Natalie Mesplay
Natalie Mesplay
  • Видео 4
  • Просмотров 311 426
The Pianist - Train Scene
I don't own any part of this clip (copyrighted by Universal Pictures (ZEFR), Studiocanal, Lasso Entertainment), just uploaded part of it for a school project.
Просмотров: 305 197


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  • @СергейАкимов-ъ9р
    @СергейАкимов-ъ9р 16 дней назад

    Надо всегда говорить ПРЯМО. ВСЁ ИСКУССТВО: КИНО, ТЕАТР, МУЗЫКА, КНИГИ, ПОЭЗИЯ, имеет ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО ДВА ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ СМЫСЛА, либо служит ПРОСЛАВЛЕНИЮ БОЖЬЕГО СЛОВА, либо дьяволу. Служить БОЖЬЕМУ СЛОВУ это значит, каждым КАДРОМ, РЕПЛИКОЙ, КУПЛЕТОМ и т.п. "ПРИВОДИТЬ" НАС, ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, СЛУШАТЕЛЕЙ к ПОКАЯНИЮ, СПАСЕНИЮ ДУШИ, и соответственно наоборот, максимально удалять от него. МЕРЗКОЕ сатанинское КИНО. ДЬЯВОЛЬСКАЯ НАСМЕШКА, И пример МАНИПУЛЯЦИИ ДУШОЙ человека, а ПОЧЕМУ надо понимать следующее. НО СНАЧАЛА. Любое НЕ УПОМИНАНИЕ(где бы то ни было) об Отце нашем небесном, подарившим для наших душ жизнь вечную, которая может испытывать такую блаженственную радость, но мы сами не хотим этого своей греховной жизнью, И также любое УПОМИНАНИЕ О БОГЕ в фильме ВСУЕ(что значит обращения к Богу без молитвы и благовейного состояния), И СЛОВА ЛЮБОВЬ потому что Бог есть Любовь, ВСЁ ЭТО обычное БОГОХУЛЬСТВО(ХУЛА на ДУХА СВЯТОГО), самый страшный грех если прельститься. НО БОГА ОБИДЕТЬ НЕ ВОЗМОЖНО ОН БЕССТРАСТЕН, А вот ХУЛА ЕГО это БОЛЬШОЙ ГРЕХ. А ГРЕХ это РАНА которую человек наносит прежде всего сам СВОЕЙ ДУШЕ. РАНА которая ОТКРЫВАЕТ ДУШУ ДЛЯ ДЕМОНОВ мучителей, БЕСОВ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ, слуг дьявола. Сам же ФИЛЬМ прежде всего НАМЕРЕННО «РАЗЖИГАЕТ», но В ДУШАХ самих ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, действие множества СТРАШНЫХ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ(наши духовные болезни), таких как ЛУКАВСТВО, ГОРДЫНЯ, ТЩЕСЛАВИЕ(ПАГУБНАЯ СТРАСТЬ К ЛЮДСКОЙ СЛАВЕ), ЗАВИСТЬ, ЧЕЛОВЕКОУГОДИЕ, ВИНОПИТИЕ, ПОХОТЬ, КУРЕНИЕ, ЧРЕВОУГОДИЕ, ГНЕВ, НЕНАВИСТЬ, МЕСТЬ, НЕМОЩЬ, СТРАХ. И ВОТ ТАК, ОГРОМНОЕ БОЛЬШИНСТВО ЛЮДЕЙ(не понимают), и ВОЛЬНО ИЛИ НЕ ВОЛЬНО СОГРЕШАЮТ(не вольно значит что, грех только у себя в уме, под действием той или иной порочной страсти, является таким же грехом), И ДЬЯВОЛ «ВВОДИТ» В ДУШУ человека ДЕМОНОВ МУЧИТЕЛЕЙ разных ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ. Ну А «ОБЩЕНИЕ» человека в жизни С любым собственным ДЕМОНОМ, «ПРИВЕДЁТ» рано или поздно только к одному, или К ПСИХИЧЕСКОМУ РАССТРОЙСТВУ, или УБИЙСТВУ, или САМОУБИЙСТВУ. И к АДУ для ДУШИ после физической СМЕРТИ тела. И ПОЧЕМУ МАНИПУЛЯЦИЯ. «ПРИОРИТЕТНЫМ» демоном который завладевает душой человека при просмотре фильма, если конечно он уже не находится в душе, а если находится тогда усиливается бесами соответствующей порочной страсти, потому что он фактически из них и состоит, БУДЕТ ДЕМОН МУЧИТЕЛЬ ГНЕВА, ПОТОМУ ЧТО КАК реально примерно ВЫГЛЯДИТ ЭТОТ ДЕМОН, в своём «человеческом» виде ПОКАЗАНО В этом ФИЛЬМЕ. ПОЭТОМУ при просмотре таких фильмов ЗАЩИТА тоже существует. ЕСЛИ СОГРЕШИЛ (даже только в мыслях, в данном случае почувствовал проявление в своей душе пороков записанных выше), надо сразу же ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ МОЛИТВУ ГОСПОДА нашего ИИСУСА ХРИСТА. «ГОСПОДИ ИИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ СЫНЕ БОЖИЙ СПАСИ И ПОМИЛУЙ МЕНЯ ГРЕШНОГО». И что ещё имеет смысл в этом фильме. Образно показаны взаимоотношения между демонами мучителями гнева находящегося в душе одного живого человека, и зависти у другого. И только так можно объяснить главную загадку этого фильма. НО ЭТО очень «глубокий» момент, ПОНЯТЬ которые МОЖНО будет ТОЛЬКО ЧИТАЯ, И ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧАЯ КНИГУ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ. А ПОЧЕМУ мы ВСЕ БОЛЬНЫ. После ГРЕХОПАДЕНИЯ АДАМА и ЕВЫ они были ИЗГНАНЫ ИЗ РАЯ. ДО грехопадения они ЖИЛИ В РАЮ подобно АНГЕЛАМ. После, БОГ одел их в «одежды» что значит в тела, и ДАЛ ЗАПОВЕДЬ «ПЛОДИТЕСЬ и РАЗМНОЖАЙТЕСЬ» и заселяйте Землю. НО для размножения, В ПОЛОВЫЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ ПРИХОДИЛОСЬ ВСТУПАТЬ БРАТУ С СЕСТРОЙ. И ЭТО было вызвано необходимостью а НЕ ПОХОТЬЮ. И ВОТ ПОЧЕМУ КАЖДЫЙ рождающийся ребёнок уже ГРЕШЕН. Только не физическое(физическое если вызвано похотью, между родными братьями и сёстрами), а так называемое ПЕРВОРОДНОЕ (ДУХОВНОЕ , ПРИЧИНА которого ГРЕХОПАДЕНИЕ) ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЕ(ГРЕХ, ПОРОЧНАЯ СТРАСТЬ) НА КАЖДОМ человеке при рождении. И У КАЖДОГО человека своя СОБСТВЕННАЯ СТРАСТЬ. И ЭТО БОЛЕЗНЬ, но БОЛЕЗНЬ прежде всего ДУХОВНОГО ПЛАНА. И именно ПОРОЧНЫЕ СТРАСТИ людей являются ПРИЧИНОЙ ВСЕХ БЕД, СТРАДАНИЙ, и РАЗРУШИТЕЛЬНЫХ ДЕЙСТВИЙ на Земле. А вот условия ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЯ ОТ этого ПЕРВОРОДНОГО ГРЕХА(ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЯ, СТРАСТИ) как раз и ЗАПИСАНЫ в КНИГЕ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯТОМ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ. НО СНАЧАЛА , чтобы донести их людям, сам СЫН, БОГ СЛОВО ВОЧЕЛОВЕЧИЛСЯ(ИИСУС ХРИСТОС, имя ИИСУС означает СПАСИТЕЛЬ). А ЕГО за это РАСПЯЛИ. Но ОСТАЛОСЬ СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ. Вот ЭТО и есть БОЖЕСТВЕННЫЕ УСЛОВИЯ , во первых ИЗБАВЛЕНИЯ ОТ ПЕРВОРОДНОГО ГРЕХА(а правильней сказать от ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЯ), И во вторых ДЛЯ СПАСЕНИЯ ДУШИ человеческой, ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ЖИЗНИ ВЕЧНОЙ для ДУШИ, ПОСЛЕ физической СМЕРТИ тела , В ЦАРСТВИЕ НЕБЕСНОМ. И поэтому ИСТИННАЯ ВЕРА В БОГА, в первую очередь ЗАКЛЮЧАЕТСЯ В «БОРЬБЕ» каждого ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПРИ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ, СО своими собственными ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ, И только ТАК можно получить СПАСЕНИЕ для своей ДУШИ. Ну И ЕСЛИ каждый человек захочет "БОРОТЬСЯ" СО своими ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ, ТО для начала, НУЖНО ПОВЕРИТЬ В БОГА, ПРЕСВЯТУЮ ТРОИЦУ: ОТЦА(СОЗДАТЕЛЯ ВСЕГО ЖИВОГО И НЕ ЖИВОГО, ВИДИМОГО мира и НЕВИДИМОГО),через СЫНА БОГА СЛОВО(ИИСУСА ХРИСТА), СВЯТОГО ДУХА. Ну А для того ЧТОБЫ ПОНЯТЬ ВСЁ что ЗАПИСАНО выше, И для ИСКРЕННЕГО ХРИСТИАНСКОГО ПОКАЯНИЯ, которое необходимо УСПЕТЬ(потому что ВРЕМЕНИ осталось очень МАЛО, возможно даже ПРИМЕРНО 4 месяца , И ВСЁ(смотри СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ от МАТФЕЯ, ГЛ. 24)) СДЕЛАТЬ ПРИ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПЕРВЫМ "шагом" БУДЕТ (и как об этом уже упоминалось выше) ЧТЕНИЕ и ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧЕНИЕ КНИГИ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯЩЕННОГО ПИСАНИЯ НОВЫЙ ЗАВЕТ. ✋🏻

