- Видео 242
- Просмотров 83 165
Добавлен 16 окт 2013
[v1.2.1.4] Grim Dawn / Many summons Defiler SR36
How many summons are there in this build?
- Thermite Mine * 6
- Bloodbathed Servant * 4
- Tentacle of Yugol * 6
- Nightbringer * 2
- Cinderwind * 3
- Sand Devil * 3
- Living Shadow * 3
- Arcane Current * 5
当初は、100% 刺突&イーサー&エレ→生命力 変換をフルに活かせる tier3星座を4つ取りバカプラン(www.grimtools.com/calc/w26B3D72)
How many summons are there in this build?
- Thermite Mine * 6
- Bloodbathed Servant * 4
- Tentacle of Yugol * 6
- Nightbringer * 2
- Cinderwind * 3
- Sand Devil * 3
- Living Shadow * 3
- Arcane Current * 5
当初は、100% 刺突&イーサー&エレ→生命力 変換をフルに活かせる tier3星座を4つ取りバカプラン(www.grimtools.com/calc/w26B3D72)
Просмотров: 46
Grim Dawn / 遠隔斬首を見てみる
Просмотров 10114 часов назад
コンポネのリメイクスキル「斬首」 ・武器ダメ145% ・ヒットエフェクトが派手で、弾がどこに飛んでるのかわかりやすい ・遠隔だと貫通する、かなり太くて当てやすい ・通常代替ではないので、WSPは発動しない ・二丁拳銃だとオフハンドも参照する 左手右手両手で撃つ のは二丁拳銃の通常攻撃の割り振りと同じ感じっぽい ・左右に2つの斬首を付けても、チェインライトニングのように左右同時射出はできない
[v1.2.1.4] Grim Dawn / Speed Enforcement Reaper ver.3 SR36
Просмотров 8114 часов назад
www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvWoeEZ 前が物理&装甲の変更前だったので耐性だけ見直し ver2を投稿したのが去年12月だから、v1.2になってからもう1年以上経ってるの恐ろしい 今回の減速耐性の変更がどんなもんか体感するためにリーパーを引っ張りだしたけど、体感はあまり変わらない。 やっぱりパッチノートの通り 下限があるっぽいので、過剰な減速だったんだな。 足が速くなったプレボがワーって走って行くのが思いのほか楽しいので、次は遠隔のブラッドナイトとかやってみるか…
Grim Dawn / 通常代替モーションが止まらないスキルの幻想
Просмотров 5716 часов назад
DLCの新クラスに来るオンスロートが楽しそう。 <かなり長文> オンスロートスタックを何のスキルに乗せて遊ぶのかと考えたときに、そのクールタイム付きのスキルがAS依存とかCS依存とか関係なく「通常攻撃代替のモーションを止めて使われる攻撃スキル」と「通常攻撃代替のモーションを止めずに使える攻撃スキル」ってのがあったはずだから、それを把握しておこうと調べを始めたが… 良く使うリング オ スチールは通常攻撃代替のモーションを止めずにキャストできたイメージがあって、ブリッツやシャドウ ストライクで通常攻撃代替が止まるってのも知っている。 実際にブレマスで他のスキルを調べてみて、CS依存のフォースウエイブやファンタズマル ブレイズで通常攻撃代替が止まるってのも納得できたが、AS依存のブレイド アークで通常攻撃代替が止まるのは意外だった。RoSと同じ挙動だとばかり思っていた。 ついでに、新コンポ...
