  • Видео 12
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Hadith about Hanafi MAturidi and Naqshbandi
Просмотров 7214 дней назад
Hadith about Hanafi MAturidi and Naqshbandi
Clip Why Hazrat Abu Bakr RA did not establish Taraweeh Sheikh MUmtaz ul Haq
Просмотров 7614 дней назад
Clip Why Hazrat Abu Bakr RA did not establish Taraweeh Sheikh MUmtaz ul Haq
Iblis's Satan's great grandson is Muslim HD
Просмотров 2914 дней назад
Iblis's Satan's great grandson is Muslim HD
The Importance of Imam Abu Hanif
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The Importance of Imam Abu Hanif
Knowledge Is Taken From Scholars Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
Просмотров 28114 дней назад
Knowledge Is Taken From Scholars Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
The Imams, Madhabs & Prayer Hamza Yusuf
Просмотров 10114 дней назад
The Imams, Madhabs & Prayer Hamza Yusuf
Following the Majority Hamza Yusuf
Просмотров 5814 дней назад
Following the Majority Hamza Yusuf
Follow the Quran & Sunnah brother!!! Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
Просмотров 8614 дней назад
Follow the Quran & Sunnah brother!!! Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
No Raf al Yadayn According to the Salaf Progeny of the Sahaba were teachers of the Imams : Part 1
Просмотров 2262 года назад
The practice of Raf al Yadain as a Sunnah according to the Salaf, Imam Malik, Imam al-Thawri, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi'i. Part 2:видео.html
No Raf al Yadain according to the Salaf, Progeny of the Sahaba were teachers of the Imams : Part 2
Просмотров 2242 года назад
The practice of Raf al Yadain as a Sunnah according to the Salaf, Imam Malik, Imam al-Thawri, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi'i. Part 1:видео.html
Madhabs or take directly from Quran & Sunnah Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
Просмотров 49 тыс.9 лет назад
Madhabs or take directly from Quran & Sunnah Sheikh Hamza Yusuf


  • @zandanshah
    @zandanshah 12 дней назад

    As with Malik ibn Anas (who was a teacher of Imam al-Shafi'i, who in turn was a teacher of Sunni Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal), Imam Abu Hanifa was a student of Ja'far al-Sadiq (AS), who was a descendant of the Islamic nabi (prophet) Muhammad.

  • @henryseva1
    @henryseva1 2 месяца назад

    Wow. So we wl never know the quran bec we are not arabic grammarist. Its th ulamma same as th pharises --that makes th simple monotheist islam like a integral calculus.

  • @forestcon
    @forestcon 3 месяца назад

    Fantastic reasoning

  • @forestcon
    @forestcon 3 месяца назад

    Fantastic reasoning

  • @forestcon
    @forestcon 3 месяца назад

    Fantastic reasoning

  • @MohammedAli-wc3hk
    @MohammedAli-wc3hk 3 месяца назад

    Mashaallah ❤

  • @QadirJaan-n9w
    @QadirJaan-n9w 5 месяцев назад

    Hamza is from ahle rai a blind muqalid paleed. He is not even a daie And he speaks about aalim what a joke. Stay away from this individual he is a sufi gumrah innovater.

  • @irfankurrimbux5445
    @irfankurrimbux5445 7 месяцев назад

    Isn't it bid'at to follow 4 individuals who were born 1 century after the Holy Prophet . They would talk about Malik but ignore totally his TEACHER!

  • @abudujana13
    @abudujana13 Год назад

    JazakAllah khair

  • @Kay-sd1fw
    @Kay-sd1fw Год назад

    That’s lies about imam Ahmad ibn hanbal, he rejected any weak Hadith and he was the strictest out of the 4 madhahib. Hamza yusuf speaks with no proof

    • @Kay-sd1fw
      @Kay-sd1fw 4 месяца назад

      @malikitijani where did I say weak means fabricated ??!?

