Peter Randeler
Peter Randeler
  • Видео 4
  • Просмотров 74 665
Morandi Brücke - warum Seilversagen vorliegen könnte
Das ist nur meine Sicht der Dinge - was der Statiker gerne als Bauchgefühl beschreibt.
Zur Erläuterung meiner Theorie und als Antwort auf das Video von "Macht durch Verstehen":видео.html
Просмотров: 492


Berlin 2016 - Breitscheidplatz Weihnachtsmarkt - Video-VergleichBerlin 2016 - Breitscheidplatz Weihnachtsmarkt - Video-Vergleich
Berlin 2016 - Breitscheidplatz Weihnachtsmarkt - Video-Vergleich
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.6 лет назад
Hier einfach mal gegenübergestellt, weil mir das ewige Rumgezetere, dass alles gefaked sein soll, so tierisch auf die Nüsse geht. Wie man hier an der Gegenüberstellung sieht - da ist nichts gefaked. Es zeigt dieselbe Szene aus zwei Perspektiven. Wenn man es noch genauer anaylsiert sehen möchte, dann einfach mal hier klicken:видео.html
Julianabrug Alphen, Analysis Part 2 - the PontoonsJulianabrug Alphen, Analysis Part 2 - the Pontoons
Julianabrug Alphen, Analysis Part 2 - the Pontoons
Просмотров 19 тыс.9 лет назад
The cranes were placed differently on each pontoon. In this video, the effects are shown. Whether they caused the collapse - maybe ... ?
Analysis of the Julianabrug Crane Accident in AlphenAnalysis of the Julianabrug Crane Accident in Alphen
Analysis of the Julianabrug Crane Accident in Alphen
Просмотров 54 тыс.9 лет назад
Two cranes collapsed when lifting a heavy load bridge part in Alphen an den Rijn, Netherlands. They were mounted on two vessels, and were intended to get moved to the place, where the bridge part should get placed. Lifting up the load, the smaler crane turned and fell into the houses next to the channel. The other one was torn by the load, which also landed on the roof of the houses. IMHO a ver...


  • @Twofiddymill
    @Twofiddymill 9 месяцев назад

    I’m an ex rigger with large cranes. A quick look before the accident sends warning bells…it LOOKS wrong and experience tells me it usually is. Crane positioning and size difference stands out. The pontoon is very unstable….anyway my comments mean nothing to anyone. All I know is I hope the chief engineer on this job ran to the dole queue after that almighty balls up!!

  • @VickersDoorter
    @VickersDoorter Год назад

    This was doomed before they turned up on site, it was never going to work. Narrow floating pontoons and two different size cranes, in effect competing for the load. Bonkers. I think the planning team must have got bonged up in a "coffee" shop and completely lost their grasp of basic physics.

  • @therealspixycat
    @therealspixycat Год назад

    Is there a load decrease on the left crane instead of the right? Just exaggerate that the left crane turns furher than the load rotates indeed further and further underneath the right crane which explains why the right crane starts to rotate first. Is there by the way any video evidence that the left crane indeed rotates down due to less uplift by its barge?

  • @JeroenVissers
    @JeroenVissers 2 года назад

    Yoe uuuhh, speake english ferry well

  • @woodennecktie
    @woodennecktie 2 года назад

    everybody seems to have a idea about this failure

  • @twistedworld635
    @twistedworld635 3 года назад

    For fuck's sake, learn to write proper English before you post any more stupid videos like this one!

    • @andremertens1882
      @andremertens1882 Год назад

      Maybe you have to study civil engineering first? The technical aspects were clear and easy to understand for me - despite of Peter's bad english.

  • @panlomito
    @panlomito 3 года назад

    De windbelasting was best hoog die dag en de windkracht grijpt aan op het hoogste punt van de kraan resulterend in maximaal moment op de pontonvloer die vervolgens gaat kantelen om nog meer hefboom/doorzwaaieffect te leveren... patsboem!

