Log in your xbox acount in the xbox pc app. If you go there, you will find a message like "a recent chage in your machine requires that you iniciate your session again" I search this solution on internet. FYP
Oh it seems not work 😢
感謝釋疑,有心了。 1923年,德國科學家普朗克到中國講學用到「entropy」這個詞,胡剛復教授翻譯時靈機一動,把「商」字加火旁來意譯「entropy」這個字,創造了「熵」字(音讀:ㄕㄤ),因為熵是 Q(熱量)除以 T(溫度)的商數。 錢臨照. 物理学名词审定的早期工作--怀念杨肇燫、陆学善. 中國科技術語. 1988-06-15, 0 (01): 4 [2024-08-16]. ISSN 1673-8578
Visit Most Old Big Ruston Diesel Engine Click Here 👉#naeempiaray
Here you go. Enjoy.
@@ndhuthermo Thanks
@@ycchung6741 Just wondering are you one of the student taking the class?
@@ndhuthermo No,I am one of your fans.
Log in your xbox acount in the xbox pc app. If you go there, you will find a message like "a recent chage in your machine requires that you iniciate your session again" I search this solution on internet. FYP
Oh it seems not work 😢
感謝釋疑,有心了。 1923年,德國科學家普朗克到中國講學用到「entropy」這個詞,胡剛復教授翻譯時靈機一動,把「商」字加火旁來意譯「entropy」這個字,創造了「熵」字(音讀:ㄕㄤ),因為熵是 Q(熱量)除以 T(溫度)的商數。 錢臨照. 物理学名词审定的早期工作--怀念杨肇燫、陆学善. 中國科技術語. 1988-06-15, 0 (01): 4 [2024-08-16]. ISSN 1673-8578
Visit Most Old Big Ruston Diesel Engine Click Here 👉#naeempiaray
Here you go. Enjoy.
@@ndhuthermo Thanks
@@ycchung6741 Just wondering are you one of the student taking the class?
@@ndhuthermo No,I am one of your fans.