澳携手,未来可期
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爱国爱澳名人说③ | 许敖敖:集聚人才,向“新”而行
Просмотров 6День назад
如今,澳门在太空科学、微电子技术、中药质量研究等领域已经有了相当扎实的基础,高水平科研成果不断涌现,科技创新成为澳门的崭新名片,许敖敖是重要见证者、亲历者、参与者之一。 2002年,许敖敖卸 南京大学领导后,应邀加入刚成立两年多的澳门科技大学,2003年元旦出 校长,为澳门科技大学的科学研究和人才培养辛勤耕耘,让澳科大不到十年时间,就成为海峡两岸暨香港、澳门最年轻的百强大学。澳门科技大学月球与行星科学国家重点实验室为“嫦娥工程”“天问工程”作出了重要贡献,参与由国家航天局与澳门特区政府合作发射的“澳科一号”卫星更是彰显澳门高科技发展水平的亮点,获得了习近平主席的来信赞许和鼓励。对此,许敖敖认为,人才是第一资源,发展新质生产力特别需要优秀的创新人才,希望未来有更多的国家化人才聚集澳门,为澳门的科技创新带来更多可能。
爱国爱澳名人说④ | 刘骏:多元共融,教育兴澳
Просмотров 7День назад
在澳门,高等学府不仅是知识的殿堂,也是东西方文化交融的桥梁,澳门的教育体系以其高度的国际化和多元化著称,使得学生无需远行即可接触到最前沿的知识和技术。澳门城市大学校长刘骏同时也是世界英语教育研究基金会主席、世界汉语教师协会副会长,以及福布斯中国最具影响力华人精英之一,拥有超过40年的外语教学经验,在美国三所顶尖高校做过副校长,因其杰出贡献和个人魅力,刘骏在网络上被众多网友亲切地称为“男神校长”。 本着“澳门特色、中国灵魂、国际视野”12个字的办学方向,澳门城市大学不仅关注学生的专业知识技能训练,还注重塑造他们的综合素质,旨在培养既了解本土又具备国际竞争力的新时代人才。 “我是江苏人,对家乡的情怀始终流淌在我的血液中,我到了澳门,特别希望看到江苏与澳门之间的联系更加密切。”刘校长的经历和视野无疑为探讨如何进一步提升澳门乃至更广泛区域内教育品质提供了宝贵的视角。
Просмотров 20День назад
江苏与澳门两地虽相距1500公里,却交往密切、情谊绵长,各领域合作不断深化。两地架起友谊之桥,离不开那些努力推动交流合作的人,岑展平就是其中之一。2014年,澳门江苏联谊会成立,岑展平担 会长,之后,他每年都组织开展近30场交流活动,从经贸合作、文化交流、青少年创业、国情教育等各方面持续拓展和深化苏澳之间的交流合作。 江苏省政协常委、澳门江苏联谊会理事长岑定贤是岑展平的女儿,十几年前,她就开始与父亲一起组织参与苏澳交流活动,组织带领了一批又一批澳门的学生到江苏各地考察访问,还邀请江苏的学生访问澳门,加深了解,增进彼此认同。在岑定贤看来,如今澳门的发展日新月异,更加需要加强各领域资源共享和互利合作,共创新时代苏澳融合发展的美好未来,她会带着父亲的期待,将爱国爱澳精神不断传承和发展。 Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East Chin...
Просмотров 1День назад
澳门自回归祖国以来,开创了前所未有的发展机遇和发展速度,逐渐成长为一个充满活力且多元化的国际旅游休闲中心,以其强大的经济实力吸引着世界的目光。 在这个转型过程中,澳门工商界发挥了至关重要的作用,他们不仅助力澳门优化升级经济结构,更推动了城市向多元化、国际化方向稳步前进,彰显出无限潜力与活力。 在澳门,谈起何敬麟,熟悉他的人总会说,“他十分低调务实,是典型的实干家” ,而何敬麟对自己的定义则是“超级联络人”。2009年澳门工商联会成立,15年来,聚集了一大批爱国爱澳的企业家,推动澳门与内地及海外多个地区在经济、科技创新、文化等领域开展交流合作。 Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To connect Jiangsu with the world, we ar...
Path Seekers bonus | 不仅南北风味融合,还有中西口味混搭 Foodies' choice in Suzhou
Просмотров 9День назад
是徒步伙伴,也是干饭搭子。休息间隙,法国帅哥麦子(Matthieu Ventelon)与两位中国伙伴分享美食心得。淋上灵魂浇头的苏式面条,南京博物院名誉院长龚良的最爱;黄油法棍配果酱,麦子的早餐必选。如果早起太难,那就买个豆沙包!运河带来交流融合,一种食材,多元风味,在苏州,异乡的人们也总能找到熟悉的味道。 Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To connect Jiangsu with the world, we are reaching out on RUclips to present the profound history, unique culture, the modern charm and touching human stories h...
Path Seekers bonus | “苏州好风光!” Welcome to Suzhou!
Просмотров 422 часа назад
如果用一句话形容苏州,你会怎么说?“城里有园林,城外有水乡,苏州好风光。”泛舟山塘,苏州姑娘茅澄怡唱起了这首苏州人再熟悉不过的歌曲。“苏州蛮灵格!”这是法国帅哥麦子(Matthieu Ventelon)刚学会的一句方言。麦子说,他眼中的苏州古典又现代,快节奏与慢生活并存,看似复杂矛盾,其实和谐多元。 Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To connect Jiangsu with the world, we are reaching out on RUclips to present the profound history, unique culture, the modern charm and touching human stories happe...
