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SLU utbildning
Добавлен 17 фев 2010
Denna kanal tillhör SLU, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Här hittar du filmer som handlar om våra utbildningar och vad du kan utbilda dig till här.
Kopia av Swedish wood
Swedish wood is a renewable resource. This film tells the story from forest to final solid wood product.
Просмотров: 339
Sustainable Forestry - the Swedish Model (Russian version)
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.11 лет назад
The film explains how Swedish forestry is governed to be sustainable. Language: Russian. Copyright:Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Hållbart skogsbruk - den svenska modellen
Просмотров 60 тыс.12 лет назад
En film från SLU om den svenska skogsbruksmodellen. Filmen togs ursprungligen fram för en internationell publik på FN-konferensen i Rio de Janeiro (Rio 20).
Sustainable Forestry - the Swedish model.mov
Просмотров 113 тыс.12 лет назад
The film explains how the Swedish forestry is governed to be sustainable. Copyright: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Hur ser det ut idag då med det "hållbara skogsbruket": *Runt 80% av all avverkad skog bränns upp direkt eller är uppbrända inom 5 år. Knappt 20% blir långlivade kolinlagrande produkter. *Sverige ligger i botten på förädlingsvärde i Europa. Vi har ca dubbelt så mycket produktiv skogsmark som Tyskland men knappt hälften i exportvärde. *Biologisk mångfald hotas av kalhyggesbruket och miljömålet Levande skogar har ej uppfyllts på flera punkter. *Svenska privata skogsägare får fortfarande lägre virkespriser än i Finland. Norrland är ett prisdike för sig.
it is NOT sustainable its basically monoculture they only plant pines!
ثهب اصفر ثمين ❤❤❤😮😊😅😮😊
1:31 It was not the first, the republic of Venice already implemented one centuries earlier
Mon-culture is death inducing and poison to the well being of the earth and humanity, private ownership of public resources and capitalism are two of its roots.
This is a load of croc. Almost all the forestry in Sweden involves clear cutting.
Ni har planerar träd på gamla ängsmark som förstör ekologisk miljöer och landskap
Clear cutting is NOT sustainable!
Please watch More Of Everything. !!!!! . A Film about Swedish Forest Industry.
There is so much lies in this video… you should probably not trust that the people making huge amounts of money from forests have nature in mind
It is amazing how More of Everything barley has more views than this paid forestry video evrm thought it is the most important video.
One google search reveals this video is a bunch of crap and they are not doing a very good job preserving the diverse multicrop ecosystems they are clear cutting.
I saw it myself so many wonderful Swedish forests gets clear cut so fast over the last 2 years. In Southern Sweden. The criminals still keep it up.
Burning wood is NOT sustainable or "CO2-neutral"
More of Everything - The film the Swedish forest industry doesn't want you to see: ruclips.net/video/q51FMbTOn_Q/видео.html
Vadå, "vår" skog? Även i sossesverige finns det ägare till skog
Jag tänker bara på hur mycket skog som går åt för att betala en människas månadslön samt maskin i skogen.. bara där kan jag tycka att råvaran är alldeles på tok för billig.. inte konstigt att där ryker så mycket skog i detta land..
Men så här ser det ut i verkligheten, ingen hänsyn, sönderkörd terräng med vattenfyllda spår, lätt omkullblåsta träd efter avverkning mm. mm. ruclips.net/video/Q8FqdmIR6yU/видео.html
I search for Swedish model and this is what you give me? Fine...
A very interesting and eyes opening film. I would like to get more information.
Just watch this instead ruclips.net/video/q51FMbTOn_Q/видео.html rather watching this sponsored ad by the industry
Synd jag hade velat haft mera stora urskogar och naturskogar i närheten där man bor.
Det största hotet mot biologisk mångfald är idag 5G. Gränsvärdena är satta utan hänsyn till små djur som insekter. Dessa har mindre skydd då vävnader är extremt mycket tunnare än hos människan. Flera kliniska studier visar att 5Gs strålningen är farligare för människan än vad strålskyddsmyndigheterna och telecom-industrin påstår. Effekter på till exempel VGCC pga strålningens pulserande karaktär leder till ökat flöde av kalcium in i cellerna, som i sin tur kan leda till följdeffekter som ökad oxidativ stress och därmed ökad risk för cancer. Om till och med människor påverkas av strålningen, vad händer då med insekterna? Alldeles för lite forskning är gjord på detta område, ändå reser man fler och fler 5G-master och ingen ifrågasätter hur den biologiska mångfalden kan drabbas av detta experiment? Miljöorganisationer måste ta den här frågan på allvar innan det är för sent.
sangat menambah wawasan Ilmu pengetahuan
The bullshit Model!
I agree, I recently was in a forest to pick mushrooms there where heavy machines cutting down the trees. It's like a terrorist in the forest.