    • @Kay-sd1fw
      @Kay-sd1fw 4 месяца назад

      @malikitijani maybe the students from hanibillah not Ahmad ibn hanbal though

  • @bigjohnhansome5779
    @bigjohnhansome5779 Год назад

    Whenever someone quotes Ibn Taymiyyah, or Albani, or anyone, they're not quoting or 'referring to the Qur’an and Sunnah' as they claim. They're referring to Ibn Taymiyyah or Albani, etc. They're following a madhab. Just not one of the four accepted ones. So say you follow the Qur’an and Sunnah all you like. All of these ulamah of the past followed the Qur'an and Sunnah and put them in a format we can understand. We're all following madhabs. And you're definitely not following the Qur’an and Sunnah directly if you can't even understand Arabic.

  • @rathernot6660
    @rathernot6660 Год назад

    Did the Sahaba follow a madhab.

      @BEANDITIS_ Год назад

      Alghamdulillah all praise and worship to Our Rab!

    • @sksajjad7847
      @sksajjad7847 Год назад

      There was no madhab in times of sahaba as they themselves saw prophet muhammad pbuh.. so no need of madhab they 1st hand learned and emulated the prophet pbuh.. But it is not a certainty to follow madhab but its for our betterment.. to give clarity.. bcoz not every issue u will find in mutawatir hadees and interpretation matters.. But if peoples believe that whatever ibn taimiyan said and wrote and afterwards abdul wahab najdi rejecting all others scholars.. then clearly those people has very less wisdom..

    • @bigjohnhansome5779
      @bigjohnhansome5779 Год назад

      Every person follows a madhab whether or not they know it. Salafis don't go direct to the Qur’an and Sunnah. They follow the madhab of Ibn Taymiyyah and any other scholar they follow.

    • @sksajjad7847
      @sksajjad7847 Год назад

      @BigJohn Hansome yes true.. but they portray to the peoples that they only follow the quran and sunnah and peoples other than them are innovators.. illiteracy and lies in so called nowadays salafis

  • @rathernot6660
    @rathernot6660 Год назад

    Their is one thing being educated and another being musguided. This man over thinks. Deviants use qiyas for every whims and desires they conjure up

    • @Polymath9000
      @Polymath9000 10 месяцев назад

      Another fellow Dhahiri.

  • @preez3560
    @preez3560 Год назад

    Wahabism: those who liken the creator to the creations. Same belief than Christian nd jewzz. Prob is they dress like Muslim. Mention Quran . Call themselves Muslims. Very.very dangerous for the unlearned Muslims out there. Protect urself from them nd others wolves with knowledge. Alsunna org. Prophetic teachings

  • @pureagape
    @pureagape Год назад

    One of the flaws here is the notion that if you haven’t memorized things then you are ignorant. You don’t have to memorize everything as long you know enough to look it up. If you learn/know حتى has seventeen meanings and you have access to the information when needed, that is sufficient. I mean the notion that ijtihād is about having memorized a bunch of stuff. Ijtihād is about having establishing the right principle and then knowing where/how to access the secondary information. Most importantly it is a strong grasp of the Quran way before a bunch of hadith (which is the problem I see most.)

  • @faheemhameed
    @faheemhameed Год назад

    Amazing.. Sensible. I want to learn from you a lot!! Masha Allaah

  • @tenantjames2967
    @tenantjames2967 Год назад

    We love you we stand for you

  • @buukkreider544
    @buukkreider544 Год назад

    Jesus Christ foretold his death several times. Matthew 12:38-40) Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 16:4) A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed. Matthew 20:17-19) And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again. Mark 8:31) And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. Mark 9:30-32) And they departed thence, and passed through Galilee; and he would not that any man should know it. For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him. Mark 10:32-34) And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem; and Jesus went before them: and they were amazed; and as they followed, they were afraid. And he took again the twelve, and began to tell them what things should happen unto him, Saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles: And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again. Luke 18:31-33) Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again. Luke 24:45-48) Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things. John 2:18-21) Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body. When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said. It was not so much about Jesus of Nazareth being divine, but Jesus of Nazareth being a man obedient to God. He was to be that SERVANT of THE LORD that would pay the price for sin and for sins to save God's people. God defeated the enemy by a MAN - A man that was A PROPHET (foretold by Moses in Deu 18); A man as the Messiah (as foretold by Isaiah in chp 61); A man as The Good Shepherd (as foretold by Ezekiel in chp 34); and as SERVANT of THE LORD as by Isaiah 53. Isaiah 53:10-12) Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. [Believe in God's Word - it is Truth. During his ministry, he told Israel that he came not to destroy, but to FULFIL... He fulfilled many of the prophecies - and there are more that he will still fulfil.] May The God of Israel open many, many, many more eyes and inward parts soon and very soon!

