Mike Munroe
Mike Munroe
  • Видео 8
  • Просмотров 40 890
Why I Don't Use React
▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike
When on your journey to develop the best app for your clients and businesses it is crucial to know and understand what software offers the right balance of features and plugins you looking for your needs however, it's easy to get lost in the mix among the popular solutions like React so to save your valuable time in this video I’ll be sharing a few reasons why I as a pro developer don't use React.
With the high demands in the development world, quality can sometimes be low. More and more, web or mobile applications are delivered that are clunky, ugly, or don't solve the business challenges they're meant to fix while the comp...
Просмотров: 9 501


TOP 5 Best App Development Software for Beginners
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.11 месяцев назад
▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike On your journey to becoming a professional app developer, you need the perfect app development software that not only has the best features and plugins to assist you but also offers a balanced combination of flexibility and stability. Most importantly, it should be easy to use. In this video, I'll be sharing my top 5 recommendations for the ...
The Biggest App Building Mistakes In 2024
Просмотров 34911 месяцев назад
▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike Embarking on the journey of building your own mobile application as an entrepreneur comes with a myriad of challenges. It is crucial for you to be well-informed about these challenges to devise a future-proof plan. To assist you in this endeavor, we aim to highlight the most significant challenges in mobile app development as a prominent com...
The Best No Code Mobile App Builders In 2024
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▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike The advent of no-code development has sparked a revolution, granting entrepreneurs and businesses the ability to craft mobile apps without the need for coding skills. As we enter 2024, a plethora of advanced tools has enriched the landscape, making app development more accessible than before. Here's an overview of the top six no-code mobile ...
25 Reasons Why You Should Use Ruby On Rails For App Development
Просмотров 85811 месяцев назад
▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike In the vast landscape of mobile and web development frameworks, my company OBLSK, is an expert with Ruby on Rails. Due to its elegant syntax, rapid coding and scalability, it is perfect for app development. This video will outline X compelling reasons to choose Ruby on Rails. 25 Reasons Why You Should Use Ruby On Rails For App Development ► ...
Web App Vs Mobile App - Is There A difference?
Просмотров 8 тыс.Год назад
▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike Discover the differences between web applications and mobile applications in this informative video. Find out why businesses often opt for a web app instead of a mobile app, and learn about the trade-offs involved. Dive into the world of web apps and get a better understanding of their purpose and benefits. Subscribe now to stay updated on a...
Ruby on Rails Explained In 6 Minutes
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▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike/software-ruby-on-rails-discussion Contemporary web applications often exhibit intricate structures, comprising multiple layers. Ruby on Rails simplifies web development by furnishing a pre-established framework and all the essential components for constructing a web application. In the following discussion, we will delve into the purposes of...
How To Make An App In 2024
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▶️ Book your FREE call here - calendly.com/oblsk-mike Welcome to our beginner's guide on creating your first app from scratch! In this comprehensive tutorial, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of building an app, even if you have limited coding knowledge or experience. Follow along as we dive into the fundamentals of app development, providing you with invaluable tips, tricks, a...


  • @imraan_alam
    @imraan_alam 9 дней назад

    Where i can find updated full length video tutorials? May I know some good resources. I can't find most of them are very old. 😢😢

  • @danielsanchez1213
    @danielsanchez1213 Месяц назад

    Great, concise information - thank you.I'm learning Ruby on Rails through The Odin Project in my free time after work. Ruby caught my interest more than the more popular Javascript path. Any thoughts on the current entry-level Ruby job market? I have read that jobs are heavily concentrated on senior roles. Entry level positions seem pretty scarce on Indeed/Linkedin.

