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Thakurs in Europe (One Stop Solution for Expats)
Добавлен 3 дек 2017
This channel is made to get a real time feel to every common man who had dreamt of an overseas trip but no money. Educational video on visa process, travel preparation, first day in new country, challenges, struggle experiences, positive and negative in a country where no one knows you. Overall, you will feel connected as if you are in my place with no edited drama. So, stay connected with my channel Thakurs in Europe to get info on: -
1. Visa and travel requirement,
2. Things to do,
3. Pre-Travel preparation
4. Post Landing challenges
5. Life on a foreign land
6. People, Food and places
7. Cost of Loving
8. Comparison with other parts of Country in Europe
9. Comparison with Life and cost of Living in Poland, US, Europe, Australia, Canada, Ireland and other parts of UK.
Enjoy your trip with us on all our next Travel sitting from home.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
Let's support Each other to make World happy and prosperous.
1. Visa and travel requirement,
2. Things to do,
3. Pre-Travel preparation
4. Post Landing challenges
5. Life on a foreign land
6. People, Food and places
7. Cost of Loving
8. Comparison with other parts of Country in Europe
9. Comparison with Life and cost of Living in Poland, US, Europe, Australia, Canada, Ireland and other parts of UK.
Enjoy your trip with us on all our next Travel sitting from home.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
Let's support Each other to make World happy and prosperous.
|Chath Puja 2024| Hindu Festival | India | Bihar |छठी मैया |
छठ पूजा सबसे महत्वपूर्ण त्योहारों में से एक है, जिसमें पृथ्वी पर जीवन को बनाए रखने के लिए सूर्य भगवान के प्रति आभार व्यक्त करने के लिए कठोर अनुष्ठान और उपवास शामिल हैं
पुराणों के अनुसार जब ब्रह्म देव सृष्टि की रचना कर रहे थे, तब उन्होंने खुद को दो भागों में विभाजित कर लिया था. एक भाग पुरुष और दूसरा प्रकृति बना. इसके बाद प्रकृति ने भी खुद को 6 भागों में विभाजित कर लिया, जिसमें से एक भाग छठी मईया हैं. इस तरह छठी मैया देवी मां का छठा अंश हैं और उन्हें प्रकृति की देवी कहा जाता है
छठ महापर्व के इतिहास की बात करें, तो पौराणिक मान्यताओं के मुताबिक, माता सीता जब श्रीराम के साथ वनवास पर थीं, तब उन्होंने पहली बार मुंगेर के तट पर ही छठ पूजन किया था। इसके बाद से छठ पूजन की शुरुआत हुई थी। ऐसे में पूरे ...
पुराणों के अनुसार जब ब्रह्म देव सृष्टि की रचना कर रहे थे, तब उन्होंने खुद को दो भागों में विभाजित कर लिया था. एक भाग पुरुष और दूसरा प्रकृति बना. इसके बाद प्रकृति ने भी खुद को 6 भागों में विभाजित कर लिया, जिसमें से एक भाग छठी मईया हैं. इस तरह छठी मैया देवी मां का छठा अंश हैं और उन्हें प्रकृति की देवी कहा जाता है
छठ महापर्व के इतिहास की बात करें, तो पौराणिक मान्यताओं के मुताबिक, माता सीता जब श्रीराम के साथ वनवास पर थीं, तब उन्होंने पहली बार मुंगेर के तट पर ही छठ पूजन किया था। इसके बाद से छठ पूजन की शुरुआत हुई थी। ऐसे में पूरे ...
Просмотров: 223
|Modi Ji In Poland | Proud Moment |45 years Historical visit | Social Security Announcement |21 Aug|
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Месяц назад
#indianvlogger Event was on 21st Aug 2024 when for the first time in 45 years of history any Prime Minister of India visited Poland. IT was historic proud moment for all the NRI community members. We explored Copernicus Museum, Warsaw University, The Chai Wala additionally on this event. #poland #india #modi #modiji #krakow #indian #IndianDisaporainPoland #warsawindiana #Thakursineurope #histor...