  • @mohislam3041
    @mohislam3041 Год назад


  • @digitaltauhid
    @digitaltauhid Год назад

    Lecture by a sufi 🤦‍♂️

  • @johnseebmalek4792
    @johnseebmalek4792 Год назад

    sufyan at thawri is a mudallis and if he narrates with 3an the riwayat is daeef automatically according to usool of muhaditheen.

  • @CapitalCash
    @CapitalCash Год назад

    The old testament law was to prove that man can not make it to heaven by the law and needs a savior. EVERY THING MOHAMED did was about satisfying the FLESH that is PRIDE, its is same as why satan kicked out of heaven cause he thought he was better then God and wanted to be worshipped instead of GOD. Satan told Eve that she could become a GOD if she took bite of the apple that is PRIDE to think your better, to be selfish to satisfy what a person wants in the flesh to not HAVE ORDER like God, Man, Women, Child then animals, plants. God is above all. KORAN LIES and tells you to lie that is SIN and GOD does not lie or sin but the LIE is satisfying ones selfish self to get ONES WAY. Satan is all about himself and doesn't care that is PRIDE so he wrote who koran by way of mohamed the liar who got possessed. Thus satisfying his needs to KILL and take women and girls for sex slaves adn kill their families and steal and start wars. JESUS who is GOD in the FLESH lived in the spirit as in DENIED the FLESH and SERVED OTHERS. GOD is COMPASSION and EMPATHY and LOVE. JESUS even loved JUDAS who betrayed him and he still fed him, treated him nice and served all the weakest of society. NOT KILL THEM like the devil. JESUS even visited Judas after he commited suicide and felt bad for him cause GOD loves everyone. Satan does not satan wants you all to think your superior and to kill non muslims, kill your enemies, kill those who mock islam and kill those WHO LEAVE. God rewards those who have left and came back to him like the protocal son and celebrates them returning with LOVE after they chose to leave of their own free will. GOD is love and lets people CHOSE. Devil is evil and FORCES evil on others that is why he tells you to be evil to gays, others etc etc. He wants you to sin so no christian will tell you the truth. Your absolutely a fool if you can't see the truth cause satan allah straight up doesn' t even hide that he is the father of lies satan and says he is master deceiver 5 times in the koran. Koran lies about eveything in the bible. Satan wants you to have ego and pride to think your better then others and to kill them and do evil and be like mohamed. God HATES PRIDE and says pride before the fall and he will humble the prideful be it anyone a ruler or peasant. God hates pride since satan is prideful. The muslims that read the bible and seek Jesus and get the TRUTH LEAVE ISLAM no matter what if they get killed they still leave cause they don't want to go to hell and they know its the devil. Rebuke allah and the devil and the koran in JESUS name their is POWER in JESUS cause he is GOD and his name is above all NAMES. The devil knows this and that is why none you are able to leave with out being killed and you are to lie to anyone that asks questions about islam so that can't be like me and find out how all the lies you guys pull are and then tell you how devil TRAPS YOU IN TO THIS ISLAM PRISON to go to hell. Then all the evil islam does and is that is straight up the devil. NONE OF YOU CAN TELL me killing your own child or torturing them if they LEFT ISLAM IS NOT EVIL. Their is muslims that have turned their children over and had their finger nails pulled out and tortured and still LEAVE that satanic brainwash from hell satan worship. ISIS leaders who killed for satan EVEN LEFT and FOUND OUT THE TRUTH and LEFT that and didn't care if they got killed. ONCE YOU KNOW THE TRUTH and how you been LIED too and are going to hell you will NEVER go back and you will know. Their is nothing that compares to JESUS CHRIST who is GOD. SEEK HIM FOR YOURSELF and SEE him face to face. JESUS CHRIST IS GOD. Look up all the muslims that have seen him and watch their testimonies and ask your self if they are lying. They sure would lie when they got tortured for it or got away and were nearly killed over it. Mohamed did what ever he wanted even stole his own sons wife and slept with dead people and little children that alone if anyone loved their children some one should have KILLED HIM FOR THAT ALONE. That is