  • @malakaltrabalsi
    @malakaltrabalsi 2 месяца назад

    that was helpful!! thank youu

  • @elysiumboats
    @elysiumboats 3 месяца назад

    I missed the part where you talk about advantages of mobile apps

  • @OS-Advertising
    @OS-Advertising 3 месяца назад

    i went back to laravel with the blade templating engine and man .......... i can make things sooooooo much faster, i just reload the page when ever the data changes and everything just works ... going back to good old MVC & SSR was the answer for me as a solo indie dev

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 3 месяца назад

      @@OS-Advertising right on. These frameworks are game changers for indie devs

    • @OS-Advertising
      @OS-Advertising 3 месяца назад

      @@MikeMunroe ESPECIALLY with htmx and some ui kits like flowbite, using the blocks that flowbite provides with htmx makes it reaaaaaally feel exactly on the level of spas with zero of the negatives, and you can use any backend you want that supports template fragments you can decide exactly wich parts of the ui to swap and how to swap them and you can even run JS on the front end from your backend by returning a script tag..... i had a huuuuge problem with react because i tended to want to use a bunch of js libraries and i realized that i needed to basically make wrappers around all vanilla js libraries or use react specific libraries only .... it was so annoying to do simple things like have a form with a map and when you select an address on the map it fills the form, because google maps have their map in vanilla js ...... it's also very annoying that when ever you're using a js framework you always feel like if you do not use the full stack framework that goes with it next nuxt sveltkit you are missing out on all the features wich ends up basically making you pick JS / TS to write both backend and frontend ... and that comes with it's problems too especially for heavy computations you will need a separate service written in an other language to handle these tasks

  • @avgGamer662
    @avgGamer662 5 месяцев назад

    I'm a react js developer with basic rails knowledge. I'm looking for a job. Any help would be 🙏 1.5 yrs

  • @mirekmarek2m
    @mirekmarek2m 7 месяцев назад

    10000000% agree

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 7 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked it.

  • @werghiaziz2943
    @werghiaziz2943 8 месяцев назад

    I have problem performance

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      You have performance problems?

  • @eelafedits
    @eelafedits 8 месяцев назад

    Hey! I am a video editor and a thumbnail designer; I saw your videos and I think I can play a significant role in growing your channel by editing your videos + creating thumbnails to increase the views. Do let me know what you think!!

  • @Hutu6778
    @Hutu6778 8 месяцев назад

    Interesting video, glad to know this

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the comment. Glad you watched it.

  • @Haroun.Benmahdjoub
    @Haroun.Benmahdjoub 8 месяцев назад

    Let's remove all the BS and TS and go back to the plain, not plain Vanilla JS.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      Ha, I love it. The not plain Vanilla JS made me laugh the most.

  • @KentvanKuller
    @KentvanKuller 8 месяцев назад

    Very informative. Thank you.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      Glad it was helpful. Have you tried Rails or Hotwire?

    • @KentvanKuller
      @KentvanKuller 8 месяцев назад

      @@MikeMunroe I have. I’m getting back into it, coding alongside tutorials. I have things I want to build.

  • @TBayes
    @TBayes 8 месяцев назад

    Prefer server-side rendering?… unless you’re speaking to block functions like lambda, the modern world is transitioning to generic APIs and webhooks. Ripe for client-side rendering.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      Why are you introducing API calls or webhooks if you can make DB calls? I think you’re jumping to complexity that is not needed. Webhooks and APIs for 3rd party data, sure, but not for your own data. I would also suggest staying away from Lambda and would argue the cost savings for on demand servers is not worth the complexity. 🙂

  • @robertschlackman3845
    @robertschlackman3845 8 месяцев назад

    I agree with you 100%. I've been adding to and maintaining an app written in React.js for the past 8 years. We are always talking about our next upgrade. The SEO issues are a real thing. We had to build our own pretender tool fix the issues. It's a constant struggle. If I had to start over I would have gone with a different framework.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      @robertschlackman3845 I wish that wasn't the case 🙂When I moved from Ember to React, I thought React had a lot of promise, but you can't get away from the issues inherent with a SPA framework in front of an API. There are now other, more simpler options to build dynamic full stack apps without separating a front end and back end API. Overall, I think splitting product platforms up is driven more by the size of the team, then any other reason. There is just more complexity that is no longer needed.

