stew simpson
stew simpson
  • Видео 154
  • Просмотров 28 512
Harold Donald Foreman
Harold Donald Foreman
Просмотров: 35


Просмотров 614 дней назад
Part 1 Radio Interview with Amanda H Elleray on N-Live Radio SPLENDIFEROUS By Hadrian's Union OUT NOW
where did you sleep last night
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live at the up garden August 11th cover of where did you sleep last night #nirvana
Big Ole Daddy B Live
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Big Ole Daddy B Live at Boxmoor Canal Festival 2024 by Hadrian's Union on Sunday may 27th Filmed by Keith White
Dave Doodie (Did It)
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Dave Doodie live by HADRIAN'S UNION
Everything Dies
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Everything Dies By HADRIAN'S UNION filmed live at Watson institute, Castle Carrock Cumbria Saturday 9th March first ever live performance of this song #alt #beatles #cumbria #indie #music #live #hadrianswall #hadriansunion #alt
Credit Black
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Credit Black
Coz I do
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The Stew Simpson Show Podcast with Toc
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This is the first episode of The Stew Simpson show season 4 and also available as audio on spotify and all other reputable podcast platforms
A Hope
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A hope © Stew Simpson In holy land a child was born who came to earth to save us all A mother mild mild with Joesph came upon an ass to bethlehem God sent his only child to earth What came first before the virgin birth From innocence a hope had finally had come in the name of the father The holy spirt and son No room said they turned away Only place she could lay Her weary head and soul need re...
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A Shokti to the senses
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A Shokti to the senses
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Hadrian's Union Live 2023
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Wenke Langhof - Health and Life Coach
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Getting Sweaty - with Turtle Lodge Healing
The Patrick Effect
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The Patrick Effect
Dan Jarvis presents (me) Stew Simpson
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Dan Jarvis presents (me) Stew Simpson
Tessa Gooch - Camino's, Catholicism and Catharsis
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Tessa Gooch - Camino's, Catholicism and Catharsis
Wendy Bocken - The Portugese Way
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Wendy Bocken - The Portugese Way
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Colm McCann - The Persistant Pilgrim
Martha Siebrecht - From here to the end of the World
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Martha Siebrecht - From here to the end of the World


  • @wayneuk
    @wayneuk 3 месяца назад

    brilliant !

  • @james2001801
    @james2001801 3 месяца назад

    It was a joke my misses waited hours for the tickets and didn't get them

  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 3 месяца назад

    Yayyyy ❤❤❤

  • @gloriagayer4761
    @gloriagayer4761 4 месяца назад

    Utterly grunge-tastic.

  • @davidhays6286
    @davidhays6286 4 месяца назад


  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks dude, much appreciated. Not bad how are you? Still got your Tshirt from moons ago. Be good to catch up. Where are you these days?

  • @simonbellmusic
    @simonbellmusic 9 месяцев назад

    Sounding great. Hope you're well mate

  • @falcorassassin
    @falcorassassin 9 месяцев назад

    One of my favourite HU songs. Definitely got Fun Lovin Criminals vibes!

  • @RobDesRoches
    @RobDesRoches 9 месяцев назад

    🎉🎉🎉🎉holy fuck I love this.

  • @fullmetalgamer6062
    @fullmetalgamer6062 Год назад

    Pizza guy: Ok, but what about the money?

  • @GabesAwesomeVids1234
    @GabesAwesomeVids1234 Год назад

    Alright Johnny but what about my money

  • @Moteridgerider
    @Moteridgerider Год назад

    Looking forward to the new album coming out.

