Julia Dwi Yora
Julia Dwi Yora
  • Видео 7
  • Просмотров 213


The Boy Who Cried Wolf | Intermediate Listening Project by Julia Dwi Yora_22018037 | K-6/2022The Boy Who Cried Wolf | Intermediate Listening Project by Julia Dwi Yora_22018037 | K-6/2022
The Boy Who Cried Wolf | Intermediate Listening Project by Julia Dwi Yora_22018037 | K-6/2022
Просмотров 12Год назад
Lecturer : Lafziatul Hilmi, S.Pd., M.Pd. Subject : Intermediate Listening Session : 202220180018 Class : K6-2022
Presentasi DDIP Kelompok 9 Tokoh-Tokoh Pendidikan yang Berpengaruh di IndonesiaPresentasi DDIP Kelompok 9 Tokoh-Tokoh Pendidikan yang Berpengaruh di Indonesia
Presentasi DDIP Kelompok 9 Tokoh-Tokoh Pendidikan yang Berpengaruh di Indonesia
Просмотров 12Год назад
Video ini merupakan pembahasan materi pada Mata Kuliah Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Pendidikan oleh Kelompok 9 Sesi 202221270227 yang beranggotakan: 1. Salsha Billa Tarisa Putri_22020083 2. Silvi Frischilia_22020113 3. Asriandi Harahap_22087007 4. Julia Dwi Yora_22018037 Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Fetri Yeni J, M.Pd dan Rosmaria, M.Pd.
Reading Storynory 1_Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Julia Dwi YoraReading Storynory 1_Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Julia Dwi Yora
Reading Storynory 1_Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Julia Dwi Yora
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Story Day 1_Goldilocks and the Three Bears By Julia Dwi Yora NIM. 22018037 Introduction to Literature Code : 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM Lecturer : Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. @LeniMarlinaFBSUNPPadang_1 @LeniMarlinaFBSUNP ​
Active Reading (MID Project of Introduction to Literature by Julia Dwi Yora)Active Reading (MID Project of Introduction to Literature by Julia Dwi Yora)
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Presentation Video by Julia Dwi Yora (NIM. 22018037) Code : 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM Lecturer : Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. @LeniMarlinaFBSUNPPadang_1 @LeniMarlinaFBSUNP
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Literature : Is it useful? & Production and Re-production Litereture
Просмотров 84Год назад
Presentation Vodeo by Group 2: 1. Jafilka Mardiani (BP22/22018036) 2. Julia Dwi Yora (BP22/22018037) 3. Tasya Hutapea (BP22/22018072) 4. Winda Arpadila (BP22/22018076) Course : Introduction to Literature Code : 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM Lecturer : Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. @LeniMarlinaFBSUNPPadang_1 @LeniMarlinaFBSUNP
Creative Short Introduction Video by Julia Dwi YoraCreative Short Introduction Video by Julia Dwi Yora
Creative Short Introduction Video by Julia Dwi Yora
Просмотров 72Год назад
Name : Julia Dwi Yora Student's Number : 22018037 Major : English Education Class : K6-2022 Subject : Introduction to Literature Lecturer : Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. @LeniMarlinaFBSUNPPadang_1 Section : 202220180042 (Wednesday/13:20-15:00)


  • @lafziatulhilmi5321
    @lafziatulhilmi5321 Год назад

    Good Job 👍

  • @fanisatrifelladesria7594
    @fanisatrifelladesria7594 Год назад

    Nice presentation to group 2. You have a good explanation about how literature is is usefull Fanisa tri Fella desria 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @zahranurulazka1034
    @zahranurulazka1034 Год назад

    thank you for the presentation from group 2 In my opinion this group is such a group because they can explain their subject without always look at their ppt. Zahra Nurul Azka 23 JJ ItL RB/78 K6/22 LM

  • @tioadifinto8848
    @tioadifinto8848 Год назад

    The presentation of group 2 is realy great, all member explained topic, and it’s clear and easy to understand Tio Adi Finto , 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @anggunalifahistikomah4952
    @anggunalifahistikomah4952 Год назад

    Thank you to group 2 for the clear and understandable presentation. It’s helps me a lot. 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM Anggun Alifah Istikomah/ 22018182

  • @audyrevina9602
    @audyrevina9602 Год назад

    Thank you group 2 for giving the best presentation. I quite understand the explanation you have given. The material is also very clear because they explain in Indonesian too that help me more understand the materials. Audy Revina Putri Alendra 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @cherlly17
    @cherlly17 Год назад

    Thank you group 2, the explanation is clear and the presentation is good too. Cherlly Putri Khairi 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @titaniaputiyesa
    @titaniaputiyesa Год назад

    Thank you group 2 for the explanation. Each member has explained their own part, the presentation is pretty well, it is clear enough and easy to understand. So from the explanation the audience can understand about the use and the benefits literature in education Titania Putiyesa (22018168) 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @juliadwiyora5870
    @juliadwiyora5870 Год назад