  • @HenkJanDrums
    @HenkJanDrums 3 года назад

    Heb nog nooit kraan machinisten zo snel zien draaien met zware lasten. Dan kun je niet meer terug en evalueren en/of bijsturen. Ver voordat het verkeerd ging kon je al zien dat de boot scheef ging hangen. Er was een probleem met een kabel en ook dan ga je terug. Te weinig toezicht en communicatie ... mensen liepen gewoon weg tijdens het draaien.

  • @markwilson9935
    @markwilson9935 4 года назад

    Ex rigger,crane worker here.......sometimes it just dont look right....this was one of those times...even if the calculations had been done...too many pivot points and in water...mmmmm glad no-one was killed.....get the vacuum cleaner out though!

  • @johannvoelker5089
    @johannvoelker5089 5 лет назад

    Ich glaube auch, dass ein Seilversagen vorliegen könnte. Allerdings im Zusammenspiel mit dem Deck. Begonnen haben dürfte das Ganze schon vor Jahren, durch Eintritt von Wasser in die Strebe an der Pylonspitze. Es kam in einem begrenzten Bereich durch Korrosion zu einer Querschnittsverminderung der Stahlseile. Die Stahlseile wurden dadurch in diesem Bereich über ihre Streckgrenze belastet. Risse im nicht mehr vorgespannten Beton der Strebe konnten nicht gesehen werden, da diese kunststoffbeschichtet war. Das auskragende Deck übernahm immer mehr die Traglast der südöstlichen Strebe. Durch diese einseitige Belastung entstand eine Torsionsspannung im Deck. Der schon Monate vor dem Einsturz sichtbare Riss im Asphalt, und zwar ausgerechnet nur im Bereich der Strebenanbindung, dürfte ein Indiz für diese Spannungen sein. Ich glaube, dass das schon an seine Grenzen belastete Deck, beim Überqueren eines Schwertransports mit einem Gesamtgewicht von über 40 Tonnen und eines direkt folgenden LKW mit über 10 Tonnen gebrochen ist. Die schon geschwächte Strebe übernahm wieder die volle Last und brach an ihrer schwächsten (korrodierten) Stelle.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 5 лет назад

      Das war auch der Nachteil bei dieser Konstruktion, dass die Tragseile nicht sichtbar waren durch die Beton-Ummantelung. Und zudem nicht austauschbar, wie es bei einer Schrägseilbrücke mit vielen Tragseilen möglich wäre. Aber dass der Verkehr nicht eingeschränkt wurde, dass Betonklötze als Fahrbahnbegrenzer verwendet wurden - leichtsinnig bis fahrlässig, wenn man da auch schon Risse in der Fahrbahn sieht.

    • @johannvoelker5089
      @johannvoelker5089 5 лет назад

      @@peterrandeler3117 Ich möchte jetzt nicht der Maintenance Manager dieser Brücke sein. Ich glaube, dass man die Belastungsverschiebungen in der Brücke mittels eines geeigneten Monitorings per Laser feststellen hätte können.

  • @luciobruni8650
    @luciobruni8650 5 лет назад

    Finalmente il suo video spiega come è crollato il ponte.!!!!

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 3 года назад

      Sono felice quando presenta il contesto in modo comprensibile.

  • @HaarTransplantation
    @HaarTransplantation 5 лет назад

    ohhhh man, was ein scheiß

  • @somerosesarered5841
    @somerosesarered5841 5 лет назад

    Könnte man eigentlich die Heckfläche des LKW vom Aufnahmeplatz aus sehen, wenn er tatsächlich in den Weihnachtsmarkt abgebogen wäre?

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 5 лет назад

      @Chimmi Loop Ja, aus der Dash-Cam-Sicht ist die Heckfläche des LKW sichtbar, als er geradeaus durch den Eingangsbereich zum Weihnachtsmarkt brettert. Hier findest du dazu eine exakte Simulation und kannst es dir selber anschauen:видео.html

  • @peterrandeler3117
    @peterrandeler3117 5 лет назад

    Hast recht - ist unabhängig von der anderen Beleuchtung und geht hinten auch aus. Ich nehme mal an, mehrere Stromkreise - wenn der Stern vorne und hinten mit LEDs bespickt ist. Dass die obere Hälfte im Dunkeln liegt, zeigt ja auch, dass es mehrere Stromkreie sind. Man müsste mal so einen Stern aus der Nähe sehen.