[v1.2.1.4] Grim Dawn / Blaze Herald's Aether Spellbreaker SR36
Просмотров 142День назад
www.grimtools.com/calc/M2gX09OV ベールキーパーが面白そうだったので、冷気刺突をイーサー変換したプレボビルド 3年以上前に投稿したイーサーチルスパイクの焼き直しだったりする チルスパイクだけ見れば3年前と変わらないダメージを出せてはいるが、今のご時世でコンポネスキルだけに頼ったビルドはダメージも範囲も物足りなさを感じる。線ではなく面で敵を倒したい。まぁ、SR36は安定したので、これで満足。 鍛え直したベロナスの弱体化を帳消しにするのなら、コンポネスキルの弱体化も帳消しにしても良いと思うんだがなぁ… 今、昔の性能に戻してもサブ火力に使われるぐらいでメイン火力にはならないでしょ。 【過去のビルド】 ruclips.net/video/1h3ZmKDynuA/видео.html
[v1.2.1.4] Grim Dawn / Fire Retaliation Evil Eye Sentinel ver.2 SR36
Просмотров 111День назад
www.grimtools.com/calc/dVbY17k2 ダブルレアを排除してコンポーネントを見直し レディネスアタックのアクセのほうがダブルレアのアクセより強くて泣けてくる
[v1.2.1.4] Grim Dawn / Fire Retaliation Evil Eye Sentinel SR38
Просмотров 6814 дней назад
www.grimtools.com/calc/wV135lPN これは報復ビルドなんだろうか… 最初は新しくなった砂時計でRAtA盾投げを連発して遊ぼう!って構想だったんですよ… SR90を回しているうちに、火炎報復と酸報復のどっちに寄せたほうが強いんだ?とか、死にやすいから三神はやめてポゼッションだー!とか、RAtA邪眼のスパム強いから詠唱速度を盛れ!盛れ!とか改造しているうちに、盾の居場所がなくなっていたんですよね。盾投げ報復ビルドなのに。 最終的に、全身すべてに報復武器防具を身に付けるよりも、CDRを確保して報復星座バフをいかに高頻度で発動させれるかに重点を置いたほうが強いと感じ、オフハンドとなりました。 昔にも報復イグナファーで遊んだ記憶がありますが、あのビルドよりは防御面が優秀で操作していて面白くはなりました。 火力特化より硬めのビルドのほうが雑な操作ミスを許されるので、ス...
Grimdawn / CDRに囚われたやつ
Просмотров 5014 дней назад
1198で運で鏡永続してキャスターでSR100を突破しようとしてたやつの残骸 今回のアプデで砂時計の発動頻度があがったということは、ギルダムアルケイナムの抽選回数タイミングが増えたということで… この動画は良い所を切り取って運良く鏡が続いてるけど、実際にはここまで長い時間、鏡が使い続けられるわけではないので安心して欲しい 発動5%のアクセ5部位で約22%で100Rになるので「鏡を詠唱したとき」と「砂時計が2連で発動したとき」の約44%で鏡が連続使用可能になる アプデ前は砂時計のリチャージが長すぎて鏡の連続使用率を平均すると33%ぐらいだったが、今回のアプデで44%ぐらいになれたという話 鏡は永続とまではいかないけど、アクセを占有しなくて砂時計のCDRよりリチャージが短くて100Rが付いた盾投げやグレみたいなスキルならワンチャンありそう 同時召喚になったプレボ召喚の連打も試したけど、ア...
[v1.2.1.3] Grim Dawn / Aether Callidor's Tempest Spellbinder SR36?
Просмотров 15214 дней назад
なんかアプデ来てたので、とりあえずSR36?(これが元90?)に突貫してきた。 久しぶりすぎて、一番最後はマウスカーソルの位置を見失って死にそうになった。 キャリテンのイーサー色の発色がとても良くなっている! パッチノートをさらっと流し見した感じではヘルスや耐性の追加が多くて、オモチャになりそうなスキル変化は今回は少なそうだけど、warframeもやることが減ってきて、GDのDLC3前にPOE2に手を出すかどうかを悩んでたから、このタイミングのアプデはありがたい。
Warframe The Steel Path / vs H-09 Efervon Tank (鋼 エフェルボン戦車)
Просмотров 19014 дней назад
PC, Update 38.0, The Steel Path, Zephyr Prime, Fulmin Prime, Ruvox 最終形態のボスがウァウァしてるところ、何をすれば良いのか…
Warframe / Update 38 Critcal Sunika Kubrow (クリ特化 SUNIKAクブロウ)
Просмотров 4714 дней назад
ビースト(クロウ)用の新しいクリダメMOD「Radon Claws」が出て、kullervoの相方に育てていたクブロウが強化された。 このクリダメMODの属性は複合(放射能)で、クロウの属性変換MOD(動画内は火)を無視している。 Tandem Bondで本体が振り回している12倍ヘビーから360%のダメ上昇がペットにかかっているので、戦闘中のクブロウの基礎ダメは表示の24kではなく36kぐらいのはず。そこに100%超えのクリ率とクリダメ14倍で、クブロウ一匹の素の殴りが本体と同じぐらいのダメージが出ている。 本体もクブロウもオバガかかるし、相互にヘルス回復もするし、クブロウのヘルス装甲は本体より多いし、組み合わせが良いかんじ。 実戦で出てるダメージがどんなものか見返すために撮影したけど、動画だと実際のゲーム画面よりfpsが落ちすぎてステージが暗いと何が起きているのかわかり辛い。この...
