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- Просмотров 26 339
Prince Kitsune Ch.
Добавлен 6 мар 2021
Pre-debut VTuber, Streamer, Amateur Shapeshifter (He/Him). Art by @presteasy.
Full debut TBA, plenty of content in the meantime!
Full debut TBA, plenty of content in the meantime!
A NEW Transmutation Circle REVEALED! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 42
Okay but they still haven't told me what this thing does...
Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html
Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens!
Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live!
Make sure you subscribe!
Go follow my artist!
@presteasy (Twitter and Instagram)
Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html
Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens!
Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live!
Make sure you subscribe!
Go follow my artist!
@presteasy (Twitter and Instagram)
Просмотров: 3
Things are NOT Looking Good for our HERO! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 41
Просмотров 254 часа назад
He's gonna be okay, right? 🤨 HIT THE BUTTONS! Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens! twitch.tv/prince_kitsune Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live! animefoxboy Make sure you subscribe! youtube.com/@princekitsune Go follow my artist! @presteasy (Twitter and In...
Просмотров 6416 часов назад
Even after the episode, I still have no idea what that thing is 🤔 HIT THE BUTTONS! Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens! twitch.tv/prince_kitsune Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live! animefoxboy Make sure you subscribe! youtube.com/@princekitsune Go follow ...
Просмотров 5321 час назад
I know it's only a small part of the episode, but that shot is so cute HIT THE BUTTONS! Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens! twitch.tv/prince_kitsune Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live! animefoxboy Make sure you subscribe! youtube.com/@princekitsune Go fo...
Просмотров 6514 дней назад
The Conflict sure is Conflicting right now! HIT THE BUTTONS! Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens! twitch.tv/prince_kitsune Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live! animefoxboy Make sure you subscribe! youtube.com/@princekitsune Go follow my artist! @presteasy ...
I KNEW There Was Something WRONG with this KID! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 37
Просмотров 7814 дней назад
If I never have kids someday, this is why... HIT THE BUTTONS! Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens! twitch.tv/prince_kitsune Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live! animefoxboy Make sure you subscribe! youtube.com/@princekitsune Go follow my artist! @presteasy...
What Are You Doing Here!? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 36
Просмотров 5521 день назад
She needs to GET OUT OF THERE, it's NOT SAFE! HIT THE BUTTONS! Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens! twitch.tv/prince_kitsune Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live! animefoxboy Make sure you subscribe! youtube.com/@princekitsune Go follow my artist! @presteas...
Просмотров 8821 день назад
Somehow I "predicted" this frame 1, but I didn't think it'd be like this! HIT THE BUTTONS! Watch the trailer for my Tsukumo Sana Documentary: ruclips.net/video/1i4Tjsf6QiA/видео.html Follow me on Twitch and be there when the next moment happens! twitch.tv/prince_kitsune Chat with me! I'll let you know when I go live! animefoxboy Make sure you subscribe! youtube.com/@princekitsune Go...
I Think I Have a New Favorite Character... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 34
Просмотров 7228 дней назад
I Think I Have a New Favorite Character... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 34
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 33
Просмотров 39Месяц назад
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 33
What's With this Kid? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 32
Просмотров 52Месяц назад
What's With this Kid? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 32
ED Owes ROY Money? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 31
Просмотров 58Месяц назад
ED Owes ROY Money? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 31
I HATE Characters Like This! [FMAB SPOILERS]
Просмотров 58Месяц назад
I HATE Characters Like This! [FMAB SPOILERS]
The HORRORS of WAR... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 30
Просмотров 140Месяц назад
The HORRORS of WAR... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 30
I Can't THINK of a Way out of This One... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 29
Просмотров 61Месяц назад
I Can't THINK of a Way out of This One... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 29
Просмотров 98Месяц назад
This is Getting Out of Hand... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 27
Просмотров 45Месяц назад
This is Getting Out of Hand... Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 27
I CANT BELIEVE What I'm Seeing! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 26
Просмотров 82Месяц назад
I CANT BELIEVE What I'm Seeing! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 26
Into the BELLY of the BEAST! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 25
Просмотров 51Месяц назад
Into the BELLY of the BEAST! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 25
This is NOT GOOD For Our Heroes! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 24
Просмотров 542 месяца назад
This is NOT GOOD For Our Heroes! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 24
LOVE is in the AIR! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 23
Просмотров 762 месяца назад
LOVE is in the AIR! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 23
Просмотров 702 месяца назад
Просмотров 662 месяца назад
Просмотров 1072 месяца назад
A Very LUSTFUL Episode! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 19
Просмотров 912 месяца назад
A Very LUSTFUL Episode! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 19
Просмотров 852 месяца назад
How Could ROY MUSTANG Do This? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 17
Просмотров 962 месяца назад
How Could ROY MUSTANG Do This? Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 17
She Let the SECRET SLIP! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 16
Просмотров 483 месяца назад
She Let the SECRET SLIP! Vtuber REACTS to ANIME - FMAB 16
Просмотров 563 месяца назад
I would comment however I am a week behind due to life issues hope things are going well for you.