  • @pseudowissenhasser1435
    @pseudowissenhasser1435 5 лет назад

    @Peter Randeler Also ne Frage hab ich zu deiner Gegenüberstellung. Wieso ist bei der Weihnachtsbaumbeleuchtung, bzw. deren ausfall, beim Kontraste Video der ganze Baum aus, bei dem Bild Material bleibt aber der Stern auf der Spitze an? Da hab ich schon mehrfach hin und her gezappt. Da komm ich aber nicht ganz hinter. Kann es sich da um Reflexionen handeln, so das es nur so aussieht als würde der Stern noch leuchten? (In deinem Video bei Sekunde 24 zu sehen)

  • @satisa
    @satisa 5 лет назад

    Also mal ganz ehrlich! Haben da welche anderen ins Gehirn geschissen???!!! Moment mall....tote gibts und ist fakt,....verletzte gibts und ist Fakt,....Zeugen gibts...und so weiter. Aber warum zum teufel gibt es immer und immer wieder *Zensiert* die da was anderes ersehen wollen?! Die Geschichte verdrehen wollen? Oh...ich weis die Katholiken vom Planeten Geldamax haben das inszeniert. Meine Fresse. Sorry aber genau so bescheuert klingen etliche Theorien von so *Zensiert*. Echt mal. Punkt1. krimineller Migrant wurde abgelehnt was zu dieser tat führte. Wie unzählige andere Straftaten, Vergewaltigungen mittlerweile von abgelehnten praktiziert worden sind. Ende. Das wars! Kein huibuhh...kein Gespenst oder sonst irgendeine Scheiße. Aber freut euch denn mit dem Compact of Migration wird überhaupt keiner mehr Abgelehnt. Na dann viel Spass mit all den "Zeitbomben" Fakt ist... Videos echt. Geschehen echt. Punkt.

  • @achimmaier1757
    @achimmaier1757 6 лет назад

    Ein hoch auf die Realität, auch wenn sie in diesem Fall eine beschissene und grundtraurige ist. Es gibt halt bekloppte und böse bzw. Verblendete Menschen die Terror gut finden und auch umsetzen. Jeder Soldat im Krieg ist auch nicht besser, wenn er mit Drohnen oder panzern oder Maschinengewehren Leute niedermäht. Für so ne Verschwörungsheinis ist die Realität scheinbar nicht ertragbar. Sie halten die Lügen der Faker vom Geheimdienst für glaubhaft, da sie von sich auf andere schließen.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 6 лет назад

      Es gibt auch die sogenannten (sich selber so nennenden) Investigativ-Journalisten, die aus jedem tragischen Ereignis eine Story machen. Das perfide daran ist, dass sie mit dieser Masche auch noch Geld verdienen, sei es durch Bücher oder Vorträge. Das Kuriose insgesamt: Es gibt eine Menge, die diesen Leuten mit ihren an den Haaren herbeigezogenen Theorien auch noch glauben und die Reportagen der allgemeinen Presse schlichtweg ablehnen - Stichwort Lügenpresse. Verkehrte Welt - da kann einem direkt angst und bange werden.

    • @achimmaier1757
      @achimmaier1757 6 лет назад

      @@peterrandeler3117 genau so ist ...verkehrte Welt, abr sue sind so was von überzeugt und andere abwertend, das man sich an alle Tyranneien dieser Welt erinnert sieht.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 5 лет назад

      @der marienthaler Von wem sprichst du?

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 5 лет назад

      @der marienthaler Achso - Claas Relotius ist die Lügenpresse? OK, dann haben wir ja das Problem gelöst. Er wird seinen Job nicht weiter fortführen.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 5 лет назад

      @der marienthaler Dein fünfjähriger Enkel hätte auch schon längst bei Reuters oder beim Redakteur der Bild angerufen und sich nach dem fehlenden Schnipsel des Dashcam-Videos erkundigt. Er hat dir halt einiges voraus :-)

  • @hanskanns1710
    @hanskanns1710 6 лет назад

    this is just STUPIDY. sorry, nothing else. what's next? I balance on a big ball and try to cook meanwhile???