Poland's Best-Kept Secrets: Nowy Sącz, Stary Sącz & Krynica | Travel Vlog Adventure |
Просмотров 4464 месяца назад
Poland's Best-Kept Secrets: Nowy Sącz, Stary Sącz & Krynica | Travel Vlog Adventure Check Index, if you want to explore specific place Where to stay : Koszarka Venue & SPA Gródek nad Dunajcem 24, 33-318 Gródek Nad Dunajcem, Poland or Lemon Resort if you have budget #polandtravel #vacation #beautifulplace #vacationmode #beautifulplacetovisit Contact Leszek for Taxi in Now Sacz, Styary Sacz, and ...
|Karta Pobytu|Poland |Temporary Residence Process| New Born| Elderly Parents| Expats| EU Blue Card |
Просмотров 6446 месяцев назад
| Skip to last 24 minutes for Hindi| Everything about Karta-Pobytu | Poland | Krakow Children below 6 years, no need to visit for application. drive.google.com/drive/folders/12K3pc-ifcEGVWt8bk_7TWcl_1g_1pGAI?usp=sharing Temporary Residence Card karta Pobytu what is karta pobytu in Poland how to get karta pobytu how to check karta pobytu status how to apply for temporary residence card in Poland...
Stunning Drone Views of Krakow: St. Joseph Church, Park Bednarskiego & Summer Picnic | Poland Vlog
Просмотров 3436 месяцев назад
For professional Drone shoot call Vivek 503 731 082 No Pressure to Like, share or Subscribe unless you really liked the Drone shoot, you can reward our friend by hitting like, Subscribe channel for all your expats related queries in Poland. #krakow #stjosephchurchthevara #church #poland #indianinpoland #indianyoutuber #babygirl #baby #celebration #picnic #picnicspot #travel #tourism #tours #par...
| Warsaw | Copernicus Science Centre | Centrum Nauki Kopernik | ROBOT | NASA | Voyager 1| SPACE|
Просмотров 1357 месяцев назад
Copernicus Science Centre is a science museum standing on the bank of the Vistula River in Warsaw, Poland. It contains over 450 interactive exhibits that enable visitors to single-handedly carry out experiments and discover the laws of science for themselves Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20, 00-390 Warszawa www.kopernik.org.pl/ Places to visit in Warsaw : 1. Airbnb in Hala Mirowska or Mokto Pol is a...
|Passport Application|New-born| Embassy |Citizenship Birth Registration | India | Check Description|
Просмотров 6997 месяцев назад
Always Check Description for all Videos, Skip to last 15 minutes for Hindi To check Passport Application status : ppt.warsaw@mea.gov.in cons.warsaw@mea.gov.in To book DPD courier use below link : nadaj.dpd.com.pl/ New Born Baby Passport requires Two main steps : 1. Registering the Birth and applying citizenship from indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/initial?formcode=09 Once Registration complete, ...
| INCOME TAX NOTICE | PIT 37 Correction | Penalty | Payment |Do not Panic | Submit corrected PIT37 |
Просмотров 1527 месяцев назад
Check DESCRIPTION ALWAYS If you have Received Income tax Notice, Do not Panic. Login to below and follow video pz.gov.pl/dt/login/login?ssot=yzxp89p2918wfzdv40wx 00:00 Introduction 07:00 Hindi Version Read the notice, Clear the Objection and Pay the Amount due. VERY IMPORTANT Once you submitted corrected PIT 37, you get an email with Account details to make payment. That Account actually is you...
| Poland Income Tax Return part 2 | 2024 | PIT 11 | Tax Relief | Check Description |
Просмотров 3 тыс.10 месяцев назад
| Skip to last 15 minutes for Hindi | Last Date to submit ITR 30th, April 2024 Please use below KRS and Patient name for donation to Details for Public Benefit Organization which 1.5% of total tax amount paid from your income tax. KRS Number :- KRS0000270809 Patient Name :- MICHNA18858 To File ITR in POLAND, Login to www.podatki.gov.pl/pit/twoj-e... Link to get NIP Details: - wyszukiwarkaregon....
| JUTRO | POZ | NFZ | Family Doctor Poland | Health Care | Medical in Poland | Check Description |
Просмотров 53310 месяцев назад
Skip to last 10 minutes for Hindi To Register Jutro as your Family care Clinic/Doctor using trusted profile, Click on below Referral Link jutromedical.com/webview-rejestracja?partnerId=DHEERAJ Contact 48 122987621 kontakt@jutromedical.com Address Czyżówka 14 street 1. floor 30-526 Cracow 0:00 - Introduction 3:00 - Medical System part 1.1 in Poland To Register Jutro as Family care without Truste...