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson Год назад

      We need a few me studio days for BVs etc then onto mastering. It's going to be epic

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson Год назад

      Ps we're playing in Brampton on November 4th upstairs at the con club with the Brampton Reivers

  • @douglasmcbride960
    @douglasmcbride960 Год назад


  • @shirleymiller5056
    @shirleymiller5056 Год назад

    Greeting from fsj =fort saint john B.C.=British Columbia Canada

  • @calebwoodruff1548
    @calebwoodruff1548 Год назад

    That had to have sucked

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson Год назад

      A little bit I have walked in Galicia which was so much worse

  • @EileenCharlton-t1t
    @EileenCharlton-t1t Год назад

    Wow my sons song ! Beautiful ❤️

  • @melvina9331
    @melvina9331 2 года назад

    ❤️ ρяσмσѕм

  • @EthanKristopherHartley
    @EthanKristopherHartley 2 года назад

    Once again you change your style and seem to slip into it so easily. I really enjoyed that one, it gave me Bollywood Geordie singing folk vibes. Very well done! 👏 I'll not be seeing you at the Stand, or at your weekend gig because A - agoraphobia is still ridiculous and B - despite how hard the news channels and government are trying to ignore it we're absolutely in the middle of the next Covid wave and while I know that your performances are to die for, I'd rather keep that as a metaphorical death if that's OK. 😉 But again, well done, fantastic music, awesome song. And if you listen to it back you might find that Geordie accent is becoming a little less Hadrian and a bit more Union! 😁👏🎉🎊👍

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 2 года назад

      Thank you so much. Don't worry about the gig thing, I totally understand your concerns around COVID, numbers are certainly on the rise and agraphobia is not fun. Glad you like this sound the pedal is fun, hopefully Hadrian's Union will be back soon. Miss you xxx

  • @Sideways.codeblues
    @Sideways.codeblues 2 года назад


  • @nemochicky4697
    @nemochicky4697 2 года назад

    Okay. Uh, well what about the money?

    • @xxdeadchannelxx
      @xxdeadchannelxx 2 года назад

      What money?

    • @danielgoss6367
      @danielgoss6367 2 года назад

      @@xxdeadchannelxx well you have to pay for your pizza sir

    • @xxdeadchannelxx
      @xxdeadchannelxx 2 года назад

      @@danielgoss6367 Is that a fact? How much do I owe you?

    • @danielgoss6367
      @danielgoss6367 2 года назад

      @@xxdeadchannelxx that’ll be $11.80

    • @xXNikeSGameRXx
      @xXNikeSGameRXx 2 года назад

      @@danielgoss6367 Keep the change, ya filthy animal.

  • @peter737
    @peter737 2 года назад

    The best way I always say is enjoy no stress don't make the mestake for making long distances. You can training so hard you want the pain will come some days very important take rest days. Enjoy your Camino.

  • @CloneScavengerVulpin8389
    @CloneScavengerVulpin8389 3 года назад

    He said it

  • @pernelldh
    @pernelldh 3 года назад

    He should said... "Leave it on the door step and get out of here."

    • @EthantotheMax
      @EthantotheMax 2 года назад

      He probably does when this movie plays on tv.

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson Год назад

      What about the money?

    • @andrewbean24.2
      @andrewbean24.2 3 месяца назад

      ​@@EthantotheMax He still says it as is

  • @helengaize5246
    @helengaize5246 3 года назад

    Love it. Beautiful, gentle treatment and sensitive, skilled guitar work.

  • @therealjcon
    @therealjcon 3 года назад

    My doordash days in a nutshell:

  • @dvderve
    @dvderve 4 года назад


  • @mutlib12
    @mutlib12 4 года назад


  • @johnpearson8433
    @johnpearson8433 4 года назад

    Hi Stew, how's things? Presume you've got an mp3 for this? Any chance of a copy?

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 4 года назад

      OMG John I never saw this - happy to send you the tracks. Send me an email address

  • @sovcast8760
    @sovcast8760 4 года назад

    Very nice Stew.

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 4 года назад

      Thank you Sovcast - it's been while since that line up and we are looking forward to going out into the world eventually and showing them our new material and new band members.

  • @jerryclark6171
    @jerryclark6171 4 года назад

    fantastic content

  • @shredwithwolf1693
    @shredwithwolf1693 4 года назад

    Sounds awesome Man! Keep it up :)

  • @PodOfHeat
    @PodOfHeat 4 года назад

    Good stuff stew!