  • @matsydaira
    @matsydaira 7 лет назад

    Why were the cranes closer to the edge of the barge and towards the opposite end of barge? They could have used the tug boat as anchor/counter weight if they would have situated them closer to the front or like high rise cranes .. they should have place counter weights on the opposite side of the barge to counter the weight and movement - I agree having 2 mismatched cranes was not a good idea- soo many mistakes on this one. I can't believe someone signed off on this. This is what happens when you hire like minded people or relatives.

  • @donaldhampton6503
    @donaldhampton6503 7 лет назад

    seams everyone's a crane operations special here. ... LOL

  • @jerrymacmillanjr9955
    @jerrymacmillanjr9955 7 лет назад

    The crane to the rear is far to close to the edge of barge where it pushes the barge down and dips to far carrying the weight over with it to low and of course this was already a dangerous idea on a liquid boiyant medium

  • @nickvancapelleveen3750
    @nickvancapelleveen3750 7 лет назад

    I was there that day. and it was pretty wind. and the ponton was a bad place to start from anyway.

  • @jamesberlo4298
    @jamesberlo4298 8 лет назад

    I cant believe the Crane Operators allowed this ??? I'm no Engineer but that was fucking insanely moronic. about 10 to 12 Million $'s worth of Crane condemned to parts salvage.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 8 лет назад

      The report of the investigations is quite interesting, as it is said there, that due to the high position of the center of gravity the whole construction would have never worked. The collapse was inevitable.

    • @sawman209
      @sawman209 7 лет назад

      Also the investigation report said that the smaller crane's boom actually bent backward under the stress which was also a factor.

  • @beneichinger9566
    @beneichinger9566 8 лет назад

    the news story:

  • @philippestempien6987
    @philippestempien6987 8 лет назад

    Pourquoi ne pas avoir stabiliser les deux barges? Deux pieux part barge enfoncer jusqu'au fond aurait éviter se carnage !!!

  • @chompitube
    @chompitube 8 лет назад

    If they came and ask me if that would work before they attempted it i could have told them it's a fail... im really curious are the people responsible for the operation really that stupid to think two cranes on a narrow boat are not going to fall and destroy shit... im losing faith in humanity...

  • @gibbethoskins8621
    @gibbethoskins8621 8 лет назад

    I'm guessing they didn't put the guy in charge of the operation charge of the clean up.

  • @MaximKretsch
    @MaximKretsch 9 лет назад

    The crane driver obviously wasn't really aware of what the challenge of this job was, but you should put more emphasis on the fact that in the moment the smaller crane started rotating with most of the load hooked on, its pontoon also inevitably bends over due to the shift of the center of gravity. This is what makes the whole situation fatal. A tandem lift is always something one should prepare with painstaking care, but NEVER based on the edge of two pontoons floating freely in the water without any ground suspension. I wonder how such a serious mistake could happen in a country with so much experience in offshore construction.

  • @sjaakdewinter6258
    @sjaakdewinter6258 9 лет назад

    Two different mobile cranes on two pontoons on two different positions. I think also the wind was a factor. It was 3 a 4 beaufort directly on the bridge.