Warframe / Tempest & Storm Kullervo 2
Просмотров 4628 дней назад
鋼亀裂の結合耐久の一幕、Tempest Barrageって出し放題なのね… これならアビリティだけで敵完封できるし、レリック開封しつつつ武器3枠育て放題か スペック低い人とかグラ重視でエフェクト全開に表示している人からはどう見えてるのか気になる
Warframe / Tempest & Storm Kullervo
Просмотров 3728 дней назад
Endoを集めに2つの持続AoEアビリティで仲裁傍受に遊びにいく動画 範囲を広げたStorm of Ukkoの切断の雨に、Tempest Barrage(増強 Viral Tempest)の確定感染の雨を降らせてみたかったっていうそれだけ Tempest Barrageは落下範囲が視認できなくてわかりづらいし、最大で何個設置できるのかも良くわからない ほとんどスラムだったし、次は防衛とか耐久とか定点をやるファームで使ってみよう
Warframe / Saryn & Kompressa Build with Roar
Просмотров 44Месяц назад
シミュラクラムでRoar有無の試し撃ち、見比べ用 30%が3度乗りぐらいしてるんじゃないかってぐらい殲滅速度が違うんだよね 計算式がどうなっているのか気になるわ 0:00 without Roar 1:00 with Roar
Warframe / Saryn & Kompressa Build Test (鋼 耐久)
Просмотров 58Месяц назад
Endoが全然足りないKullervoの育成も中途半端に、鋼サーキットで試しに使ったKompressaが面白くてSarynさんに浮気。 とりあえずUMBRAフォーマーやアルコン破片の入手待ちだけど、そこそこ育てて鋼耐久で試し撃ち。 マルチショットに厚めで亜鉛バフなしで15.5、Kompressaは弾と爆風で2hitするので1射で30hitぐらいする。 Cascadia Empoweredの追撃ダメとSaryn3番の追撃毒ダメを多段hitからたくさん出そうというコンセプト。 Cascadia Empoweredの発動条件が状態異常を与えたときなので、スタック上限のない「爆発 電気」にしている。 なので「腐食付与(Saryn1番増強) 感染 爆発 電気」のKompressaとSaryn3番の確定「毒」の5属性のはず。 123番は自己バフ、4番は使わないのでEclipseかRoarが移植が...
Warframe / 4番増強 Kullervo & Okina Build Test (鋼 耐久)
Просмотров 99Месяц назад
Warframe / 4番増強 Kullervo & Okina Build Test (鋼 耐久)
Warframe The Steel Path / vs The Flagment (鋼 ザ・フラグメント)
Просмотров 37Месяц назад
Warframe The Steel Path / vs The Flagment (鋼 ザ・フラグメント)
Warframe The Steel Path / vs Jackal (鋼 ジャッカル)
Просмотров 35Месяц назад
Warframe The Steel Path / vs Jackal (鋼 ジャッカル)
Warframe / Solo Netracells (ソロ ネットセル )
Просмотров 342 месяца назад
Warframe / Solo Netracells (ソロ ネットセル )
Risk of Rain 2 SotS / Monsoon False Son VS False Son
Просмотров 293 месяца назад
Risk of Rain 2 SotS / Monsoon False Son VS False Son
Megaloot ver.1.02 / 4th run floor 60-71
Просмотров 193 месяца назад
Megaloot ver.1.02 / 4th run floor 60-71
Megaloot ver.1.02 / 3rd run floor 50-60
Просмотров 133 месяца назад
Megaloot ver.1.02 / 3rd run floor 50-60
[v1.2.1.2] Grim Dawn / Cold Forcewave Wardar SR90
Просмотров 3023 месяца назад
[v1.2.1.2] Grim Dawn / Cold Forcewave Wardar SR90
[v1.2.1.2] Grim Dawn / Lightning Spear Commando SR90
Просмотров 2603 месяца назад
[v1.2.1.2] Grim Dawn / Lightning Spear Commando SR90
Risk of Rain 2 SotS / Chef Monsoon Run
Просмотров 234 месяца назад
Risk of Rain 2 SotS / Chef Monsoon Run
Risk of Rain 2 SotS / Chef Band&Roll Charge Build Test
Просмотров 234 месяца назад
Risk of Rain 2 SotS / Chef Band&Roll Charge Build Test
[v1.2.1.0] Grim Dawn / Aether Callidor's Tempest Spellbinder SR90
Просмотров 5676 месяцев назад
[v1.2.1.0] Grim Dawn / Aether Callidor's Tempest Spellbinder SR90
[v1.2.1.0] Grim Dawn / Ultos Shooter Conjurer SR90
Просмотров 2106 месяцев назад
[v1.2.1.0] Grim Dawn / Ultos Shooter Conjurer SR90
I’m so happy to see another Tempest Storm Kullervo! I’ve been using the augment for his 4, as well. It makes it much cheaper to refresh.