pure evil. God protects children and the weak and bible says the meek shall inherit the Earth. Your praying to the devil he isn't even hidding. Just realize all this time your wasting trying to figure out the truth and your granparents or people you know die every day going to HELL. So if you wait and realize this in a year from now or longer then you FINALLY WAKE UP then your gonna have to live with serious regret and blood on your hands cause they went to hell cause you didn't want to listen. I didn't used to go out and try to save people God showed me those that I don't tell the truth about as it is written in the bible their blood is on my hands and he showed me this. God is very real and he is LOVE, mercy, goodness, compassion, righteous, and HE DOES NOT LIE and can never lie and will never lie that is why he is perfect cause he is HOLY he never lies and he is love. Whats HOLY about a liar, murderer, that has you start wars for the lie of getting virgins which is a lie cause HEAVEN and GOD is in the SPIRIT. Not only that but satisfying the flesh taking advantage of others is evil and not about love. Plus you are spirit in heaven and their is NO SEX in heaven becuase it is the deepest love their is and we the children of GOD are the bride and JESUS is the GROOM. Meaning we are married to JESUS and its spirtual LOVE. No matter how much money or sex or anything or FAME a person gets on this Earth the only THING that matters in the END when one is on the death bed is LOVE and the ones you loved and the memories of LOVE you had with them and what you did out of LOVE, compassion, mercy and kindness for others. NO one will be alone on death bed all alone and say oh I wish I had more money or more sex when they have no one beside them and no one cares about them cause they just TOOK and TOOK and TOOK and did nothing for anyone but them selves. When you die or close to dying NOTHING of this world matters but REAL LOVE and REAL MEMORIES OF LOVE. This is even more proof of the lies of alla cause their is NO FLESH in heaven, no sex and its not selffish. Heaven is Gods love and you have a mansion and are one big family of love that worships God and spends time doing your talents and things with everyone their and soon they will be kings reigning on the Earth here when Jesus returns soon. Its end times might want to wake up before Jesus comes back as your enemy vs he gives you eternal life and lives in you and you experience him and the Holy Spirt and God each seperately yet they are one. You ll see when you SEEK him with all your heart. Their is ZERO no comparison your straight up being lied to on such a massive level and your on doorstep of the gates of hell. allah satan can not give you the feeling of PEACE and LOVE and the things God and give you right now on this Earth. Jesus can take you back in time to see crucifixation, or things about bible now or in the future like he has done for me and others who have seen him face to face. He shown me getting my gold crown in the future and saw him on the cross, and when he was flogged and what he got flogged with and it was pure evil. He s taken me out over the ocean in a storm and to parts in heaven. PRIDE is all about sin and evil and lies its the basis for all sin, pride ego and selfishness and to think one is a god or better then GOD or they are better then some one else and be able to kill them, harm them or be evil to them. Also no prophet will do evil that has spoke to God and none will not see JESUS and when a prophet does see GOD they TURN FROM EVIL and become more like GOD when a person goes the opposite way they spoke to the devil and never spoke to GOD. Once you meet JESUS FACE to face and see how loving, kind, soft, caring and soo gentle, he s not prideful and he is GOD he comforts you in your worst pain like when you loved ones die or your hurting or been hurt. Jesus shows up. He will show you scripture that matches the bible and if your doing evil he will show it to you or give you vision of someone or him doing it back to you but in a loving way not harsh. JESUS is so pure you are hurt cause you dissapoint him. You will see what you been missing then when you know the truth you will know the EMERGENCY to save all those who are going to hell. You can even see parts of hell and all these experiences when you know the TRUTH you know you have to try to save and let others know the truth.