  • @Limoncello666
    @Limoncello666 9 лет назад

    I don't like and want to point fingers at persons.Always easier for people standing by to judge.But if you have played a bit in your past (I'm not a PS IV generation....)with toys and cranes and what we used to have in EU (Meccano or Fisher Technik) you can see that was meant to go wrong.Like the publisher of this movie already implied,mobile cranes for solid ground used on a movable pontoon is not a great start.Are the pumps be able to"counter" ballast in time when the cranes are swinging?On seagoing ships loading and unloading their cargo you have a ballast and loading computer on board ,calculating from beginning till end giving all strength conditions of the vessel,list,bending moments etc. Draught of the pontoons,:I have no idea but guess not even 15% of it is in the water compared to what(crane and bridge) is above the water For me not very clear to see is when or what happened first,breaking or swinging uncontrolled at a speed way too high. It's not a job very rare in The Netherlands but there are unfortunately a lot of "managers" (bright young graduates) in charge who are able to find the best solution CHEAP CHEAP.And who decided to ask a company to do this kind of job and convinced others that these are the correct people to do it should be heard as well and not hide him/herself behind the performing company who said :yes we can do that. I don't believe that just a mayor of a small town kind decide on his own who will do the job.Director ship of the province has civil engineers and they most probably are responsible of how it will be done.Crane company surely has to do all the calculations and check their possibilities with the equipment and circumstances.Who ever made this performance and showed the "masterplan"to the involved parties will be asked questions no doubt.All parts of the crane etc. will be checked afterwards,material analysis,welding seems,butts and so on. In any case the old bridge has been removed before as well so that went OK(?) It will take time to investigate what has happened actually,so very easy to say this and that he did ,she did.I don't know the features of all the used equipment but it is in my opinion just very underestimated.....The cranes on 2 pontoons gave me that first impression.

  • @Limoncello666
    @Limoncello666 9 лет назад

    No job for civil engineers: This is a job for Heavy Lift transporters like Jumbo Shipping.........penny wise pound foolish.........

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +Limoncello666 So in your opinion it was the fault of the crane company? They are responsible for that mess?

  • @alwinvandongen7990
    @alwinvandongen7990 9 лет назад

    Great and clear analysis Peter. A contributing factor might have been that there was apparently hardly any safetymargin on the smaller crane. At the boom's lifting angle, the smaller (400 ton-liebherr) crane is rated lift no more than approx 150 ton. The bridge weight is 175 ton. Looking at the crane lay-out, the smaller crane end up lifting more than half of the bridge's weight. Experts say that the crane may have gone in an emergency mode where the operator had no control anymore and the crane computer takes over as a safetymeasure. This safety may have switched on due to the rotation of the pontoons or due to unpredictable and unequal lifting forces. The crane operator had no time to override the safety and to drop the bridge back on its original ponton. Witnesses say the operator left the crane before the bystanders were even able to see something was starting to go wrong. There is one thing that puzzles me, and that is the sharp opposite jerk of the boat at the far end about when the bridge hits the boom of the crane. Did one of the mooring ropes break? Although the ponton was tilting, it looks unlikely that this would give a major additional stress on these ropes the way they were attached. Still there was apparently a (another) force acting on the boat...

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +Alwin van Dongen I wondered also, why that boat at first is going with the pontoon and then suddenly is getting upright. But IMHO that had no effect for the cranes themselves.

  • @sjaakdewinter6258
    @sjaakdewinter6258 9 лет назад

    True story. I ve write on you tube the same story in Dutch. my English is not so good. I dont think you can calculete what a pontoon can do. To complicate, because speed is also a factor. It was a stupid idea, the old bridge was removed with a crane on the road. Why they don t do it like that again?

  • @sjaakdewinter6258
    @sjaakdewinter6258 9 лет назад

    Everybody in the Netherlands thinks the crane just collaps, but is not the whole truth. He collaps because it was broken (at 2:27)

    • @PepekBezlepek
      @PepekBezlepek 2 года назад

      yes, it broke because of the weight pulling in a non-down angle

  • @luckychancer7047
    @luckychancer7047 9 лет назад

    Looking at the basic video footage, the problem appears to be an inherent lack of stability in the pontoon/barges; a secondary issue with the smaller crane appearing to slew too fast; and a further issue that neither crane appears to have been lashed to the barge.Once the weight of the load is taken by the hook, there is a virtual shift in the combined centre of gravity from within the barge (and an initially stable equilibrium) and the centre of gravity (CoG) moves towards the jib-end of the crane. This virtual shift may well have reduced the metacentric height to zero (effectively, zero stability) and once the slewing of the load commenced it would have been sufficient to destabilise the whole rig. The resultant loss of stability of the smaller crane/barge rig has caused the initial collapse - which, in turn, has directly affected the larger crane.There may have been some slack ballast tanks (part-filled) whose free surface moment may not have been allowed for in any stability calculations by the engineers.Obviously, we do not know what the initial state of stability is/was, nor what presumptions were made by the engineers, if any, of the weight transfer.There may also have been problems with the ballasting of the barge tank systems, and any unaccounted free surface effect would detrimentally affect the stability of the barge.Sadly, it does not look good from a professional point of view, and there appears to hae been many fundamental errors.