| Dhruv's 7th Birthday celebration | Krakow |Poland| NON PUBLIC VIDEO | Views are optional |
Просмотров 24010 месяцев назад
This is the video is made for all the guests who participated in the celebration. This has no public information but definitely may be used for entertainment and see how we celebrated birthday in Poland. No need to like, Subscribe or share but It's the matter of choice. Follow for Video on Jutro, Medical part 2, Pregnancy in Poland and medical facilities etc. Bassa Island Game Loop - Latinesque...
|Poland Public Transport (Free, Full & Reduced Fare) | Jakdojade | KKM | PIT Benefit | Chek Descrip
Просмотров 1 тыс.11 месяцев назад
Skip to Last 15 minutes for Hindi (Always Check Description) *Alert, Clarification on reduced and discounted Tickets- Monthly recharge alert * For school kids and elderly - reduced For all other discounted Plz be careful while recharging as they looks same and amount difference for monthly pas is 79.5 and 80 Many people by mistake do 79.5 which is reduced and we are not eligible based on UPO We...
| How to Apply | Newborn Baby Polish Birth Certificate | Types | Online | Offline | Process |
Просмотров 52711 месяцев назад
| How to Apply | Newborn Baby Polish Birth Certificate | Types | Online | Offline | Process |
How to Assign Family Doctor | Medical System in Poland | NFZ | POZ | Check Description for updates |
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.Год назад
How to Assign Family Doctor | Medical System in Poland | NFZ | POZ | Check Description for updates |
How to create Trusted Profile | Poland | Warsaw | Krakow | Check Description |
Просмотров 725Год назад
How to create Trusted Profile | Poland | Warsaw | Krakow | Check Description |
| Polish Police Clearance Certificate | How to Apply | Poland | India | Happy Diwali |
Просмотров 1 тыс.Год назад
| Polish Police Clearance Certificate | How to Apply | Poland | India | Happy Diwali |
|Autumn| 🍁: The season of change, beauty, gratitude & Magic. Enjoy & fall in love 😍❤️ | poland |
Просмотров 416Год назад
|Autumn| 🍁: The season of change, beauty, gratitude & Magic. Enjoy & fall in love 😍❤️ | poland |
| New Poland | |visa Appointment Booking| Process from India - |VFS is handling| Appointment booking
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.Год назад
| New Poland | |visa Appointment Booking| Process from India - |VFS is handling| Appointment booking
PPK | ZUS | NFZ | Retiral Plans | Poland | How to Withdraw PPK | Skip to last 13 minutes for Hindi|
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.Год назад
PPK | ZUS | NFZ | Retiral Plans | Poland | How to Withdraw PPK | Skip to last 13 minutes for Hindi|
| SWITZERLAND | INTERLAKEN SKY DIVING | Exp (INR 66,115/710 CHF) - Check Description for Itinerary)
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| SWITZERLAND | INTERLAKEN SKY DIVING | Exp (INR 66,115/710 CHF) - Check Description for Itinerary)
Celebration of Shri Krishna Janmashtami by INDO-POLISH Devotees at ISKCON KRAKOW, Poland
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Celebration of Shri Krishna Janmashtami by INDO-POLISH Devotees at ISKCON KRAKOW, Poland
| BEST THINGS TO DO ZAKOPANE| Gravity slide | Kasprowy Weirch | Gubałówka |Morskie Oko | | TATRA |
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
| BEST THINGS TO DO ZAKOPANE| Gravity slide | Kasprowy Weirch | Gubałówka |Morskie Oko | | TATRA |
3 Days Katowice Itienrary (Poland Diaries)
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3 Days Katowice Itienrary (Poland Diaries)
Geithoorn, Netherlands: A Fairytales Village - Must add to Amsterdam Itinerary (Check Description)
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"Amsterdam Tulip Gardens: The Vibrant Beauty of Keukenhof & Tulip Fields" - Check Descriptions
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Disneyland Paris & Walt Disney Virtual Trip (Check Description for Itinerary)
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Disneyland Paris & Walt Disney Virtual Trip (Check Description for Itinerary)
Fully informative video, Dheeraj thank you for your time 🙏
Brother, your WhatsApp group link is showing reset . Can you please send me? It ll be very much helpful for me and others too
Sir explain the people that to close residence account in India or Indians living permanently out of India batter tell people to look money Clinic NRI on you tube
Hello, Thanks for video. I have Esaliens24 PPK account, to withdraw money company said that I need to have IKE account to transfer money from PPK to IKE and then from IKE i can withdraw to personal bank account. Do you know how to open IKE account ?