Its possible to do this achievement on impossible without save scumming bazaars. All you need is 1) chaff squads x6 consisting of x1 sentinel + as many tier1 healers as you can fit. 2) getting rid of all gunpowder units because they are exceedingly useless in chapter 12 3) converting all front line infantry to spear men if they cant become sentinels. 4) making dianas squad strong enough the solo the right side enemies with the aid of stephan and a ranged/healer unit on the walls to soak up archer fire. 5) the strategy A) when casamir comes, diana falls back stat, stephan suicides himself to pull enemies to the left+ take out some cannons C) your units which have lots of spearmen, blow up the cav force that comes in from the left. D) your chaff sentinels must be positioned within range of the cannons but out of range of the cav/ gun powder infantry. When they get damaged, undamaged sentinel squads can heal each other. E) focus the gun infantry units after. Mop up the cannons last
The best way to get more sentinels is to convert all your arena tokens into bronze from the lev 10 bazaar. put all your melee infantry + new recruits into lysanders squad(convert him to light affinity for a squad leader with 100 cap) with donars treatise(it's easy to get if you look out for it, in my run I had 3) and clear the bronze arenas just before level 12
接尾オブレディネス付きのシングルレアMIは用意しておくと耐性補管に使えて優秀なので、日ごろから見かけたら集めておくと良いですね。 翻訳ファイルを自分で編集して、オブレディネスとか使える接辞のカラータグだけ好みの色に変更しておくと拾いやすくなります。 あと、動画投稿は5年前ですがアーリーアクセスのAct2実装ぐらいから遊んでいるので、今年で10年目だったりします。 今はもうネトゲ廃人のような頻度でやり込んでいるわけではなく、出勤前とかマルチゲームの友達待ちのときにちょっとトレハンする程度です。
You used the Righteous Fervor and Savagery at the same time!?😮 How does it work? Are you click the "A" button and the right click at the same time when attacking?
This game accepts up to two simultaneous inputs. I hold down the right-click and other keys are tapped. The "A" key is not holding, it is tapped.("A" key is mashed/bashed.) The Righteous Fervor is activated during Savagery delay and I can get two buffs.
Cool build! Will try the Shadow Strike Nightblade after this
Promo>SM 😱
Looks like fun build, awesome
Hello my friend.. I want to make this build. I like her and think she is very good. Do you recommend this construction or another one that you have played and are familiar with?
Hello. This build is too tanky, and is not better for speedy item farming. It is said that Soldier is best 1st class for beginners and chose 2nd class from Shaman, OathKeeper or Necromancer. You can looking for "Warlord(Soldier+OathKeeper)" or "Warder(Soldier+Shaman)" or "Death Knight(Soldier+Necromancer)" in offical forums. forums.crateentertainment.com/c/grimdawn/classes-skills-and-builds/21
Is it eternal storm?
Yes, the build used for this video is Eternal Storm Druid. I think this video description are translated to your language not well by Google. Because, I used a lot of Japanese slang. I wrote it about ["Of the Gildam Arcanum(suffix)" is worked when play "Time Dilation" and other celestial power skills].
Yeah...bs lol. thats a truly massive amount of save scumming.