  • @canardeur8390
    @canardeur8390 8 месяцев назад

    Sorry, but Stefan Mischook disagrees! On the other side, I do not agree with all what he says...

  • @goldendragon2624
    @goldendragon2624 8 месяцев назад

    I am starting react at the moment and I find it very hard to use, though it seems simple from the outside I feel like the amount of libraries I need to use with react makes me feel uncomfortable.. I hope that in the future other lib for front end would become more popular but for now i will push on.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      Good luck in your learnings.

    • @orwellmushaikwa2591
      @orwellmushaikwa2591 8 месяцев назад

      You can also consider angular, the great thing about angular is that it has it's own ecosystem, it is a full-fledged framework and so most of what you need to create a production application is available for you in angular. Angular with rxjs is very powerful and has all the features to suit your needs. Then if you want server side rendering you can check out analog. Angular is still very widely used in the market so you definitely won't struggle to find opportunities with it either. I am a react dev myself, and enjoy my time with it, though I will admit the challenges are there in looking for external packages to use for specific features. Using react-based frameworks like nextjs or remix which come with their own presets can help alleviate some of the challenges in having to find packages and finding the best way to structure your projects.

  • @cheeky1699
    @cheeky1699 8 месяцев назад

    It's possible and you have points on everything, however, this is where I am glad I have picked and stuck with next.js now for a few years. I probably wouldn't have gotten this far now if I was using a framework other than next. all the issues you mention are dealt with, and are non issue.

  • @taquanminhlong
    @taquanminhlong 9 месяцев назад

    React router's already done the state management 😂 never need to use any kind of redux

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 8 месяцев назад

      Many companies use different solutions for state management, especially depending on the age of the code base

  • @dotak9663
    @dotak9663 9 месяцев назад

    what you recommend than ?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      I'm a big fan of full stack Ruby on Rails with Hotwire. The speed of execution not having a SPA architecture is hard to pass up.

  • @covalentbond7933
    @covalentbond7933 9 месяцев назад

    I agree, I got the most useful feedback and ideas for functionality from users of my ERP system

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the comment. Great idea.

  • @florincodreanu5381
    @florincodreanu5381 9 месяцев назад

    What the heck is this video?! Are you a real programmer or just a youtouber?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Are you a fan of React? Any insights you would like to share?

  • @mikejakusz1493
    @mikejakusz1493 9 месяцев назад

    In what ways can you get involved with the community? Is there an active rails community discord?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Yes, check out a great list of resources here masilotti.com/ruby-on-rails-communities/

  • @mikejakusz1493
    @mikejakusz1493 9 месяцев назад

    Great video! Thank you :)

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the comment. Glad you enjoyed it.

  • @xelth
    @xelth 9 месяцев назад

    Does it work fine with SVG filters?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Ruby on Rails and Hotwire do not support SVG filters natively, but there is nothing that holds you back from using them in Rails project. You can define an SVG for rendering in your view and set a filter on it. For those not familiar with SVG filters, you can follow along an example shown at dev.to/paulryan7/svg-filters-why-you-so-confusing-5f4f. Give it a try in your Rails view. Should work as expected.

    • @xelth
      @xelth 9 месяцев назад

      @@MikeMunroe <feDiffuseLighting> from browser to browser gives different results, so you have to correct this with JS. If something from Meta or others is used in between, I think it will either not work at all as with all these converters or in the best case not work well.

  • @lukehrqc
    @lukehrqc 9 месяцев назад

    What about Vue3 composition api? I find it really simple to do anything I ever needed. Pinia for state management, vue mitt for events, vue router and thats basically it.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      I like Vue more than React.

  • @simplygenius4847
    @simplygenius4847 9 месяцев назад

    React is awesome...

  • @byterbit6236
    @byterbit6236 9 месяцев назад

    Where/when/why might you use React? Any good use case for a new project?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      If you or your team are experts with React, but not much expertise with other frameworks/libraries, go for it.