Hallo i can monetize your channle im social media service provider
Recently my second kid is born in india, so is the 12 months applicable in the 2nd kid case
@@rajesh88996 yes if kid is in Poland after birth
jai hind batoge toh katoge ek rahoge toh safe rahoge
Nice video bro
sorry sir, did not understand your comments
do we need take sample form ourselve by printing or they will give empty form ?
@@mac6562 you can download from Google drive link given in description
Today I made the PCC by following this video. It’s easy as described. You just need to follow it. Thank you Sir.
do we need take sample form ourselve by printing or they will give empty form ?
7213 Cleta Courts
wht this means
423 Myrtice Way
9883 Julianne Manors
24537 Osinski Camp
Hi Dheeraj I watched your videos and liked it. it’s really knowledgeable for us. Now I just have a question how to check tax paid by employer for employees every month online??? Is there any link or need to register. Please make video on this if possible as few of us are victims of this situation.
@@alext4804 technically your employer gives you salary slip with all these information and you can also send email to income tax team to get updated information
Really helpful and well explained 👍
3425 Cremin Alley
I have one question bhai, if we are having multiple offer. if all employer will apply for work-permit, will there be any issue in office ?
@@MrSimanchal yes if they are in same viveodship, one will only get approved and remaining will get rejected. So they always ask confirmation before applying. If they are applying in different then may not be an issue
51204 Skiles Tunnel
041 Joshua Lights
04233 Johnson Drive
So we will pay for transit visa fees and also Baggage fees? Two fees right? Ibhave blue card and b1 b2 USA visa
@@casiusclay2987 some dubai based airlines provide free transit visa for 48 hours
The parent's name should be present in the rental agreement for getting the PESEL number for them right?
@@BajjuTheExplorer yes and it will also help you with TRC prpcee
Hey Dheeraj, could you please let me know how to download Tax returns statement required for loans or bank transactions??
@@strangerstranger1770 check last party of video for downloding pit37 form
Thank you for helping and coordinating the event.I got a chance to see PM Modi only because of you.
Superb, joy hind🎉
Do we need rent agreement in polish or English will work?
@@ankurm1478 all docs in Poland works in polish
I have been binge watching your videos today and all were really helpful. However I have a question regarding maternity/child birth. I and my spouse have been living in Poland for sometime now and we both have blue cards. She is working as a teacher. Regarding maternity allowances, is she eligible for maternity allowances if childbirth is planned in India?
@@zaheen5388 yes she is eligible regardless of baby birth status and also if she is not working father is eligible for 32 weeks parental leaves
Thanks for the information, is apostille mandatory of polish birth certificate ??
@@HeyyKhush polish descriptive birth certificate was good enough in my case, but still it's a good idea to drop an email to bassy to double check, email id is given in description
It was a wonderful trip. Nowy Sącz and Krynica are beautiful towns ❤❤ Looking forward to another trip.. 😃
Awesome 👌 ❤
Finally most awaited video. Thanks, Bro
thanks deeraj for such nice informative video.
The indian resident who visiting abroad for tour, can they operate their indian bank accounts from abroad?
@@perrytheplatypus199 yes ofcourse as NRI condition applied only when someone stay overseas for more than 6 months
@@thakursineurope7611 non nri only for visit
@@thakursineurope7611 the stay is less than 182 days
chalo pher se Weather b acha hai or might be new aircraft add ho gaye hoge
The video title should NOT be English, you are misleading the audience.