  • @ubaidyaseencubaidyaseenc8207
    @ubaidyaseencubaidyaseenc8207 2 года назад

    Masha Allah, lot of knowledge

  • @nobody99
    @nobody99 2 года назад

    love from george bush and 10 million dead for such a elequent lecture

  • @ameenacharfaray3530
    @ameenacharfaray3530 2 года назад

    Do not create doubt

  • @AbuMoosaa
    @AbuMoosaa 2 года назад

    Muslims are obligated to learn and follow the Quran and ahadeeth from the well known Scholars of Hadeeth and Sunnah...Those who call to the way of the Sahabah and their Aqeedah and methodology. We are not to blind follow any Scholar, but the Scholar is to provide the evidence on an issue. We are to keep away from innovations, any worship which has no evidence

    • @manuelcardinali1287
      @manuelcardinali1287 Год назад

      this hamza Yusuf has no status in islamic scolarship, even if his followers believe so

    • @sksajjad7847
      @sksajjad7847 Год назад

      If u want to keep away from innovation then don't read quran which gets proven from your logic.. Because nowhere in the quran is written that people comprise a book of the revelation that is being sent to prophet muhammad pbuh.. or never our prophet ever said that.. so why are u reading quran.. Even sahabas were in doubt that should they do it or will it also be called an INNOVATION.. but they did as reasoning was also a thing.. and still it is, but the followers of ibn taimiyan without reading his books claim such thing.. Do u even know about bidah.. every innovation is not bad.. and everything is permissible except what quran and sunnah directly opposes or scholars gives their views of them.. like smoking or say chewing tobacco.. these type of things dont have clear answer so people have to go to early scholars and their understanding.. even there are good bidah's, once one sahaba said when watching a group of people praying taraweeh prayer in congregation so then he said what a good bidah it is.. Without creating your own view try to learn more and more and get perspectives.. dont be fickle minded..

    • @sksajjad7847
      @sksajjad7847 Год назад

      @@manuelcardinali1287 what status do u hold?

    • @richardanthony3267
      @richardanthony3267 Год назад

      Was Imam Malik a well known scholar of Hadith and Sunnah? I’d think so, and I’d have no doubt that him being closer to the ones who inherited the religion from the most knowledgeable I’d think there isn’t anyone alive today who could compare

    • @YusufAbdullah-u8n
      @YusufAbdullah-u8n 2 месяца назад

      Did you not listen to the lecture? He just explained very good how imam malik for example would come to a fatwa and wich critera he would have. He learnt from people who learnt from sahaba and met alot of these tabiin. Meanwhile we sit here and read one naration that some scholar said is sound. But we dont know when it was said and in wich context it was said etc etc.

  • @abdulrahmanbabaseidu7733
    @abdulrahmanbabaseidu7733 2 года назад

    In sha Allah am calling my future sons Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Dr Abdullah Umar Farook and Shaykh Yasir Abu Ammar Qadhi

  • @muzafarrather786
    @muzafarrather786 2 года назад

    Good lecture

  • @manuelcardinali1287
    @manuelcardinali1287 2 года назад

    meaningless question, meaningless answer, meaningless speech

    • @nomnom207
      @nomnom207 2 года назад

      Do you know what the question was?

    • @manuelcardinali1287
      @manuelcardinali1287 2 года назад

      @@nomnom207 It's written in the title, it's a fake dicotomy, incomplete and deceiving, like usual for this deceiving liar

    • @Foodie__Fiesta
      @Foodie__Fiesta Год назад

      Meaningless comment

    • @stradegy3338
      @stradegy3338 Год назад

      Meaningless comment

    • @manuelcardinali1287
      @manuelcardinali1287 Год назад

      May Allah guide Hamza Yusuf or crush his backbone

  • @winstongrettum3412
    @winstongrettum3412 2 года назад

    What a bunch of meaningless speech.