Map seed and details, please? Nice town, too. :-)
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3049459212 I had one screenshot from that time at 2022, so I published it on Steam. You will be able to check the map seed from screenshot. I don't know if it works with the newest game version.
Completing this mission tips. 1)Abuse the shop. The first tech to take is the one to expand the shop once it becomes available after mission 2. Never...ever save once you get to the between missions screen until AFTER you check the shop to see what's available. If there's nothing worthwhile, load the after mission save and skip the lore screen to get back and check again. 2)You have to start preparing early on. Avoid letting Zelos get too much fighting, focusing more on the hero, Sybil, Jules and Barnabas. Jules in particular you want to get levels and leadership to expand his squad. On the note of squads you'll want to specialize several squads. Jules, for example, make him strictly an archer unit. Barnabas, cavalry, etc. 3)Prioritize items over units early on. Main things. Tokens for the Arena. If you find a Platinum early, grab it. That's four bronze or 2 silver tokens off the bat. Hulking Pavises, reduce damage from firearms by 15%. You want them. Cyrene's shield reduces all damage by 25% for your front units, perfect for those taking on the gunners. Donar's treatise, increases xp and cp gains and anything to increase squad size, preferably blue upwards. Traits and elemental altering items are also useful. Best units...mages (specifically fire) and shieldsmen. The tier 3 shielders have a passive resistance to gunpowder units and fire mages hit everything in a line and tend to focus on units they know they can kill. And since the cannons are far weaker hp-wise they'll get focused down. Tech, all the tech on the far right so as to get the final one. Which reduces the cost of upgraded units by half. It also refunds any already spent materials. Any extra points go into buffing cavalry as well techs on the left that protects the supports in groups with paladins. Do arenas sparingly until you get to just before mission 12. So as to ensure the enemies you face will be at the highest level to ensure max level growth. Use the scrolls to get everyone to the highest possible level as well as fully upgraded.
i need your techtree
now when u startet new game* u have all in this state when u play right and with the new opions. And 1 Trupp clear all
you are genius
So its auto reset after 5 mins bro ?
where did you get that rune? vampiric shadowns?
This is blueprint drop with DLC:Forgotten Gods. www.grimtools.com/db/items/12054
@@naugame does that mean that it can be farmed within FG areas only?
@@kenvevoofficial6246 Blueprints for legendary runes drop at Shattered Realm's reward, perhaps...
Finally an useful mod for Grim Dawn.
Thanks a lot. Worked great. English Map name: Marseille - Missile Command (2nd episode). Previously I spent hours farming only 215 gold on a Moscow map.
Cool Run. I enjoyed it.
This is 4 minutes farming gold by using the fact that I can get a reward when my team pass through the door.
Good effort, but you should have made it more overpowered. No idea what you were doing in the middle of the run, skipping the skills that you have not made it to 9 cards, but you should always leave one slot to gain extra cards. It hurts every time you throw away a 6 star 9 cards without even collecting additional cards from it, whenever you complete a 9 set card.
You're right, this build is not best. I was trying to see how far I could go with this cards. If once I died, I was going to switch to more powerful cards in my hand. But I survived to floor 100.
I enjoyed your video.
懲戒とウルズインの怒りのどちらかでダメージ減少デバフがかかっているのと盾持ちで物理耐性が高いからですね。 耐性が見直されましたしクラフトグローブは詠唱速度が上がりましたし、キャスタービルドは1196のやつでもほぼ全てが強化されていると思います。
うp乙、日本語wikiのビルドページから来た者です。このゲームの日本語うp主少ないから、感動しながら即座チャンネ登録しましたw この銃もたまに拾いますが、たしかに砲弾速度上昇というオプションは非常に珍しいですね、今の所エピック武器の2種類しか存在しないし だけどこのゲームの射撃ビルドであっても、大抵の場合敵に接近されるケースが多いから そこまで必要かなとも思った。 太陽の星座スキル(コルヴァークの目)のように回転速度が目に見えて上がるのはちょっと面白いです(同じ敵に対してのヒット数は増えないみたい?)
cheating tech to get the army at the needed level : save scuming end mission / save scumming start mission with shop on the map / save scumming last turn in arena to get what you need. BEst item = -25%dmg to front line and fire arm damage,black belt,attack first,temporal modulator.