@@Levian-Nighfury ruclips.net/video/q51FMbTOn_Q/видео.html
$$$ before 🌱🌱, right?
is anyone watching this because of school, or is it just me-
Obviously this film is made from the wood industry.... Check out the true reality of the Swedish sistem..... More Of Everything - A film about Swedish forestry
What they aren't telling you is that Sweden is NOT living up to neither national nor international goals for protection of biodiversity. The most valuable forests, old natural forests that are the only places many species can live, are currently being lost at a rate of 1% per year. Massive clear-cuts make the forest landscape ugly (look at any satellite image of Swedish countryside) and very few species can live in the single-species, single-age forests that grow up. Due to misguided programs for planting pine, southern Sweden has several hundred per cent more pine than it did before industrial forestry. These pine forests are now being attacked by bark beetles, due to the monoculture farming and aided by climate change. Invasive species like contorta pine, home to even fewer other species than native pine, have been introduced to increase productivity.
you clearly did not watch the entire video.
@@Levian-Nighfury the walls would prevent what little Wildlife is left from migrating Etc.
You have to remember to tell the public, that you have cut down and destroyed all your old natural growth forests with clear cutting.
They always conveniently forget that!
How can people believe that clear-cutting is sustainable? Everything that lives in symbiosis with the trees dies with the clear-cutting. Unfortunately, insects and small animals disappear, it becomes like in our fields a monoculture that slowly kills ourselves when everything else disappears. I am from Sweden and have seen what it is like when you grow trees, spruce mostly in southern Sweden. It's like a half-dead forest.
I totally agree. As a swede, can you recommend any cooperation/association which performs sustainable single tree removal? Asking because I want to make an internship in the swedish forestry
@@gregorwachter6804 Unfortunately, I do not work with forest. I have been a bit interested in forest and nature because I have friends who run small-scale forestry that does not involve doing as in the video above. They plant mixed forests and fell a little at a time. Their forest also becomes more fire-resistant and durable and not least pleasant to stay in. I think you can google yourself at least as well. Use Google translate. Hope you find something.
Hur kan folk tro att kalhuggning är hållbart? Allt som lever i symbios med träden dör med kall-huggningen. Insekt och smådjur försvinner tyvärr, det blir liksom på våra åkrar en monokultur som sakta tar död på oss själva när allt annat försvinner.
Very good video, will global warming change the species of swedish forestry in the future? K
Yes most likely, the spruce trees that make up most of Sweden's have few biological defenses from wildfires that are becoming more common every year, and because most of the forests in sweden are pretty much monocultures even tho the laws changed to focus on the ecosystems in 1993 because of the bad diversity of wood species the woods are currently at risk of many invasive bugs that destroy trees. If climate change keeps on its course Sweden's forests may in the future look more like Europe's, filled with birch and oak mostly.
Top 👍🏻
As a Korean student from SLU, I think the Swedish Forestry is well developed although it is still controversial among Swedes.
And as result, Sweden timber is more expensive.
Please take me, serious.
Samwill, I meant
Vilket skitsnack! Den svenska modellen är inte hållbar ur ett ekologiskt perspektiv, möjligen ekonomiskt men det kanske är dags att börja inse att pengar inte är allt!? Det finns t.o.m. rapporter från er själva (SLU) där man menar att det största hotet mot biologisk mångfald i skogen idag är omvandlingen av kontinuitetsskogar till planterade monokulturer. Rödlistade skogsknutna arter blir allt fler, en ökning med ca 11% sedan förra inventeringen. Trots det kör industrin på som om allt i skogen vore frid och fröjd samt fortsätter sprida sina lögner. De sista oskyddade kontinuitetsskogarna som finns kvar är förmodligen borta inom ett decennium med dagens avverkningstakt och bristfälliga miljöhänsyn. FSC-certifierat skogsbruk får inte och ska inte avverka dessa skogar, men det sker ändå samtidigt som Skogsstyrelsen och Länsstyrelsen tittar på. Att göra fel i skogen kostar inget och man blir i praktiken aldrig någonsin tagen med fingrarna i syltburken. Det är så frisläppt i det Svenska skogsbruket att det inte liknar någonting.
10:24 Demonstration of uneven growth, natural thinning with follicular diversity. At such end-cycle, sometimes a clear-cut is warranted.
Sweden is a lot BETTER than the UK where money came from the EU to clear cut thousands of trees and forest and now even in Germany they are felling thousands of trees to clear areas to put up wind turbines which makes NO sense as trees and forest get rid of CO2 which our Gov, UN and other cunts keep telling us people CO2 is bad.
Question ...what percentage of the tree cover in Sweden is ' monocrop now , and what percentage of the tree cover is native to Sweden ? Any correct info appreciated .