    • @Fetguf
      @Fetguf 3 года назад

      In other words don't put a mobile crane on a moving surface. It will end badly.

  • @sjaakdewinter6258
    @sjaakdewinter6258 9 лет назад

    True, this is why it happend. It was also mine opinion one month ago.

  • @micheldegroot5750
    @micheldegroot5750 9 лет назад

    You should look closer to the video. They start by lifting the load, then both cranes tilt the booms up and the load starts to move sideways. A few seconds later the right smaller crane turns left, this is the point things start to go wrong and people panic. The load starts to move faster toward the cranes and the pontoon starts to tilt moving the boom top leading up to the collapse.The big question is why only the smaller crane turns left just after the boom tilt maneuver of both cranes. Was it the driver, or the crane's computer responding to the load shift and/or tilting of the base (level of the pontoon) Also the smaller crane was closer to the load making it more sensitive to load center stability which made things worse in my opinion.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +Michel de Groot Michel - it is an visual illusion, that the smaller crane is turning. If you take a closer look to the top of the boom with the pulleys, you can see, that the shape stays the same. IMHO the boom is forced into that position - the hydraulic lift is getting traction forces, or too less pressure. I agrree, that the cranes were placed in different distances to the load - and if you watch my other video, the different placement on the pontoons made it even less calculable.

    • @micheldegroot5750
      @micheldegroot5750 9 лет назад

      +Peter Randeler No, look at the cabin of the smaller crane and do an overlay or shade cancelation and you will see the shade change. You cannot see this turn from the boom top as the viewing angle is perpendiculair to the boom. The top of the boom starts to shift to the left after this turning as the load starts to move towards the crane in reaction to this turning.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +Michel de Groot I tried to evaluate that - and IMHO it is just the shadow of the deck, which is moving between sun and the cabin. At first I also thought, that the crane was turning. But as the boom has a rectangular shape, this should have been visible there. There were people on the roof next to the cranes. It was in hope, that they also made some videos, to get another view of the scene.

    • @AM-dy2tv
      @AM-dy2tv 9 лет назад

      +Peter Randeler I,ve made another video montage withe static reference points. And I thought : should I put it on RUclips ? I threw my project away(maybe I should have uploaded it) ,but i came to the following conclusions: The cranes didn't turn at all The cranes were not defect. The tugboat behind the smaller pontoon was making a correction manoeuvre causing extra instability. The biggest crane was out of horizontal balance. And.. It seems that the wind is probably the main cause of it all. The wind was rather sure coming from the west,force 3, exactly from the direction where you except it to come from , in the case it has blown the bridge and the pontoons in the direction they have fallen. Almost nobody is thinking about that. Almost all what you see from the camera point of view is optical illusion, because it's so far away,what makes it look if the cranes were turning.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +AM I agree with you: The cranes did not turn and I don't think that one of them was defect. The manoevre of the tugboat, is caused by the pontoon in the background. When the pontoon is listing more, it is suddenly getting free and turns into upright position. But I am not sure, whether the wind was playing a role. If the wind is causing the bridge deck to move, the bigger crane should also move, not just the smaller one. For the bigger crane's horizontal balance - if you mean, that it was out of balance in the length direction of the pontoon, then that is what I tried to explain in my second videoclip. This balance together with the wind may have caused the horizontal movement of the deck towards the smaller crane.

  • @m20anker
    @m20anker 9 лет назад

    NIce theory, but the assumption that the excentrically loaded pontoon will lower at the side of the 700t crane is not in accordance with the footage. Further, because of the weight of ballastwater, it is not necessary that the pontoon lowers at the side of the crane. It all depends on the distribution of loads on the pontoon.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +m20anker Take a look at 1:02 - the pontoon in the front sank deeper into the water. Then they did not pump enough ballastwater into the stern, to keep the surface even. Due to the long boom of the crane, the top of the crane will move a longer distance, when the load increases and the part of the pontoon is sinking a bit deeper. What is your theory about that disbalance?