    • @manuelcardinali1287
      @manuelcardinali1287 2 года назад

      meaningless speech is his speciality, he can talk four hours without saying anything

  • @shaheedali6588
    @shaheedali6588 2 года назад

    By Allah, I love this man. May Allah forgive his shortcomings and change them into good for him. Aameen Ya Rabb al 3aalameen

  • @tmk5
    @tmk5 2 года назад

    Ma Sha Allah a very good lecture. Jazak Allah

  • @tmk5
    @tmk5 2 года назад

    Subhan Allah this is a blessing lecture.

  • @ibrahimadiaby3640
    @ibrahimadiaby3640 2 года назад

    Best lecture I have ever listened on the social media platforms. Thank you very much for your clarification

  • @trueseeker826
    @trueseeker826 2 года назад

    I believe everyone must read the Quran and Sunah first hand by them selves to truly value what work has been done and where the Truth lies I. Light of those works … following others without paying attention to the Real gas greater chances of going wrong . But the “True Scholars are as eyes to mankind “ and ignoring them is “ blinding ourselves “ .

    • @nederlander111
      @nederlander111 2 года назад

      sunnah books are a scam. if you want to learn islam , then you must follow the quran only.

  • @imranb4985
    @imranb4985 2 года назад

    The issue isn’t necessarily madhabs. The issue is with the grass roots of each madhabs indirectly or directly teaching division. If one follows the Sahih Hadith and prophetic sunnah like Ahlul Hadith for example, you cannot go wrong. All they teach in my masjid is avoid innovation and prophetic tradition according to Sahih Hadith and there’s nothing wrong with that despite what is claimed by interpretation. We get hung up on interpretation of every Hadith then we’re going nowhere as an ummah and we’ll remain at loggerheads until the last day. Grass roots indoctrination of them and us is the issue, address that.

    • @elroheater6880
      @elroheater6880 2 года назад

      Somebody still has to pick hadiths for you. You cannot get around taqleed. Each of the four schools of thought rely on imams to pick the hadiths for them. "Shafi said this" "Malik said this" "Hanbal said this" "Abu Hanifa" The salafis came around and said " wa law qaala maalik, wa law qaala shafi, wa law qaala ahmed, wa law qaala Abu hanifa "Qur'an and Sunnah- qaala allah qaala rasool" The imams would say: I say this because of this hadith. Imam Bukhari in his book: starts hadiths with "qaala rasoolollah" Rasoolullah said, so salafis say rasoolullah said, not mentioning that BUKHARI is the one who is relaying the hadith. So they are making taqleed of bukhari. Except its worse, rejecting the imams opinions in the four school of thought doesn't make you a kafir. Rejecting a single hadith which is narrated by bukhari can make you kafir according to salafis and ahlul hadeeth. Point is thats HADITH NOT SUNNAH. This ummah has gone down the drain and we are paying the price.

    • @imranb4985
      @imranb4985 2 года назад

      @@elroheater6880 Not true. Our belief is based upon Sahih hadith, Quran and Sunnah. Non of what you have said applies when it comes to Ahlul hadith.

    • @elroheater6880
      @elroheater6880 2 года назад

      @@imranb4985 I see you deleted your previous comment I still have a record of it in my email. Refute what I wrote, you cannot. You don't even read or understand arabic I bet and making attacks on other people. And worse than that you are part of ahlul hadith which means you are part of a sect which is a sect which makes you guilty of shirk.

    • @hanjasolo
      @hanjasolo 2 года назад

      Hopefully each everyone of us go to paradise, by Allah rahmah whatever madhab no madhab whatsoever. Forgive and accept our brotherhood period.

    • @riadulkabir2792
      @riadulkabir2792 2 года назад

      @@imranb4985 who defines what a Sahih hadith. you? Those Imams gave the definition of Sahih hadith and here you are rejecting them. you're not following Sunnah. you're just picking and throwing whatever you like.