  • @DRE383
    @DRE383 Месяц назад

    "off they go to the melting pot," said the ASHKENAZI-JEW/GRAND-CHEROKEE/KKK-GRAND-DRAGON

    • @DRE383
      @DRE383 Месяц назад

      Mark Zuckerberg? Stephen Miller? the person in this scene with the Blue/White Star of David on his sleeve?

  • @DRE383
    @DRE383 Месяц назад


  • @DRE383
    @DRE383 Месяц назад


  • @DRE383
    @DRE383 Месяц назад

    this scene defines my entire life.

  • @DRE383
    @DRE383 Месяц назад

    Oxford, Ohio 2024?

  • @AradSP
    @AradSP 2 месяца назад

    What's the exchange between the Jew and SS sergeant at the end?

    • @Hightower2804TP
      @Hightower2804TP Месяц назад

      "well off they go to the melting pot"

    • @brew812ou1
      @brew812ou1 18 дней назад

      @@Hightower2804TP And he says it as if he thinks it's funny. Unbelievable.

  • @Aidan_Alexander_Aiachi
    @Aidan_Alexander_Aiachi 3 месяца назад

    1:43 Zionist Working With Nazis To Kill Jews

    • @Hightower2804TP
      @Hightower2804TP Месяц назад

      You're probably 15 or something and don't know shit about the terrorists you're supporting. Go and live in gaza and spare us the shit

  • @sandeepmeena1
    @sandeepmeena1 3 месяца назад

    One of the finest scenes Beats Schindler's list

  • @TheTeamOden
    @TheTeamOden 5 месяцев назад

    and now these people would do the same to the poor people in gaza, shame history continues to repeat itself

    • @Pavia1525
      @Pavia1525 3 месяца назад

      It was the Palestinians that murdered and raped Jews. They put babies in ovens. Shame on you for supporting that…

  • @GG-nn4op
    @GG-nn4op 5 месяцев назад

    The Jewish police laughing and joking with the Nazi too

  • @peter6914
    @peter6914 6 месяцев назад

    This is the most powerful scene in the film because of how it conveys the thin line between life and death and how it can be a game of hopscotch. Unbeknownst to Szpilman and his family are essentially walking to their deaths, and then in an instance he's 'saved' luckily by a friend as he would never see them again. It shows you how sharp of a detour our lives can take at the flip of a coin.