I'm good! Hope everything is going well for you too
It’s not blood, it’s air
8:25 Just as you said, it's simply jealousy. Buccaneer has a plain looking dude as his mechanic. So he is simply jealous of Ed since he has a cute blonde girl as his mechanic who is also an automail nerd, i mean, enthusiast. He is basically saying that Life is not fair.
I have heard that in the manga of this, I didn't look it up but it fits, that Kimbly was on his way to take out the field hospital knowing that the Rockbell's were there, when he attacked Scar.
Yup. He was given orders to assassinate the Rockbells discretely, making it look like they had an unfortunate accident. And Kimblee would have done it without hesitation. It's slightly better that the Rockbells were killed by Scar instead. At least they could be buried, unlike if Kimblee had his way.
@ssjgoku276 Yeesh, that sounds horrid. In a way I'm glad it was Scar, it certainly makes for more of a compelling narrative that they were killed by a moral gray character as opposed to someone like Kimblee
I think that she really doesn't like Mustang, but she wants the best for the country. Even if she has to work with him.
This show makes a good rewatch just to see things you may have missed.
I feel like I pick up a lot even from editing the videos lol
Do you know how to heal did you forget?
Once you get to 1 hp rather just retreat to heal
Tbh, I thought it'd be funnier if I just let it kill me 😅
I hate to be the one to say it but that's not a boss thats a normal enemy
It’s a mini boss
@@Kame_hollow.knight_28311a husk guard is not a miniboss dude
@CharlieLocke-e5x everything feels like a boss if you have no idea what you're doing 🤷♂️
White Claw, White Claw. lol yeah this is a great episode, hope you are having a good week.
I am so far! Hoping you're having a good week too
No worries after while u will be traversing lightning speed without even thinking
so a mechanic you can do is jump and slash down. it looks like you new to it so hope this helps. also the name of this maneuver is called a pogo
Good luck with it dude!
Thank you 💜
Just make sure that they are reasonable goals, and be forgiving to yourself, there will be times when you have a setback. Are there reliable people in or near your field (vtuber, reactor, live streaming, ect.) that you can get advice or warnings from? Don't reinvent the wheel, yeah put your spin on it, but if there is a template use it they work for a reason. Last thing have fun with what you are doing, if your not having fun your audience will know.
Thank you man, appreciate you 💜 all great advice, very important to keep in mind. My head is very level, but there will obviously be ups and downs. Having proper support is huge for getting through them
A tip is whenever possible heal to full unless in a fight.
painful seeing the guy walk around trying to kill the most passive enemy in the game, while at one mask with soul. And a broken soul vessel too.
I learned this lesson very quickly lmao
I don't even know what most of those words mean 😅 is this is a hard game to jump into blind?
My advice is heal often, sit on benches whenever possible and god be on your side for bosses
@@princekitsune recommend watching fireb0rn as he does cool content,but there are many tutorials if you get stuck. I say try something for like an hour atleast before looking for a tutorial
The most important thing is that you are having fun with this.
Subscriber 72.
Hell yeah, thank you!
Ah, they didn't mention as to why his family left him after he came back from the war. In the manga? they explain that what happened is that when he got back from the war he had bad PTSD and accidently attacked his family...so they left.
Ah okay I see. He clearly has a lot of guilt over it, so that tracks 100%
When I was younger I was a Giants fan, way back around the time of the Loma Pereta quake.