  • @truthseeker3293
    @truthseeker3293 2 года назад

    Beware of the Sufi

  • @thinktank7366
    @thinktank7366 2 года назад

    Assalamualaikum,this news may surprise you but Alhumdullilah,the Imam Al Mahdi,we all have been waiting for a very long time has finally arrived, and is in Mecca currently. Now you know why the Kaaba was cordoned off by Saudi government back in 2020, to prevent the oath of allegiance of Imam Mahdi from taking place. They even prevented Muslims all over the world from coming to Makkah for Umrah and Hajj in the name of Coronavirus in 2020 so as to prevent people from giving bayah and joining him but they plan and Allah plans and indeed His plan is the best. Despite all these measures, his oath of allegiance took place in Mecca and so far thousands of people have already given bayah to him from across the world before and after Hajj 2020 and his companions increasing day by day Alhumdullilah. He Is originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh. His name is Mohammed bin Abdul Quddus (Abdul Quddus is synonymous to Abdullah) and, he is a direct descendant of RasulAllah through Hazrat Fatima razi Allah unha and in his forties as mentioned in one hadith by Hazrat Soban that, ” There will be a dispute among you about your treasure (Kaaba) as to who will be the next king among three princes(Saudi princes, I am sure you are aware of how MBS sidelined the two other Saudi princes who were Crown prince before him) but none of them will be successful, then a man will come from Medina(city) to Makkah to hide ,some people will recognize him as the Mahdi and will give bayah to him then black flags( black plague, Covid-19) will appear from East which will kill you in a way that no nation has ever killed anyone like that ever before. Then Mahdi will appear. When you see him, take a pledge to him, even if you have to crawl on ice for this. He will be the Mahdi, the Caliph of Allah.” (Sunan Ibn Majah; Volume 2, Page 138; Mustadrake Hakim, Volume 4, Page 510). According to another hadees of RasulAllah “A group of people will take refuge in Kaaba and they will be killed. Then a “Burha” time there will be peace. Then another man will take refuge in Mecca. Do not go against him. He is the Mahdi/Caliph” (kitab ul fitan Hadees no 935).Abdullah ibn Abbas was asked how long is Burha period? It was said burha=33 to 40 years”. I assume you know the so called Kaaba siege on year 1979 / 1 Muharram 1440 Hijri. The message of Al Mahdi to Muslim Ummah, Peace be upon all men, women and children “May God ( Allah SWT) bless you all. The whole mankind belongs to one single family. We need to unite together to remove all darkness from this earth, so that all of us can live together in peace, equity and Justice. A world where there will be no discrimination based on colour, race, religion and social status.” To know more about him you may visit his RUclips channel TaqwaOnlineTV and watch his videos and please do istikhara and ask Allah for guidance and inshaAllah you will be guided. Some direct links to his messages to Muslim ummah are: Mahdi has appeared in Mecca: Warning and Hope for Mankind from Caliphatullah, Imam Al Mahdiвидео.html Visit for more info his website To contact us on Facebook

  • @laika5757
    @laika5757 2 года назад

    Allah revealed this to me: "Islam is the fastest imploding religion in the world, as more and more Muslims are realising that Mohammad and others (breakdown given below) fabricated the Quran to persue their own personal agendas. Islam is nothing but 7th century Arabic tribalism. Muslims are much better and bigger than this oppressive ideology. I love all Muslims as people, but dislike the Supremisist Quranic Ideology they follow". 1000% support to all Ex Muslims, from 7 billion of us (includes many Muslims)...Lovers of Truth. Breakdown of Quranic inputs as reaveled to me by Allah... 10% Mohammad 30% Plagerised from Christian, Jewish and Pagan texts. 58% Added on after Mohammad. 1% by Satan ( Mohammad himself reaveled this. He later removed these verses). 1% Eaten by a goat (as reaveled by Muhammad's wife Ayasha...he married her when she was 6years and he was 53years). 0% by Allah.