  • @nathankrasney
    @nathankrasney 9 месяцев назад

    Hi Mike , have you ever developed an application using react ? was there ever a shift from HOC to hooks (there was a shift from class component to hooks ...) ?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Yes. Years of Ember before years of React. You’re right though, my naming is off. I should have said class components, not HOCs.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      I’ve done my fair share of refactoring legacy React code to utilize hooks.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Do you agree that React has had major shifts within its ecosystem within the last 5+ years?

    • @NickTheDevGuy
      @NickTheDevGuy 9 месяцев назад

      @@MikeMunroe Oh goodness yes. React Router v6 broke several personal projects and threw me for a loop until I figured it out. It's definitely more efficient and easier to read/use overall, there were just so many changes.

  • @custodesmeus576
    @custodesmeus576 9 месяцев назад

    Nobody in the enterprise environment is interested in Ruby on Rails! The jobs on offer and the prevalence of the language is low compared to other technologies. I think ruby on rails is very good in its concepts, but it has not caught on in the market! It's worth a look and you have to weigh up what purpose, budget and teams are set up for. Maintainability over years, the activity of the core developers of a framework and the market share of the programming language and technology are often decisive. Unfortunately, I don't see ruby on rails in the top ten of available technologies.

    • @taunado
      @taunado Месяц назад

      Loads of jobs in my country, and I assume they'll only increase as companies choose anything other than React.

  • @davidfield2030
    @davidfield2030 9 месяцев назад

    Do you have any thoughts on React Native? Especially interested if you have compared it with Flutter.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      There are still limited options for cross platform mobile development. React Native is a good option. I’m familiar with Flutter, but have not used it in depth enough to have an opinion. That said, I’m interested in trying it in a project. I would say, if you are comfortable with JS and React, React Native is probably a safer choice.

  • @mahdido
    @mahdido 9 месяцев назад

    What do you think about the odin project ?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      I think it's a great resource for learning Ruby, Rails and other technologies.

  • @Daniel-fl4si
    @Daniel-fl4si 9 месяцев назад

    Hey, thanks for the video. Can you please share what are the alternatives?

    • @buka.a
      @buka.a 8 месяцев назад

      Probably Angular

    • @PCspray
      @PCspray 8 месяцев назад

      he says it at the end, RoR

    • @akshaykumar-zp3ui
      @akshaykumar-zp3ui Месяц назад

      Vanilla JS :)

  • @spinningaround
    @spinningaround 9 месяцев назад

    So far best framework for web dev

  • @scumble8271
    @scumble8271 9 месяцев назад

    This is great, as a new dev learning rails you listed off some fantastic resources

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Thanks, glad it was helpful.

  • @jaksa05
    @jaksa05 9 месяцев назад

    I want to learn ruby on rails. But I do not know any ruby, where is the best place to learn it, if you can recommend a tutorial? I am very proficient in Javascript so I'm not a complete beginner in programming

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Check out www.theodinproject.com/paths/full-stack-ruby-on-rails/courses/ruby. They also have a Rails course.

  • @tonegrail650
    @tonegrail650 9 месяцев назад

    As a react developer who migrated to angular I agree with this 100%. It's also easier to bootstrap an angular app rapidly.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Sounds great. Sounds like you are having some great results with Angular.

  • @GabrielMartinez-ez9ue
    @GabrielMartinez-ez9ue 9 месяцев назад

    I have been a "full stack react dev" for quite some time, but just couldn't take it anymore. A few rails tutorials followed by some trials and errors... and i am never looking back to nextjs or the react world.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      That’s awesome. Welcome to the Ruby and Rails world. SupeRails and Go Rails are some great channels on YT to check out. Also, anything from Joe Masilotti YT or on his site on the Rails Hotwire/Turbo mobile stuff is gold.

    • @jorgemacea7575
      @jorgemacea7575 7 месяцев назад

      Is that a good decision in 2024??

    • @GabrielMartinez-ez9ue
      @GabrielMartinez-ez9ue 7 месяцев назад

      @@jorgemacea7575 It all depends on your project. Lots of UI features, i would go with svelte, else i would use rails. That is if you are trying to build something -- if you are job hunting, maybe try a different stack.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 7 месяцев назад

      @@jorgemacea7575 Yes. Hotwire in Rails has made it an even better option to go with these days.

