- Видео 43
- Просмотров 33 591
Tsun Yat Leung
Добавлен 21 янв 2009
台灣埂坊 - 野托邦 山地車
This is ethan’s first time going downhill, it’s really a challenge
Thanks Luke and Serena for providing Ethan and I with an amazing mountain biking experience.
This is ethan’s first time going downhill, it’s really a challenge
Thanks Luke and Serena for providing Ethan and I with an amazing mountain biking experience.
Просмотров: 35
Просмотров 562 месяца назад
地名 : 上海嘉定郊野公園 因為個單車mount爛左,所以全程用手拎,有點震 Ethan 比賽前試賽道 連續幾日都落雨,另到賽道難度提升 沙泥路變泥漿道,好客易打順滑 好多pump位(高低)片中見上落唔大,但實況比片中見到起伏大好多 片段入面好多路平順既道,但其實都係完全不平坦, 碎石路,稻田路亦唔易處理, 需要力量同技術 比賽時見到唔少小朋友要落車推 2km既道程,5歲小朋友能完成賽道,十分不容易 @taipoadventurebikeclub 5歲組 山地車
Ethan's Summer Holiday
Просмотров 34Год назад
Ethan has a crazy summer holiday. He went to 4 water parks in Hong Kong, Macau & Guangzhou. It was so much funs! Excepts, Ethan went to the two main snow parks in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. He starts to learn playing the snowboard now! Last, Ethan played the go-kart racing game, mini roller coaster in the theme park and rode on a a pony in a ‘Joy Pony club’ ! It was so cool and he can’t wait to sh...
沖繩 - 親子遊 2022-12
Просмотров 942 года назад
Our family went to the Okinawa trip during the Christmas holiday. Ethan was so exicted in his first travel. We went to the outdoor playgrounds to play the long slides, climbed7 the money bar. Feed the goat, saw difference wild animals in the Zoo. Ethan loves to find a large number of exotic fishes, majestic sharks and watching the Dolphins shows in the aquarium. #Okinawa #沖繩自由行 #沖繩 #3歲
紀錄Ethan 一年入面學平衡車既過程
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.2 года назад
Ethan由2歲半開始接觸平衡車 發現佢對平衡車有興趣,開始同佢上堂 此影片紀錄Ethan由2歲半到3歲半學平衡車既既經歷 #3歲 #平衡車 #Coach_Jon #大埔平衡車 #大埔歷奇單車會 #TaiPoAdventureBikeClub
學之園 PN Interview 面試 2021/2022
Просмотров 23 тыс.3 года назад
以下是我們日常生活片段 : 我們家庭成員共四人,爸爸,媽媽,Ethan及工人姐姐。由於我們為雙職父母,所以在日常生活中主要是由工人姐姐照顧Ethan。而我們會在每一個週末帶Ethan到不同地方體驗戶外的親子活動。例如海洋公園,讓他認識不同的海洋生物、到迪士尼遊玩,去看Ethan 喜歡的卡通人物及往農莊親嘗餵飼動物等。 在日常生活中,我們為Ethan設定規律的活動及作息時間表。每一天會有大約一小時的學習英語語彙時間,之後會讓Ethan在家裡的遊戲角落玩耍,例如砌圖或積本等。下午公公婆婆會帶Ethan到屋苑平台玩,在玩樂中學習中文詞彙,例如花草樹木等,我們希望Ethan從小接觸雙語,打好語文基礎。
請問你係用咩app 整片架?
影得好好, 請問有冇offer?
請問最後有無迦南 offer? thx
請問最後有無迦南offer? thx
Hello 想問下張what is it poster 同 flash card 係邊到買?
都係DWE World Family 寰宇家庭「迪士尼美語世界」既教材
好叻,有無offer ?