  • @janakroyal2209
    @janakroyal2209 2 года назад


  • @afnankhan43001
    @afnankhan43001 2 года назад

    SUCH A CONCLUDING AND ELEGANT LECTURE. The asking for confirmation in the middle and explaining his own Arabic proficiency in the end just adds more INTEGRITY AND BEAUTY to the lecture. Mashallah! May Allah belss you

  • @ruksanamalik7026
    @ruksanamalik7026 2 года назад


  • @Gog3453
    @Gog3453 2 года назад

    Because the Wahhabi minhaj (tawheed) is not in accordance with the minhaj (Islam Iman and Ihsan) of the ahlu Sunnah wal jamaah. There going to get it twisted every time

    • @thereligionofabraham
      @thereligionofabraham 2 года назад

      Define wahabi minhaj?

    • @truthseeker3293
      @truthseeker3293 2 года назад

      There is no such thing as wahabi manhaj. By you saying as such has educated everyone on your knowledge of Islam.

    • @Abdullah.996
      @Abdullah.996 2 года назад

      Sufism is an innovated sect Wahhabi isn't even a sect

    • @soheil527
      @soheil527 2 года назад

      Imam Ali (ra) was asked, “Why was abu bakr chosen for the caliphate?” He (ra) replied, “We saw that Abu bakr was the most suitable for this affair amongst the people. He was the companion of the Prophet (sws) in the cave and was the second person ever praised by Allah (swt); and the Prophet made him imam while he (sws) was alive.” Sharah e Nihjal Balagha, Labin Abi Al-Hadid, 1/332 Ahqaqul Haq, Shustri, volume 1, page 116

    • @Gog3453
      @Gog3453 2 года назад

      @@thereligionofabraham Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

  • @marlobarksdale2424
    @marlobarksdale2424 4 года назад

    following a madhab over what Allah revealed is the same mistake the jews made by following rabis over the scripture

    • @ididathink5295
      @ididathink5295 4 года назад

      you are not capable of the understanding you do not have the grammatical capabilities to even understand a sentence those people studied Arabic for birth to 20 years old and further before they touched hadith in the means of interpreting

    • @masudtv
      @masudtv 3 года назад

      You clearly do not understand what a madhhab is.

    • @m4fital2
      @m4fital2 2 года назад

      @@masudtv which madhab do you follow

    • @naathnaath6377
      @naathnaath6377 2 года назад

      Following your own understanding of Quran and Hadeeth without knowledge and guidance brings you ISIS,and thier supporters. ....JIHAALAT....

    • @tazboy1934
      @tazboy1934 2 года назад

      @@m4fital2 hanafi in fiqh, maturidy in aqeedah and maybe later i join a tareeqa...note that joining a tareeqa is not an obligation

  • @abdulhakeembinmoosa
    @abdulhakeembinmoosa 4 года назад

    Can you provide this original videos please

    • @xorpe7172
      @xorpe7172 4 года назад

      Mustafa Husain My man

  • @diaralcasanibrahim6582
    @diaralcasanibrahim6582 5 лет назад

    Madhabs & hadiths destroyed Islam by the Quran Alone. The divided the Brotherhood of One Ummah & confused the innocent people. Masha'allah! Allahu'akbar!

    • @zkrhmn
      @zkrhmn 5 лет назад

      Quraniyoon at it again, audhubillah

    • @alhassangangu4357
      @alhassangangu4357 5 лет назад

      What did you mean by madhabs and hadith destroyed Islam by the Quran alone? That doesn't make sense

    • @uzzolnakhkaitra5137
      @uzzolnakhkaitra5137 4 года назад

      You are die hard followers of Albania

    • @naathnaath6377
      @naathnaath6377 2 года назад

      ISIS is the product of self teaching.

    • @Abdullah.996
      @Abdullah.996 2 года назад

      To reject the hadiths is to reject the entire sunnah of our beloved muhammed ﷺ

  • @TheKairenX
    @TheKairenX 6 лет назад

    Értüdèsz Cármēglïône

  • @TheKairenX
    @TheKairenX 6 лет назад


  • @mohamedqayum5568
    @mohamedqayum5568 6 лет назад

    Masha Allah

  • @Rohilla313
    @Rohilla313 6 лет назад

    Masha Allah. Fantastic lecture.