  • @aleksandarmarkovic4992
    @aleksandarmarkovic4992 6 месяцев назад

    The terrible arrogance and monstrosity of the Nazis

  • @harigunawan8889
    @harigunawan8889 6 месяцев назад

    This scene is awfully depressing, just one moment and your family is gone

  • @josephmartinez8725
    @josephmartinez8725 6 месяцев назад

    I love this movie, this scene still hits me hard, from the heavy words of wishing to know your siblings better to the final goodbye. I can’t imagine which is worse knowing your end is coming or seeing the end for others

  • @bostontowny4life744
    @bostontowny4life744 7 месяцев назад

    How could a Jewish man ever be a police officer for the Nazi’s and oppress their own people?

    • @nevermore7285
      @nevermore7285 7 месяцев назад

      Ghetto officers. People desperate for any power or even basic comforts, and less abuse, to the point their willing to sell out their own. It’s a very common method in any occupancy like this, to keep people divided and hateful, and stop them from uniting against oppressors. Slavery, colonization, it’s a very basic tactic in these situations. Hell, even schools have ‘teacher’s pets’

  • @talkaboutwacky
    @talkaboutwacky 7 месяцев назад

    1:41 Anyone know what the Jewish cop and the SS officer are chumming it up about?

    • @jacobpeters5458
      @jacobpeters5458 Месяц назад

      the Jewish policeman says, "off to the melting pot" - i.e. killed. happened irl but they were walking out some building and the Gestapo guy was annoyed of him or whatever

  • @ogmagicman546
    @ogmagicman546 7 месяцев назад


  • @VersusARCH
    @VersusARCH 7 месяцев назад

    This happened on 16th of August 1942. The train went to the Treblinka extermination camp. When Szpilman's family arrived the site was horryfying. It is possible that they were not even gassed but shot. Those were the last days of Irmfried Eberl as the camp commandant. From wiki: "According to some, his poor organisational skills caused the operation of Treblinka to turn disastrous; others point out that the number of transports that were coming in reflected the Nazi high command's wildly unrealistic expectations of Treblinka's ability to "process" these prisoners. The early gassing machinery frequently broke down due to overuse, forcing the SS to shoot Jews assembled for suffocation. The workers did not have enough time to bury them, and the mass graves were overflowing. According to the testimony of his colleague Unterscharführer Hans Hingst, Eberl's ego and thirst for power exceeded his ability: "So many transports arrived that the disembarkation and gassing of the people could no longer be handled."On incoming Holocaust trains to Treblinka, many of the Jews locked inside correctly guessed what was going to happen to them. The odour of decaying corpses could be smelled up to 10 km (6.2 mi) away. Oskar Berger, a Jewish eyewitness, one of about 100 people who escaped during the 1943 uprising, told of the camp's state when he arrived there in August 1942: When we were unloaded, we noticed a paralysing view - all over the place there were hundreds of human bodies. Piles of packages, clothes, suitcases, everything in a mess. German and Ukrainian SS-men stood at the corners of the barracks and were shooting blindly into the crowd. When (Odilo) Globocnik made a surprise visit to Treblinka on 26 August 1942 with Christian Wirth and Wirth's adjutant from Bełżec, Josef Oberhauser, Eberl was dismissed on the spot. Among the reasons for dismissal were: incompetently disposing of the tens of thousands of dead bodies, using inefficient methods of murder, and not properly concealing the mass-murder." Later the Nazis perfected the killing method by building larger gas chambers, cleaning and camouflaging the arrivals area so that the poor arrivals would not suspect what fate awaited them pretty much until they were in the gas chamber, but it was not so for the Szpilman family.

  • @sebastianchavez3193
    @sebastianchavez3193 7 месяцев назад

    This shit gets me every time 💔 (i have never watched this movie)

  • @hucklebuckchuck7218
    @hucklebuckchuck7218 10 месяцев назад

    I feel proud and knowing that my great grandfather was one of the US officers that cut all the SS officers in half, with full automatic submachine gun, when they liberated Auschwitz’s Also, I have zero respect for German people. You gotta think the German people that are alive now didn’t have anything to do with that, but they were raised by somebody who was raised by somebody who was once a Nazi and I just don’t agree with that whatsoever.

    • @nevermore7285
      @nevermore7285 7 месяцев назад

      Which is itself an extremely bigoted opinion.