    Thank you for all of your comments and suggestions. We will continue to process and learn to be better.😊 Julia Dwi Yora_22018037 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @defaniaura601
    @defaniaura601 Год назад

    Thank you to group 2 for the explanation. it turns out that there are many functions of literature, after watching this video I became interested in reading literary works (DEFANI AURA 22 JJ itl RB78 K6/22 LM)

  • @wildarahmasafitri
    @wildarahmasafitri Год назад

    it is interesting video, group 2 explained the material with a pretty good explanation. Make me understand about the material too, thank you group 2 for the presentation Wilda Rahma Safitri 22 JJ ItL RB/78 K6/22 LM

  • @vinninasrul7709
    @vinninasrul7709 Год назад

    Great job group 2❤

  • @amaliaathila7866
    @amaliaathila7866 Год назад

    thanks to group 2 for presenting the material, the percentage is good and it allows me to understand the material well 23 JJ ltL RB78 K6/22 LM Amalia Athilah

  • @adistyaurelia4183
    @adistyaurelia4183 Год назад

    Thankyou group 2, finally I understand what literature is and the explanation of each group member is very easy to understand Aurelia diva adisty 23 JJ ItL RB78 k6/22 LM

  • @fauziyahrizky8639
    @fauziyahrizky8639 Год назад

    the video is interesting, the explanation is also easy to understand. thank you group 2 for making this video interesting to watch Fauziyah Rizki Mulyani 23 JJ ItL RB78 k6/22 LM

  • @vaniadwiputri8437
    @vaniadwiputri8437 Год назад

    thank you group 2 for the presentation. The presentation is good and explained well. Vania Dwi Putri 22018169 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @andarafenisa7483
    @andarafenisa7483 Год назад

    Good presentation and interesting topic, about how useful literature is, interesting and not boring ppt. Andara Fenisa 23 JJ itL RB78/K6 22 LM

  • @dheatriamanda25
    @dheatriamanda25 Год назад

    Thanks to group 2. Its a good ppt and the explanation is clear and easy to understand the material Dhea Tri Amanda 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @annisachairani73
    @annisachairani73 Год назад

    thanks to group 2, the presentation is very good and easy to understand. the explanation of the material from group 2 is also very good Annisa Chairani Ananda 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @aulianaanggi1860
    @aulianaanggi1860 Год назад

    Thank you for group 2. The explanation is very clear and easy to understand. And the power point also very understandable. Auliana Anggi Siregar 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @adillasasikirana3948
    @adillasasikirana3948 Год назад

    thankyou for group 2 for the explanation, i think is the nice explanation and presenter presented the material is good and clear, i can understand about topic. Adilla sasikirana 23 JJ ltL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @alfisirhan8732
    @alfisirhan8732 Год назад

    thank you to group 2, the video is great and the explanation is very clear and the explanation use english and indonesian, good job group 2👍 Alfi Sirhan 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @LeniMarlinaFBSUNP
    @LeniMarlinaFBSUNP Год назад

    It is great.

  • @intanPs12
    @intanPs12 Год назад

    Thank you group 2, in my opinion the material presented was very clear, and the ppt was very good and neatly arranged. Intan permata Sari 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @aliyaalloush
    @aliyaalloush Год назад

    -Jafilka did a pretty good job explaining the materials. -Yora did a really good job explaining the materials. -Winda explained the materials pretty well. -Tasya explained the materials pretty well although she looked kinda nervous. Aliya Hanannisa (22018179) 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @istamikholifah
    @istamikholifah Год назад

    thanks to group 2 for the nice presentation. a suggestion from me, better the PPT is displayed the main idea, so it will be more understandable. Istami Kholifah 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @aurorabartiar6862
    @aurorabartiar6862 Год назад

    Thank you to Group 2 for the explanation. It's a nice presentation. From these materials, I finally know the use of literature, also the benefits of literature in education. Aurora Bartiar 23 JJ ltL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @ihsananandafajar4029
    @ihsananandafajar4029 Год назад

    Nice presentation, every presenter presented the material so well. The presentation is understandable. A little suggestion from me, the slides of ppt can be summarized more Ihsan Ananda Fajar 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @adefairuzsuhaimah8539
    @adefairuzsuhaimah8539 Год назад

    This presentation is very good,they’re not just read the ppt, they explain in Indonesian too. So that the audience can understand easily Ade Fairuz Suhaimah 23 JJ ItL RB78 K6/22 LM

  • @M-Hafiz-Syam-
    @M-Hafiz-Syam- Год назад

    Y'all did a great job,the materials was clear and to the point and video editing also greak. Muhammad Hafiz syam 23 JJ itL RB78 K6/22 LM