  • @jonathancampos8929
    @jonathancampos8929 9 месяцев назад

    I'm an Android developer and recently I started learning React. For me React seems great so far, using typescript is helpful as well since it's a typed language like Java and Kotlin which are the languages I'm used too in my day-to-day life as Android dev

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Thats great. Curious, with your Android background, why not check out Java Spring?

    • @jonathancampos8929
      @jonathancampos8929 9 месяцев назад

      @@MikeMunroe I'm also learning Spring for about 8 months now, I decided learning React as front end just for curiosity and to do something different from work and challenging myself tbh. React has some similarities with Jetpack compose which is the new declarative way of building UI in Android. I like the way frameworks and libraries seem to be converging in a similar way to build UI

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      @@jonathancampos8929sounds great. If you are enjoying React, keep going, especially if you have some Java background. A. Good comparison.

  • @netssrmrz
    @netssrmrz 9 месяцев назад

    Enjoyed the video, and I'm sure Ruby can do nice things but every framework is selling the same unproven snake oil. Personally I've had better results keeping things simple. Ditch the frameworks, use the platform.

  • @netssrmrz
    @netssrmrz 9 месяцев назад

    Enjoyed the video, and I'm sure Ruby can do nice things but every framework is selling the same unproven snake oil. Personally I've had better results keeping things simple. Ditch the frameworks, use the platform.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 9 месяцев назад

      Using straight Ruby would be the path you are suggesting which can be done, but then you are rebuilding a lot of commodity pieces that you can leverage for web and mobile dev. The opinionated nature of Rails, after you get up to speed can have a tremendous impact on speed of the team to deliver high quality software. I think you should always do what works best for the skills yourself or your team already has expertise in. That is the best decision.

  • @bozoskopljakovic5508
    @bozoskopljakovic5508 10 месяцев назад

    Ruby on Rails is really amazing solution. When I made Windows Form desktop app in C# I am able to compile code in order to protect my code to be stolen without authorization, how we can protect code in Ruby on Rails on the same way. When work web app for customer and when we deployed it on server we have to copy all code to server in order to make it wor so is it possible to protect code and how, thanks

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      With your .NET app, it sounds like you compiled it, but did not obfuscate it. It’s very easy to decompile those bits that aren’t obfuscated. I’m not sure I understand your concerns though. You should only be running production code on a trusted server. Who has access to the code that you would not want to have access?

  • @dawidgrden2227
    @dawidgrden2227 10 месяцев назад

    Trying to learn react and next and everything related made me appreciate more Vue, I think React is eventually going to die, as you said it is an "empire" of js libraries going to fall like every empire in history, developers need officially supported libraries, that's why I am learning Laravel and Vue, after a year of React and stuff I'm still unable to create anything

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      Good luck with Vue and Laravel. Good choice.

  • @nat.serrano
    @nat.serrano 10 месяцев назад

    so what do you use for multiplatform development? I prefer native swift and kotlin but the fact that I have to develop TWICE kills me!

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      Flutter is an option here, and Elektron. I would argue that React Native is also a good path if you do have to support iOS and Android on mobile. It is a pain to support 2 platforms, but we leverage Turbo Native iOS and Turbo Native Android when tackling greenfield web + mobile apps. I don’t love React in any way, but wouldn’t fault someone for using React Native if that’s the most efficient way for a team to support both iOS and Android.

  • @netssrmrz
    @netssrmrz 10 месяцев назад

    Good video. Another pain point, for me, is React's poor support for the standard DOM and CSS APIs. On various jobs, I find myself getting involved more and more with migrating React apps to Web Components. Seems more enterprises are looking for more future-proof solutions.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      Thanks for sharing. Future proofing should always be on everyone’s radar. Tech changes quick, so that is not always easy and we should be careful with premature optimization, but the longer something can stand up without change driven by product, the better. Thanks for your comment.