10% is old growth native
När staten lägger sig i blir det sällan bra och generella regleringar spär alltid på missförhållanden. Ett privat ägande är en garant för sund skogsvård, för vem Kakkar i sig eget bo? En sund skogsägare tänker generationsvis och det är den enda regleringen som behövs.
The Swedish way is not sustainable at all!! I know from acually working in the industry that production is still very much the priority and the climate is disregarded. If you want to practice good logging look into methods witch brings continuity to your forest. Don't practice clearcutting, its a horrible way to use the forest
As an accountant specialising in Transport & Forestry, I tend to agree with this. The Swedish model tends not to focus on oxygen production, sequestration of CO2 or even soil enrichment. Each tree type has a different set of stats on production rates. The Swedish model tends to focus on trees that grow faster. So that it can be harvested asap.
@@fairboro153 Yes!! I'm curious, what model do you think is better in regard to what you describe? I'm a student so I'm just starting out but I've read a bit about the Lübeck modell and it sounds really interesting. Also there's a Swedish guy called Mats Hagner that's developed a interesting way also.
@@MrHappyfacee To clarify, I'm not an academic. I just know from past experience that the Swedish model was a reaction policy to a serious set of circumstances that left Sweden short of cheap wood. Hence Swedish model's love for fast growing Spruce, Birch & Pine (making up over 90% of Sweden's Tree reserves..) After the 90s significant imports from Russia & the Baltic states, also boosted production. So this idea of Sweden being green is likewise a little fake, because felling licences in all states of the former Soviet Union are not subject to a restoration order...
@@fairboro153 Yes it's totally greenwashing!! Unfortunately the industry's are brainwashing the future forrestry students into believing the Swedish modem is climate friendly and economicaly sound. What you mention with the imports are really interesting to me because I've never heard this before and I like to learn about our forest history. Do you have any source you recommend on Swedish forest history? I realize now that the Swedish sources I have read on the subject are biased
@@MrHappyfacee Most Scottish, Welsh & Northern English forests are versions of the Swedish Model. In terms of high production yield, it does the trick. Pine & Spruce when planted right next to each other on poor soils tend to compete for light, so they keep outpacing each other in growth (year on year). On the other hand Pine & Spruce when planted right next to other trees tend to eventually kill everything around them leaving only themselves and other Pines & Spruces. That's the problem. The trick of a healthy forest is offering generous spacing between sapling trees. Obviously this is not commercially viable... But maybe that doesn't matter if at the end, we end up producing more oxygen?!!! Perhaps that's something to think about..
Great videos and great management. I do small scale logging here in Canada. It is hard go here because the Canadian government gave all the woodlands to the big logging companies so it's hard to complete against free or almost free lumber the big companies get from the government. Replanting does take place but usually in areas where the public sees. The state of our woodlands is badly mismanaged and corrupt. Clear cutting is great sometimes but that is the norm and millions of acres looks like a bomb was dropped. I love Sweeden's logging concepts but not likely are things going to change here. Here is a video from my channel about trying to do my best to keep is sustainable. ruclips.net/video/JrdLwW8GYiQ/видео.html
Well, the model is very useful for any topnotch sustainable forest management practices. However, there is a need to always improve the model possibly every year since it is targeted at sustainability. This will allow for check and balances. Well done, Sweden.
Samma gamla visa. Industrin pratar om "hållbart skogsbruk" när de egentligen menar ekonomisk hållbarhet. Detta "hållbara (ekonomiska) skogsbruk" är tyvärr en ekologisk katastrof. Att avverka skog och ersätta med planteringar ger inte mer skog, det ger mer planteringar. Raka rader, likåriga bestånd och absolut noll liv och mångfald. Dessutom markbereds 80% av den avverkade skogen vilket inte kan ses som något annat än fullständig galenskap. Här har ni en bra illustration av skogssveriges hållbara skogsbruk: ruclips.net/video/05d2mXCas-I/видео.html&app=desktop
Hållbar havrebruk. Samma sak 😂
All sweden looks like the kingdom of same age 5 meter trees
Vi kommer inte nå 2020-målen om biologisk mångfald, till stor del pga kalhyggenspolitiken. Vi kommer inte nå kyotoavtalet heller , för vi har för lite skyddad skog. Och ju mer av gammelskogen vi hugger desto mindre finns kvar att skydda. Dessa demokratiskt satta mål följer knappast Skogsstyrelsen, som de är enligt egen utsago ska göra!
Hallå, vafasen snackar ni om? Är biolog och orienterare, Sverige är ju sjukt hårt hugget! Det finns knappt någon gammelskog kvar. Bara hyggen och plantage. Biologiska mångfalden är hotad, med över 2000 skogsrelaterade arter hotade. Läs Rödlistan, som SLU själva släppt!!!