Path Seekers bonus | “苏州和图卢兹真的很像!” Pont Neuf in Toulouse & Xin Shi Qiao in Suzhou
Просмотров 322 часа назад
“都是运河沿线,都有很多的桥,这里和图卢兹真的很像!”从法国来的麦子(Matthieu Ventelon)对苏州感到“熟悉”又“亲近”,生活在这里让他经常想到家乡图卢兹。麦子说,每天上班经过的新市桥和图卢兹的“新桥”(Pont Neuf)不仅名字相似,周围的环境也十分相近。 Living in Suzhou for 7 years, the bridges around the city often reminds Matthieu of his hometown Toulouse in France. Check out his findings! Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To connect Jiangsu with the world, w...
Path Seekers bonus | 金发“美女”原来是个“中国人” Surprises in cultural shock
Просмотров 214День назад
文化的差异和碰撞反而会得到意想不到的收获。当中国老师傅遇上法国艺术家,他们的合作会产生什么样的火花?这件雕塑作品告诉你。 What surprises will there be when a French artist cooperates with a Chinese porcelain craftsman? Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To connect Jiangsu with the world, we are reaching out on RUclips to present the profound history, unique culture, the modern charm and touching human storie...
Path Seekers bonus | 景德镇有一群“洋景漂” Ancient "Porcelain Capital" & international artists
Просмотров 3День назад
“千年瓷都”景德镇对于外国陶艺家来说,是一个什么样的存在?美国陶瓷艺术家迈克尔说,“它是陶艺家学习的首选之地。” A newly established ceramics culture hub in Jingdezhen, the ancient "Porcelain Capital" in China, Taoxichuan Jingdezhen International Studio is attracting artists from around the world. Let’s meet some of them to discover the Jingdezhen in their eyes. Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To con...
Path Seekers bonus | 古老的干草包装在现代还受欢迎吗?What are these hay packages?
Просмотров 12День назад
瓷器易碎,干草包装是制瓷72道工序中的其中一道。古老的智慧今天看来依旧很厉害,开弥迫不及待地向观众展示。 Packing porcelain with hay was once an important procedure in the porcelain industry in Jingdezhen, famed as China's porcelain capital. And the old wisdom is still attractive to Camille. Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To connect Jiangsu with the world, we are reaching out on RUclips to presen...
Path Seekers bonus | 高岭古道上有座“接夫亭” Why is there a pavilion on the Kaolin Road?
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古代高岭山矿工因山高路远,长期不能回家。高岭古道每2.5公里设亭一座,名为“接夫亭”。这个亭子作用几何?听法国艺术家开弥的合理猜想。 There is a pavilion along the Kaolin Road in Jingdezhen. What was the pavilion made for? Camille just let her imagination go wild~ Subscribe us to catch the unique vibes in East China’s Jiangsu Province! About us To connect Jiangsu with the world, we are reaching out on RUclips to present the profound history, unique culture, th...
Path Seekers bonus | 古蜀道上,千年古柏仍苍翠
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中国援非医疗队已经next level了!Reality show “Divas Hit the Road” visits Chinese Medical Team in Zanzibar
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  • @apollozhao1895
    @apollozhao1895 День назад