    • @m20anker
      @m20anker 9 лет назад

      +Peter Randeler At 1:02 things are already gone out of control. The crucial question is why directly after raising of the deck, both crane tend to move. As if there is a lack of stability.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +m20anker That's what I mean - the ropes were'nt vertical, when the deck came free from it's supports. So it began to move immediately.

  • @sebofo
    @sebofo 9 лет назад

    They did a similar lift some time ago:видео.html So there was experience of having large cranes on barges. Makes this even more strange.

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      +sebofo In contrast to that, one of the cranes was placed on solid ground. And the bridge deck has not the weight of the new one, as the counter weights are not attached to it. Putting one of the cranes on ground would have lead to more stability.

    • @Fetguf
      @Fetguf 3 года назад

      Nothing strange in this accident. The very first thing you learn on a basic crane operators class, is you NEED a solid foundation for you crane. A floating barge is very far from stable. The ONLY way this would have worked, would be if the barge had outrigger legs pushed into the seabed.

  • @iankenny6684
    @iankenny6684 9 лет назад

    eeee u can hear the wind on the recording it saying leave it and run

  • @iankenny6684
    @iankenny6684 9 лет назад

    oooo also it high in the air .maybe top of it 20 meters up it will want like a sail turn away from wind

  • @iankenny6684
    @iankenny6684 9 лет назад

    its gone with the wind . wat b the force in tons if a strong gust of wind hit that big steel sail i wonder . maybe 500sg meter sail. once it started moving b like stopping a train. 180 ton weight of bridge part

    • @sawman209
      @sawman209 7 лет назад

      Also unlike tower or crawler cranes, the booms are solid steel with no gaps or spaces which would make the crane less aerodynamic and thus more unstable. Hopefully no one got hurt.

  • @iankenny6684
    @iankenny6684 9 лет назад

    the bridge section got hit by a gust of wind. look at trees in background . it became a huge 200 ton sail . should of had strong guide ropes mmmm

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      Ian Kenny Guiding mechanismens could prevent the swinging of the section. Although - if the wind caused that movement, IMHO it would have effected both cranes.

    • @iankenny6684
      @iankenny6684 9 лет назад

      one crane smaller it would push that out of way and then the barge tilting with extra weight our sail is really moving now eeee run

  • @enlightenbeats3572
    @enlightenbeats3572 9 лет назад

    shoulda had american engineers

  • @brezelschnezelkuh
    @brezelschnezelkuh 9 лет назад

    The operator was not swing too fast, the barge began to turn and he had no chance to stop that progress. Are you a crane professional? I guess you don't...

    • @peterrandeler3117
      @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

      Rene Fermer no, I am a civil engineer for steel constructions. In the video I did not blame the crane operator. IMHO some facts weren't calculated correctly - or the smaller crane had a technical problem. Those cranes have a lot of intelligent security mechanism, bt those pontons, they were placed on, are just stupid tins :-)

    • @brezelschnezelkuh
      @brezelschnezelkuh 9 лет назад

      I agree that there has been a technical problem, but I don't think that it concerned one of the cranes.

    • @AM-dy2tv
      @AM-dy2tv 9 лет назад

      +Peter Randeler From what I've read on the website of company they where hired from, these pontoons do have separate ballast tanks. When you look at the video, it looks like there were movable pumps installeled on the decks.But maybe the didn't use the ballastwater in the right way...

    • @sawman209
      @sawman209 7 лет назад

      Crane experts believe that the second crane was too small for the job and it went into safety mode. The operator didn't have enough time to disengage the safety mode and stop the crane from failing.

  • @peterrandeler3117
    @peterrandeler3117 9 лет назад

    The section is in the state of an "open bridge" and I think it was the planned way to insert it into the rotation joint. But I am curious, whether the maneuver of bringing the bridge section to the other side of the vessels would have worked without difficulties. It would had to pass inbetween those two cranes, avoiding any excentricity.