Wow, that's even before my time 😅 that's really cool though!
Are white claws alcoholic like a beer or like a sparkling water? Mainly for the algorithm.
yesss alcoholic sparkling water. normally I hate seltzer, but for some reason the tiny bit of alcohol makes it really work for me
@@princekitsune sounds interesting, I hate the flavor of beer so I normally don't drink them but I might try one.
I feel you bro that happens all the time to me
There is a reason that the doctor and his family are estranged, I am not sure if it is covered in this anime or if it was in the manga. If the show doesn't cover it soon I will fill you in, but just in case it is covered in the show I'll wait a bit.
I feel like they wouldn't be bringing it up if they weren't going to elaborate on it, but they might not go that deep into it. we'll see 🤷♂️
Thank you for continuing the white claw Wednesday. It's silly but nice.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so!
Yeah, I was confused the first time I watched this episode.
I feel like it's impossible not to be, lmao
Soul bro. Its soul. Or not…
It’s nice to see someone new play Hollow Knight Hope you have fun
I will! I'm certainly having fun so far!
I remember when this was on TV, it would come out every weekday (not Sat or Sun) so you had time to think about the show. You could only watch it once and then had to wait to rewatch it during the summer when they did reruns to watch it again, while waiting for the new episodes.
It really feels like that experience is dying, so many shows nowadays come out all at once! But honestly certain shows work better when you have time to think about them in depth so I'm really glad this format has created that dynamic for me
Mainly writing to boost your numbers. Hope you have a good day and enjoy your lime white claw.
I really appreciate that, always 💜 hope your day has been good too!
When you said the only animal that talks, my first thought was Nina.
you know what? that's valid 😂
racoon dogs and racoons are actually two different animals! I think "bear cat" is used here cause Mei is Chinese (well, Xingese) and she's using the more Chinese-based term for panda here, which does literally translate to bearcat
ahh, that explains my confusion then 😅 I was right about bear cat, at least!
Just to clarify, he didn't hear scars story on ep 22, it was a flashback to us, scars memories 18:05
good point, they didn't really mention any of the details that we've seen so I get it
Is it going to evolve into Nodothing?
only time will tell, lmao
"I don't know what your gender is and that makes me excited" is a crazy quote
Hope you are having a good day.
I always wondered why Lan Fan decided to cut the arm off at the shoulder to trick Bradley. My only guess is that she wanted the dog to flee in another direction and lead a blood trail that would be long enough to let them escape. With only the blood in the severed limb, a hand or elbow would probably not have enough blood in it to leave a trail more than a couple of feet. With the entirety of the arm, it would have given them the several alleyways worth of distance they needed. That being said, she took a massive risk and almost got herself killed in the process.
That was my interpretation as well, she definitely wanted it to be as much blood as possible to be convincing. I do wonder, in a world where fully functioning prosthetics exist, if it is actually beneficial to lose a limb at a specific spot or not 🤔 idk if the show touches on it or if it really matters, but it's interesting to me
@@princekitsune At least as far as real life prosthetics go, it tend to be easier to replace limbs below joints, rather than having to attach directly to (or replace) natural joints in the body. As a rule of thumb, things get more complex when you need to craft and connect more moving parts.
Where can i download that mod
It's not a mod, just a fan game called Pokemon Infinite Fusion
Ling didn't kill Scar's family, it was a state alchemist. There are clues to who did those killings, but it will come up again so I won't spoil. Scar's brother (fun fact: they always refer to Scar's brother as Scar's brother. He has no listed name.) likely died from blood loss...or shock from the loss of the arm.
Yeah it only looked like him in the preview, watching the episode it didn't make any sense to me. Especially cuz, you're right, they SAID it was a state alchemist
@@princekitsune If you look closely, we have seen the hand tattoos of that State Alchemist before. *Hint hint: Remember in the very first episode, the prisoner that the Freezer was talking to?*
I do NOT remember that at all but I will rewatch it 👀
How did Scar's brother know how to do a arm graft? He studied Alkehestry from Xing where they use alchemy for medical use mainly.