    • @Hightower2804TP
      @Hightower2804TP Месяц назад

      Yeah I'm sure he did buddy I'm sure he Most americans fought like pussies from what I've heard.

  • @NotNormal654
    @NotNormal654 10 месяцев назад

    For anyone confused why the police were wearing jewish armbands: the nazis had a jewish auxiliary police force that helped with deporting jews

  • @joeyscaniaman6391
    @joeyscaniaman6391 10 месяцев назад

    The Warsaw Jews just about all of them went to the death camp at Treblinka where 900,000 people were sent to the deaths in under a year

  • @hajustuggmun858
    @hajustuggmun858 10 месяцев назад

    But why was that guy thrown away by the guard

  • @Thomas-hk7wd
    @Thomas-hk7wd 11 месяцев назад

    Tchou tchouuuu

  • @manicobservations9605
    @manicobservations9605 11 месяцев назад

    The way the officer of the Jewish police unit risked his own life and the mens under his command really redeemed him especially seeing how he was pretty brutal patrolling the Krakow ghetto

    • @VersusARCH
      @VersusARCH 8 месяцев назад

      In the book it was revealed that he was a relative of Szpilman.

    • @jacobpeters5458
      @jacobpeters5458 Месяц назад

      @@VersusARCH no, that's a different guy who happens to see him walking after this

  • @JD-yy1cy
    @JD-yy1cy Год назад

    His sister so fine

  • @maheshnelarapu256
    @maheshnelarapu256 Год назад

    The Pianist movie:видео.html

  • @valuecalc
    @valuecalc Год назад

    What a frightening scene. And Władysław Szpilman (Brody) was clever not to draw attention to himself by quickly joining the guy who was pushing the "death wagon."

  • @sleezsquad904n8
    @sleezsquad904n8 Год назад

    I always found that scene sad where Szpilman is eating lunch with his old friend and he told him about the uprising and how the train carts always come back empty.After he says that the next shot Szpilman stunned by that remark as he realizing his family is gone😢

  • @ferrisxlove
    @ferrisxlove Год назад

    The fate of those Jewish guards was the same immediately after the trains were all done coming in. So moral here is, don’t ever bend to evil because they’ll just stick you soon as your use is finished. I’d rather live and die living the truth than curl up and give in to people who belong in an asylum.

    • @florinivan6907
      @florinivan6907 9 месяцев назад

      Some of them survived.Exactly how many is uncertain. But in 1950 Israel passed a law dealing with nazi era war crimes precisely because it knew there were quite a few former jewish collaborators still alive who had emigrated to Israel. None were executed because of the difficulty in establishing actual guilt but the law was used to try Eichmann.

  • @Random.sachen1
    @Random.sachen1 Год назад

    The soldiers were jews?!

  • @Apache32D
    @Apache32D Год назад

    Man had a guardian angel watching over him

  • @alicegraham1571
    @alicegraham1571 Год назад

    When I visited the Holocaust museum in DC during a field trip I had the honor of meeting a few of the survivors. It both broke and touched my heart when he told me how he was able to survive. God bless all of them and may they rest in peace.

  • @Chr1stmasCat
    @Chr1stmasCat Год назад

    в тёплый демократический диснейленд поехали.

  • @armandolaberetta3469
    @armandolaberetta3469 Год назад

    From this to Predator ☹️ intresting

  • @dalvasantos4807
    @dalvasantos4807 Год назад

    Foram levados para Treblinka e assassinados assim que chegaram

  • @agk.....t....387
    @agk.....t....387 Год назад


  • @vante-b6x
    @vante-b6x 2 года назад

    does anyone know what happened to his family? I can't find anything on Google

    • @mrcolz9373
      @mrcolz9373 Год назад

      They were all killed

    • @EkaterinaIHeris
      @EkaterinaIHeris Год назад

      At Treblinka. The Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto were transported to Treblinka Death Camp ☠️ and perished on arrival.

    • @sroevukasroevuka
      @sroevukasroevuka 10 месяцев назад

      They were being shipped in cattle cars what do you think happened?