  • @okie9025
    @okie9025 10 месяцев назад

    React is not a web framework, its a UI diffing library. It's great for web apps, but it's also great for making mobile apps, CLI apps, desktop apps, email templates, PDFs, etc. When it comes to website-building frameworks like Svelte or HTMX, they are absolutely horrible for making anything other than websites. The fact that the default setup for new Svelte projects is SvelteKit says exactly this - Svelte (and co.) are made stricty for the web, and they rely on existing web standards. If you try to stray away even a little bit from web standards, you will have a hard time and get yelled at by the SvelteKit docs. While on this topic, I'd also like to rant about why I think the backend should definitely be separated from the frontend. The reason why SSR frameworks like Next.js or SvelteKit are gaining traction is not entirely because they are actually good or because people are using them, but because of marketing. The Next.js team wants people to server-render their websites so they can force devs to pay the server costs, instead of the simpler approach of just having a separate REST API backend and SPA frontend, which is cheaper and 99% of users won't notice the 100ms delay. This is also a large part of the reason why I will never use such server-oriented frameworks/languages like PHP (with or without Laravel) or RoR - they focus way too much on web standards and HTTP to the point where it becomes dogmatic.

  • @shadowflame7788
    @shadowflame7788 10 месяцев назад

    React is extremely overrated, Vue JS and Nuxt are a much better option

  • @thori0n264
    @thori0n264 10 месяцев назад

    Seperation of concern is the biggest minus point for React .

  • @Tips-r-us
    @Tips-r-us 10 месяцев назад

    I like to see a video on why I shouldn't use Ruby on Rails.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      Maybe I’ll cover that at some point. If you are doing a lot of data science related coding, Python should be your choice. That’s one reason to not use Rails. Another reason is your team does not have Ruby skills. If they all have expertise with Java or C# or Go, that language or framework they have expertise in should be the core of your stack.

  • @indimerz
    @indimerz 10 месяцев назад

    But for frontend we only have javascript to use? Can we use other language for building frontend too??

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      Try out Svelte or HTMX.

    • @indimerz
      @indimerz 10 месяцев назад

      @@MikeMunroe i leaned react, now I'm leaving nextjs from a week with typescript. Do you think it's good?

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      @@indimerz I think if you are still learning, you should pick what is most exciting for you that keeps you building more stuff that continually gets more complicated. Keep pushing yourself to build apps that continue to get more complex.

    • @indimerz
      @indimerz 10 месяцев назад

      @@MikeMunroe I'm enjoying the next js, till now built many little projects in react, ejs, express. Currently building a similar website like upwork in nextjs, which will have frontend+backend.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      @@indimerz awesome. Trying to rebuild other products is a great way to level up because you are forced to build features you may not have tackled before.

  • @otavio.prosperus
    @otavio.prosperus 10 месяцев назад

    Great video, I work with React technology, I have a software company in short and I run services in React, yes there are many problems when using it, especially when it is related to dependencies on other libraries in terms of local state. I really only use it for ease on a daily basis, there is a lot of visual material in the community about its use and application method, it makes it quicker when creating a PWA or a structure that isn't in Wordpress, but I'm trying to change. What do you recommend for studying a technology related to my current problem? After all, I won't be a programmer anymore, I'm just working to raise cash and launch an online payment method. I like the part of owning a Product, even though I graduated from a technology college, I like being an entrepreneur.

    • @MikeMunroe
      @MikeMunroe 10 месяцев назад

      Are you trying to build a payment platform from scratch or wrap a 3rd party such as Stripe or PayPal?

    • @otavio.prosperus
      @otavio.prosperus 10 месяцев назад

      From scratch currently, here in Brazil I am about to use a Baas called Celcoin, but I will start with a payment module called PIX, exclusive to Brazil, the payment barrier is lower than a credit card and the fee is very low, around $0.036 for processing the generation of a payment order using the PIX Method. But, I have clients who use Striper in their products, I have already integrated this type of payment, the control is much less than your own payment platform@@MikeMunroe