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 4 года назад

      cheers Liam, its just for a competition I could do with a better camera

  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад here is a couple more for you

  • @PodOfHeat
    @PodOfHeat 5 лет назад

    Love this stew! What a great rendition! 🤩

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      cheers matey, Ineed to figure out where to put the rest of the songs from the show

  • @bookypeej9477
    @bookypeej9477 5 лет назад

    Mary Poppins returns is amazing. My film of 2018. Thanks for helping out with the ticket so I can hang out with Tom!

  • @EthanKristopherHartley
    @EthanKristopherHartley 5 лет назад

    It's not just the outfit that doesn't go with the "yoof speak"! #GettingOld 😁😂😜

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      You might be getting old - I'm just maturing like a good port or a bad cheese

    • @EthanKristopherHartley
      @EthanKristopherHartley 5 лет назад

      @@Artstewsimpson No matter how old I get, you'll always be older 😉 #3monthsMakesAllTheDifference

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      @@EthanKristopherHartley yeah but you've got kids that gives you way more adult points than myself. Ms Kristopher ;)

  • @PodOfHeat
    @PodOfHeat 5 лет назад

    Good stuff Stew, hope the gigs go well 😃

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      cheers Liam, how are you?

    • @PodOfHeat
      @PodOfHeat 5 лет назад

      @@Artstewsimpson not too bad matey. You sound like you're really busy musically at the moment! 😀

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      @@PodOfHeat I am, pushing and working, Really enjoying my work right now.

  • @tomorrow_dreams
    @tomorrow_dreams 5 лет назад

    Fabulous! Definitely the winner in my opinion Certainly miss tuning in and seeing this fabulous gentleman on television Thank you so much to Tim and Bey for all of the wonderful viewing xx

  • @EthanKristopherHartley
    @EthanKristopherHartley 5 лет назад

    3 minutes 44 seconds is reducing waffle!? 😜 Love the song bee tea dublyou, rude words and all! It's nice to hear you in such a good place, but maybe the vlog is the best place for your waffle? (And pancakes, hash browns or any other batter/potato based foodstuffs Dave & Si might cook up!)

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      Yeah, my waffle needs work. The batter is quite thick - sorry I'm watching bake of semi finals as I type.

  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

    I didn't mean Houmuous I meant peas pudding

  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

    Apologies to Rahul, RCB is not an infuence, I read the homework wrong.

  • @PradeepLodhiM
    @PradeepLodhiM 5 лет назад


  • @ottomanecatimzontul3841
    @ottomanecatimzontul3841 5 лет назад

    that is wonderful. Love the music and the video is delightful- TIM and Necati!!

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      Thank you soooooo much Tim - it is but a reflection of a wonderful chap. You are both a wonderful couple and I soooo enjoyed watching you on TV. I hope we get to know each other better in the future.

  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад NOW ON SPOTIFY

  • @PodOfHeat
    @PodOfHeat 5 лет назад

    Spot on stew, have a blast!!

  • @franzhutcheson1229
    @franzhutcheson1229 5 лет назад

    The only way to be LIVE IN THE NOW

  • @Artstewsimpson
    @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

    If you would like to order a copy of the album in advance please go to

  • @dpoisonedburritos
    @dpoisonedburritos 5 лет назад

    I'm feeling it. You got a unique visual aesthetic going on as well. Hyped for Your debut. Will it be available on SoundCloud, Spotify,..?

    • @stewsimpson1314
      @stewsimpson1314 5 лет назад

      Thank you Jaake. This video is made up of old video of myself about 15 years ago. The album will be available on Spotify etc after MAY 25th. My crowdfunder has gone wild. It has two weeks left and we have smashed the target. My new website should be ready soon. Thank you for the feedback.

    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад IT IS NOW

  • @sandinista2218
    @sandinista2218 5 лет назад


    • @Artstewsimpson
      @Artstewsimpson 5 лет назад

      Thank You Sandanista PS Sandanista is one of my favourite albums by the Clash. cool name.