  • @orangypteco8858
    @orangypteco8858 2 года назад

    I'm still not sure why did the guard let Spilman go

    • @djgamerpon3
      @djgamerpon3 Год назад

      They were good friends if I remember correctly and earlier he offered Spilman a spot as a police man to help save him

    • @jacobpeters5458
      @jacobpeters5458 Месяц назад

      @@djgamerpon3 no, he doesn't say who got him, they invented the Heller character for the movie - it was friends who told him and his brother to join but they didn't want to. he was pretty well known and liked by the upper classes and many of the Jewish policemen who went to the cafe he played at. The actual Heller was some kind of bigshot smuggler and train operator

    • @brew812ou1
      @brew812ou1 18 дней назад

      @@jacobpeters5458 that's correct. In an audio interview he did, I heard Szpilman said he didn't really see the ghetto policeman who pulled him from the crowd. He said someone grabbed him and pulled him out of the line, but he wasn't sure which one of the ghetto policemen had done it. But whoever it was, I'm sure glad he did.

  • @pembelajar130
    @pembelajar130 2 года назад

    God bless Spain. 🙏🏽 Stay strong and optimistic. 💕 👍🏼

  • @Professorrob2k24
    @Professorrob2k24 2 года назад

    The train door closing gets me everytime.

  • @Kg8802-f9l
    @Kg8802-f9l 2 года назад

    The tragic part is he wanted to go die with his family than stay alive. heartbreaking.

  • @leeforlazy
    @leeforlazy 2 года назад

    This scene strikes me. Saying goodbye to your beloved in such a sudden mess. There s no time for emotions. Seeing what these people went thru in life, i would never complain abt life anymore.

  • @XCI5ION
    @XCI5ION 2 года назад

    when your vaccinated but your family aint.

    • @LittleLoz
      @LittleLoz Год назад

      Nothing to do with the jab you idiot

  • @dealinginfiction
    @dealinginfiction 2 года назад

    I'm confused. The people wearing the symbol of David bands. Are those Jewish sympathizers, working with the Nazis so they do get treated the same?

    • @florinivan6907
      @florinivan6907 2 года назад

      The jewish police. The ghettoos had a jewish police responsible for law and order. Unarmed(although there was one exception) except for batons. Most would be killed in the end but quite a few survived the war.

  • @ShowDonkeys
    @ShowDonkeys 3 года назад

    I wish I knew you better. That one line always breaks me.

  • @mahmoudibnemir8704
    @mahmoudibnemir8704 3 года назад

    This and Sheena Easton's "Morning Train" showed up in my playlist. They synched up great!

  • @claudiadelaosa7125
    @claudiadelaosa7125 3 года назад

    One if not the most, If not the most, touching scene in the movie

  • @pilotii6893
    @pilotii6893 3 года назад

    Just another movie..who know the real true..what is really happened 1940's to the jews..Just like in the today's world..what is happening in the Palestine and Palestinians... We know only what the usa and uk want us to know....Some truth will come out some day in the movie like the pianist,shendlers list and many other ...

    • @frankenteut1226
      @frankenteut1226 Год назад

      Are you saying the holocaust is a fabrication made by the US and the UK? This film is based on a memoir published in 1946.

    • @pilotii6893
      @pilotii6893 Год назад

      @@frankenteut1226 it's all just a fake s hit created bye yhe usa and UK in Israeli benefits..Germans are not evils lime american and u know that americand had been kiss 15000000 native americans and brits had sone almost the same 12000000 native Australians..

    • @frankenteut1226
      @frankenteut1226 Год назад

      ​@@pilotii6893 Ok, first; learn to write english please and second; I'm not even going to debate with a Holocaust denier. You're obviously extremely anti-semitic and hateful against the jews. There is tons of evidence that this genocide happened (documentaries, photographs, thousands of eye witnesses, interviews etc) And yes I do know, so you are recognising these genocides, but not this one. Tf is wrong with you.

    • @fallaciousfirm2524
      @fallaciousfirm2524 Год назад

      @@pilotii6893 nobody in thier entire life like you fool said that the whole germans were bad Anti-semitism was everywhere yes you heard it right it was everywhere in USA till soviet union nobody was safe. People with enough Brain cells know the difference between nazi scumbags and the normal German people. People like you should roam on streets with tag like "Yes, I'm goddam idiot".