Also, did you bond with Abigayle or something? How is your rank so high? I did everything except bonding with her, captured everything on every map, and my rank is still the one before that.
How did you get that level of troops? How did you grind for levels if you did? I don't have that many people at high enough level or class, and I cleaned up completely every map before that. Also, I only got 2 of the first arena, and one of the second arena tokens and beat them, but still not close to your levels.
Things you can do to "grind". Save-scum at the end of each chapter. During the cutscenes, there will be a prompt to save. Reload until you get arena tokens every chapter. The rewards from the arena tokens go a long way to building your army. You can go pretty high with XP codex due to some story characters joining with high levels (I think Barnabas? joins quite high). On a side note, while doing arena, set up squads that are completely melee and are tanky. Let them tank archer shots ad infinitum for infinite loyalty/leadership grind and quite high levels. However, it takes an absurd amount of time...
@@ronaldwangdra9675 Oh, any advice about how to do that? Tanking every archer shot. I suppose ~2 healers, and what else?
@@Petq011 I did it with 2 healers and as much armor artifacts I could get on the squad. Soldiers will survive with a lot of leeway. The only thing to make sure of is that the squad you're trying to level up has the lowest threat among all deployed squads. You can have the other squads retreat after clearing the map aside from the archers. It is painstakingly slow, though... Simply save-scumming for the arena tokens should be enough to get you through the harder parts of the game. I just checked, Barnabas starts at level 20. With the tokens, you can get a few units up to that level, too. Use Diana, she's very very strong.
@@ronaldwangdra9675 Okay, thanks!
I think I was about level 17/18 at this point just from converting all my arena into bronze. The more shocking part to me in this vid is the number of t3, I hardly have any. They have a dragon rider so I assume they have mostly power level'd up the left tree. Perhaps even more so it that they have Ilbis, I read somewhere that it's not available until chapter 27 though obv that us incorrect, in my playthrough I am really unlucky with the legendary artefacts. only found 2 by Ch12 and they are both ones that are more damaging than helpful at this stage/without a counter artefact. Basically I think I split my focus too much and kept all of my armies pretty similar in level.
So you essentially min-maxed Bazaars in order to get this achievement?
Found this video last year but never commented. Very unique build that i think is overlooked a lot just because of the class combination.
The Japanese Grim Dawn community doesn't comment much in RUclips. We discussed about my build on this page at last year. If can you read with Google Translate? wikiwiki.jp/gdcrate/Builds/Example/Defiler/06
Well, this absolutely came unexpected. I'm absolutely not going to spend time and effort to try hard to get this. I'll go get it on the easiest difficulty.
@@Solus749 I got the achievement on easy mode, but thanks anyway, lol
what is everlasting potion for? Cant find anyway to use it
basicly one free priest level heal per combat but you don't nede to field a priest as it is an artifact that cost1 point. it is legendary though so good luck finding it randomly. You will get it from a chest in mission 12 outside the walls ( the timelocked one ). Since you can't equip things found during missions though you need to have found one earlier and even then these builds are so minmaxed with either maximum luck or reloading autosaves to change store inventory. I don't need an achiment that badly to go through with that shit and I play on warlord with permadeath.
Does this change anything about the story and what happens after chapter 12?
I don't think it actually changes anything, or much. And as the cool kids say "shit's going down" for a while after that.
But with the game being ~30 hours long, I'm pretty sure that's still just the beginning. As well as considering the fact that we aren't even half-way through the world map at this point. 🤣
If anyone struggles with this achievement in Warlord difficulty, there is an easy way for a kind of Invincible trio, get your hands on all legendary items and required heroes before chapter 12 : - Team of your Hero : Landi's mirage (Legendary) / Hulking Pavise / Iblis Family Signet (Legendary) -- Zeteni The undying Gold -- 1x Paladin -- 2x Templar (In middle) -- 2x Sword Master - Team of Diana : Temporal modulator (Legendary) / Black Belt (Epic) / Hulking Pavise -- 1x Paladin -- 2x Templar (in middle) -- Renalyn SteelHeart (Assassin's Heart) -- Any Zweihander (Disarm) - Team of Abygail : Everlasting potion (Epic) / Hulking Pavise / Officer's Regalia -- Cloudrender Athelis Gold (Bloodlust) -- 2x Red Dragon -- 1x Paladin Use your best books on them : Disarm, challenger, Bloodlust on dps / Arcane Barrier (best) or beacon/resolve on Templars, bodyguard on Zeteni, Arcane X on Diana (any is fine, might is best), Executioner good on everyone. Try to gold any pillar of the team (Zeteni and Cloudrender are mandatory). Imposing and Unassuming are bad and useless at some point because of good formation.