Scar's brother had restored Scar's right arm by sacrificing his own and basically regrafting it onto him. As equivalent exchange, this means Scar's brother now is without one and has a gaping wound where his shoulder would be, similar to how Ed's leg was sacrificed and began to bleed out. So Scar's right arm is actually his own brother's arm, the one with the deconstruction tattoos. We never truly learn what happened to Scar's brother, but it is heavily implied that he died from his wounds while dragging Scar to safety.
That makes total sense, I was just confused because his body was nowhere to be found. I was trying to figure out why it disappeared lol
Good to see you are still going at it, lust said something slightly different, rather than her not wanting for him to be a sacrifice early, she said that it would be a shame if a sacrifice candidate were to die.
Thanks! Yes I remember that now that you say it, interesting distinction 👀
Manga revealed conversation between author, and her editor about this episode/chapter: Editor: This is serious chapter, you need to go easy, and cut out jokes. Author: Can I at least keep the boob joke? Editor: Oh, you have to keep the boob joke.
You can't just cut out a good boob joke!
The grabbing and stump aching, I feel is more of a lie, partially atleast. Hiding a panic attack of sorts.
Yeah, it could be! I'll pay attention to that next time it happens
What I find rather interesting about Hoenheim is that he still strangely has a sense of love for his family. While he doesn't get an excuse for abandoning Ed & Al in their youth, he still clearly shows an amount of regret for not being there & has some kind of desire to connect with Ed. Particularly when he is watching Ed sleep, he shows a conflict of whether or not he should pat him while he sleeps, but also holds back in some kind of sense of guilt. Also his "warning" to Pinako about what's to come in the country and that he does want them to leave. He certainly is still a terrible father & is still pulling strings in the background, but he still has some kind of humanity that even his ageless body has not forgotten. As a side note, I couldn't help but notice how Hoenheim doesn't bring up the idea of the Transmutation of his wife until he hears the dog in the hallway give Ed's presence away. I would like to think that was his strange way of telling Ed to look deeper into his failed Transmutation & attempt to learn from it; since Ed certainly would have brushed him off if Hoenheim told him directly. But if it was conveyed like Ed learned a secret that he wasn't supposed to know, then Ed would definitely take another look to find out if there is another way to recover Al's body.
I think narratively it's much more satisfying that he has that dimension to him as opposed to him just being straight up evil, and I think you really hit the nail on the head here. That being said, I still can't stand him as a human being even if I think he's a good character lmao Good point about the dog giving Ed's presence away too, the conversation really changes tone at that point, even if Ed didn't notice
I'm sure someone's told you by now, but "King" is his given name.
Someone HAS told me that but man, I still can't believe it 😅
As for Alphonse and his realization on his soul being bound to his armor, also remember that Barry's body was still rotting and decaying, despite a new soul of some feral creature was bound to it. I would assume that this means that any incompatible soul would merely inhabit a body, as if it were possessing it like a ghost; but the body would still be dead or otherwise be subject to the elements and time. Thus, as a suit of armor, Al's soul would not stop the armor from rusting, eroding, or anything of the like. While the rest of the armor is replaceable, he would have extreme difficulty in preserving the blood seal that keeps him bound to the armor. As once the armor rusts it off, his soul would be ejected just like how Barry was. And I don't think there are many ways to treat the armor for rust, without accidentally smearing off the seal.
Well said! It's a really interesting concept and I like the way you laid it all out there
For White Claw Wednesday, I'm guessing it's Strawberry. :D
There is a Strawberry Guava one in the new Tequila Smash box, but I was drinking a different one 👀
I'm guessing the White claw is Black Cherry, one of my favorites. :D
It is also one of my favorites! But because of that, I already drank that one on an earlier episode 😅
Just picked up your channel and love your reacts! Hope to see more of it! Happy belated Birthday!
Thank you so much! Glad to hear that you are liking them, means a lot 💜
Related to moving forward, there is a quote in a game called Disco Elysium that I love: VOLITION - Weave this into the story of you. Walk out of its *ruins*. Save those who still can be saved -- *I'm* on your side.
Awesome quote! I've heard of that game before but admittedly I do not know much about it lol
@@princekitsune If you choose to improve yourself it can be quite inspiring, I quite like it, I don’t have the heart to venture another path though.
The upper police/military also have to deal with classified intelligence. Sometimes finding a scapegoat is easier then telling the truth.
Absolutely, well said