  • @DocWeiPhysio
    @DocWeiPhysio 10 дней назад

    Sometimes the journey itself is the answer. Love seeing these stories about China’s rich history and culture!

  • @ChôĐèoVawntv
    @ChôĐèoVawntv 10 дней назад


  • @alaincouvidat8884
    @alaincouvidat8884 11 дней назад

    Bravo et Félicitations au réalisateur, cameraman, preneur de son, musique… et aux acteurs, notamment l’expert Mr Gong Liang et le directeur d’alliance Française, Mr David Couvidat

  • @_ANGeee
    @_ANGeee 14 дней назад

    4:56 It’s interesting when the professor talks about playing Polo, David is wearing a polo😆

  • @alextan6551
    @alextan6551 20 дней назад


  • @aoshituiyou
    @aoshituiyou 27 дней назад


  • @ТаняАгелова
    @ТаняАгелова Месяц назад

    Я хочу этот шедевр попробовать

  • @ANGee_Channel
    @ANGee_Channel 2 месяца назад

    The music played with applause is titled 花好月圆 -- blooming flowers in the full moon-- a pleansant wish!

  • @wasswaedwin3418
    @wasswaedwin3418 3 месяца назад

    China and friendships forever

  • @ANGee_Channel
    @ANGee_Channel 4 месяца назад

    The whole process looks easy but definitely needs experience to know the right timing for each step. And the weight 357g for each cake is full of wisdom - 7 cakes make 2.5 kg, which is easy to count and transport!

  • @jiangsuyouth
    @jiangsuyouth 4 месяца назад

    Let’s explore the Chinese tea culture together!

  • @ZhongyuanLi-u4p
    @ZhongyuanLi-u4p 4 месяца назад


  • @catwhite4981
    @catwhite4981 8 месяцев назад


  • @_ANGeee
    @_ANGeee 11 месяцев назад

    0:57 Jessica looks great in Chinese style wedding gown!

  • @chrismageephotographyvideo3160

    A beautiful video about Chris Hankin, a descendant of a hero, that deepened my understanding of his great grandfather's selfless work to protect civilians in Nanjing in 1937. How great that Chris Hankin can also speak the Chinese language so fluently and thus connect more deeply with the people of Nanjing.

    • @JiangsuNow
      @JiangsuNow Год назад

      Thank you Magee! Good will speaks for itself and will be understood and remembered. You are always welcome to Nanjing and to China!

  • @jwh0986
    @jwh0986 Год назад


  • @燕北山前萬梅山莊主人


  • @tomsunuwar6940
    @tomsunuwar6940 Год назад

    Amazing Nanking ❤

  • @delcinedamann5000
    @delcinedamann5000 Год назад

    "PromoSM" 😪

  • @koreanature
    @koreanature Год назад

    My best friend, Wonderful video dear. I enjoyed watching. Hope to see you soon...

  • @koreanature
    @koreanature Год назад

    My best friend, Wonderful video dear. I enjoyed watching. Hope to see you soon...

  • @leichen3087
    @leichen3087 Год назад

    这位戴眼镜的姑娘听话根本不是苏州人,你的女老师是正宗苏卅人,要学好评弹,必须先学会苏卅话。 一个老苏卅老人的忠言。勉励你

    • @JiangsuNow
      @JiangsuNow Год назад


  • @mattli2274
    @mattli2274 Год назад


  • @chuyanjiang16
    @chuyanjiang16 Год назад

    It was a nice video about dough modeling and intangible cultural heritage

  • @anitaaa720
    @anitaaa720 Год назад

    This is such a wonderful live stream! It is a rare opportunity to learn about paper cutting in detail through live streaming. Thank you for inviting this folk art master, and his careful teaching enables me to experience this ancient and wonderful art of paper cutting first hand.I'm really looking forward to more events like this in the future!😆

    • @JiangsuNow
      @JiangsuNow Год назад

      There are more to come🥳Follow us and stay tuned~

  • @CoLand345
    @CoLand345 Год назад

    good kids

  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda Год назад

    hiya!! total incredible ~ wouuld you like more views?. talk you later~ JiangsuNow-🤘

  • @stevenlow6222
    @stevenlow6222 2 года назад

    Best wishes. Jeiyou

  • @joelmills8106
    @joelmills8106 2 года назад

    ᵖʳᵒᵐᵒˢᵐ 🤪

  • @子明王-v3y
    @子明王-v3y 2 года назад


  • @薰薰小-o2d
    @薰薰小-o2d 2 года назад