I've never even seen the Cloudrender. I am the king of save scumming, but this is unrealistic for most people...
@@alfarabi73 I got cloudrender on my save but I lucked out hard. These builds used in the comment above need you to fish HARD for x item/merc. Iblis family ring and landis mirage wasn't something I saw early on at all. I am on chapter 22 at this point and I still haven't seen iblis signet and I visited every basar on every map up to that point. Temporal modulator was something I found at mission 16-18 or so and by then my teams didn't need it. Also abigayles team for me is 3 paladins in front , 2 dragons ( one is nibbler ) 1 swordmaster behind her. Makes her team more or less thief/assassin immune with heavy armour infantery up front which can all secondary heal. Her team isn't as tough as Dianas but it isn't that far behind.
I'm going to ask a noob question: How do you fish/ get those? I never see anything good in the shops.
@@charlesdean2781 you can't fish for it but you can reload the chapterchange save until you get it in the store..granted the rare items don't exactly spawn often and if you fish for those expect to reload atleast 20-30 times PER chapter. Not worth the effort if you ask me.
@@Solus749 I see. What tech tree do you run btw early on?
good one ! and chapter 13 ?
This missions breaking me, whats the alternative win condition as well?
Alternatively (if you have perma death on) remove all units from your main characters squad and as soon as the gun army shows up send your main character out to die. Mission completes as soon as he's taken out.
Any tips on how to get those squads that well built so early? Every time I go into ch 12 it’s with much worse squad composition
<Train squad> The only squads to be trained are the player character and Diana and Abigail. Submission of each chapter must be successful, but more "seize" on Diana and Abigail to up leadership. <Get gold> Operating a cavalry with "Thievery", in this case Stefan. "Thievery" creates huge gold, so be sure to buy more if you see it in the shop. Surrender as many enemies as possible, for bonuses on gold and techpoint exp. <Use gold> The field shops always buy one dragon. The basecamp shops can be reset when loading data saved between chapters, so purchase "Officer's Regalia" x3 and "Hulkling Pavise" x3. Without the Tech Tree "Sisterhood of Mercy" and the Artifacts "Officer's Regalia" and "Hulking Pavise", Templar can't stand the cannon rain.
@@naugameThanks ill try it next playthrough
@@naugame what do you mean reset?
@@mitchellgordon7375 You can change displayed items on basecamp by reloading.
@@mitchellgordon7375 like trry quick save from system right before you send person to seize the the main objectives building, if the marketplace item and recruit is not good enough, you can go to title and quick load then repeat process to send person to seize again, the item and recruit will be different each time
Good job, I got it after many failed attemps. I think this achivement worth it.
Any tips for it?
Does the scenario plays the same ?
Yes you can. This is the default(Captain) difficulty scenario. The basecamp's shop will be rerolled after saving between chapters. So use it to get Artifacts that reduct Firearms damage.
@@naugameI think he asked more like,Does the story stay the same or do we survive the attack if we kill everyone?
@@sansplayer6254 oh, I see... Its go to same next scenario. But, it is one years ago old version. And I don't know if it affects multi-endings.
yo, that's pretty cool that the goobo engi has his own turrets
cool non-piano build
Умничка !
Умничка !
Умничка !
hi where did you drop your weapon ?????
1: Hunt the swamp golems in forest(Act5). 2: Use vender "Vinelton - All Natural Wares" in Feral Thicket(Act5/Ancient Grove). grimdawn.gamepedia.com/Feral_Thicket
Check the drop-monsters here. www.grimtools.com/db/items/8723
hi at devotion you can not see in some things what is inside. The chariot of the dead can not see that. not at Ghoul either. can reinstate your grim tool please. こんにちは、献身的に、あなたは何かの中に何が入っているかを見ることができません 死者の戦車はそれを見ることができません。 グールでもない。 あなたの恐ろしいツールを復活させてください。
www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zoMRjV Is this OK?
yes this is perfekt thx