If you watch full, its covered in both English and HIndi, In later videos, i divided segment, first part English and second part Hindi based on viewer request. Sorry for inconvenience. refer this latest ruclips.net/video/xQzY3WBaQ1k/видео.html
Hello, thank you for very good detail video. It is even valid for most of the part even after 2 years. Where I can file the templates that you mention during video ?
@@DiscoverPlanetWild form is still same, but now visa appointment booking for India is changed to vfs z documents still remains same
Hi, I'm about to leave Poland and it would be great to know how I can withdraw my social security contributions (Pension, disability and sickness ) and health insurance.. if anyone has done it before.
Thanks for the video. I recently withdrawl my PPK funds with the help of your video.
Followed this video step-by-step and I was able to get everything done within 5 minutes of entering the Embassy. Excellent explanation of everything you need for your newborn nationality registration and passport process..
Good to know, thanks for sharing here as it will help reach video to other people in need
Can you advise if i apply for ponalgenie, how fast can i get my TRC ?
what is ponalgenie
@@thakursineurope7611process to speed up your TRC case
Can we get the same in english ?
You can get it translates
Very useful and Thank you for this video. Could you please let me know did you receive the below questionnaire when you submitted the form? Now, when I try to make the online payment, it says the document is finally submitted and the status shows "Application is being processed by Embassy/Mission (Please submit a hardcopy of application)." How can I make the online payment without visiting the embassy? WHERE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION: - Applying Country: Poland - Indian Embassy/Indian Mission: POLAND-WARSAW
Sorry the question is not clear , but yes applying country is poland Warsaw embassy , if you are unable to pay online then you can visit embassy and pay their by card for passport and also for birth registration, hen I visited their machine was not working, so they have an account number where I did online payment and sent them email withbscreenshot
Oh, Ok.. I followed all the steps, modified the form, and uploaded the documents. However, when I tried clicking the online payment tab again and searched for the application number, it showed that the final submission was complete and the online payment option didn't appear. When I checked the status, it asked me to visit the embassy. Since you mentioned that you got the confirmation right after making the online payment, I thought I might be doing something wrong, causing the system to ask me to visit the embassy.
@@aswini.vijayakumar I heard issues from some people , so don't worry it's normal, anyways when you will go to apppybpassport you can pay them
@@thakursineurope7611 thank you !!
Hi Dheeraj , i have been paying tax since march month 2024. My wife will be reaching in few months but she will not be working in poland. Can i still submit a join delcaration while submitting PIT 37 for tax return and i can expxct a huge refund? Gross salary is also exceeeing 240K annually. Can u pls assist? Pls do share watsap group link as well😊
once she reaches poland and get pesel and local registration done, can submit joint without any issue
chat.whatsapp.com/EBS3uZlsIVe8vAbrBYQRfa Got one space as someone jst left
How to apply my parents ZUS and where? And what about NFZ? Should I wait for my parents to get TRC to apply for ZUS and NFZ or as soon as they reach , I can apply?
facebook.com/groups/2347581295442477 this is our facebook group, cintact your office to add parents using passport number to zus even before they arrive in poland you can not apply TRC without zus
Thank you 😊
Can you advise regarding ponalgenie? If I apply ponalgenie regarding slow process for TRC, how fast can I get my TRC after ponalgenie?
Hi Dheeraj, is the original degree certificate needed for verification?
Yes all documents original must be there
Useful information
Hi Dheeraj, thanks for informative video. I m old subscriber. Let's say there is a scenario where I am working in XYZ and XYZ only provides TRC. If I put down paper so I have 90 days notice period and I have to report at my base branch in India. For example I have joining on 01 Sept in Poland and I will travel on 15 August to India. So which is my last working day 15 Aug OR 31 Aug? And Can I travel back to Poland on 01 Sept based on XYZ TRC? Even if I have informed the department about my last working day as 15 August
yes, as department gives you 30 days on trc and 90 days for blue card to find job and submit change of decision, also you do not need any company to sponsor blue card, you can do this yourself
@thakursineurope7611 Thanks! Do I need to inform the department after 15 August OR 31 August? As there is no ZUS account
@@jayminpatel354 technically department of foriegners shud be informed within 15 days of last working day
@@jayminpatel354 technically you shud inform within 15 days from last working day
@@thakursineurope7611 Thanks 😊