The Chronicles of Nani
The Chronicles of Nani
  • Видео 87
  • Просмотров 3 673
Chronicles of Nani - Memory
Memories can be so powerful. Good memories can help calm bad symptoms of chronic illness or bad pain from sitting in a wheelchair. Not always, but they help a lot.
This week I talked about some of my memories & the power of your memories.
(And for any nitpickers who get on my recollection of dreams, you've never been to the end of an Italian women’s party when the men come back to pick everybody up and something big’s going to be on TV!)
Contact Nani at
Просмотров: 161


Chronicles of Nani - Things Change
Просмотров 42Год назад
The world itself is in a constant state of change. So I don't know why I ever thought things would be different for me! I took a few weeks off to catch up on some important things at home thinking to myself but three weeks later I have a good amount of things done and underway. Now don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things that are underway. They just aren't done. I'm really not that uncomm...
Chronicles of Nani - Priority List 2
Просмотров 332 года назад
The more things change the more they stay the same. This is actually a replay of “Rant" from last year. I am feeling frustrated over many of the same things only some of them worse. I'm also dealing with it better. Maybe that's a warning! I've got some things to tend to but I'll be back in 3 weeks. Contact Nani at
Chronicles of Nani - Almost Didn't Make It
Просмотров 322 года назад
Another week of things going wrong punching me in the face. BUT another week when my face survived! It was also another week where I recorded edited and did the whole shebang on Wednesday all day and most of the night. I'm uploading and going to sleep. Hopefully things are getting back to normal and I'll be tackling "list 2” to get my life back! Contact Nani at
Chronicles of Nani - Stubborn Pays Off
Просмотров 202 года назад
Ever have one of those weeks when it seems like EVERYTHING is stacked against you? One thing goes wrong and then soon as you have that figured out something else goes wrong. This was one of those weeks. And for once I'm quoting Trevor Noah. I'm paraphrasing Forrest Gump. Stubborn is a stubborn does. No matter what gave me trouble this week I was gonna get done what needed to get done. And it go...
Chronicles of Nani - Music, The Great Divide
Просмотров 222 года назад
Today starts with a story about war relics and goes on to talk about America's Civil War and the Constitution. The song speaks of the fear that a Civil War could happen again. Luke Combs is not afraid to talk about it and neither am I. I hope you're not either! #NaniMusic2 Contact Nani at National Civil War Naval Museum Luke Combs, Billy Strings - The...
Chronicles of Nani - Sit Down or Fall Down
Просмотров 382 года назад
A better version of last week? Well certainly a better looking version than last week! It includes me actually drinking from a coffee mug that has a story, a fun story. And some actual smiles! I noticed, even at a lower level, I only have one extra chin sometimes that’s not that prevalent and both of my dimples are coming back. (Somewhere between the thyroid medicine and WW I'm even starting to...
Chronicles of Nani - Replay: Know Your Limits
Просмотров 182 года назад
Sometimes things can get overwhelming. I've jokingly said before that I'm the most overworked disabled person I know. Some are by choice. I don't HAVE to do Chronicles of Nani and yet in so many ways and for so many reasons I do have to do it. But there are other things too. My husband works all day and there are a lot of things he doesn't have time to do. It's a choice between having dinner or...
Chronicles of Nani - Celebrations! (But I'm Hiding)
Просмотров 342 года назад
Now you see me, now you don't? Oh you'll see me in this vlog, just not a ton at first. My husband washed my hair when he was really not in the mood to be washing my hair. That only do I look like my hair was washed by someone who didn't want to wash it, but I look downright scary! It's not fair! This blood premieres on my birthday and just one day after the two year anniversary of Chronicles of...
Chronicles of Nani - Bits & Bytes
Просмотров 312 года назад
If there are disabled people who have nothing to do except sit around the house watch TV and if they're lucky someone will leave them bonbons to eat, I must be doing something wrong. Okay, I was forced into early retirement because of MS and as a recovering workaholic, I'm not even sure I would have actually retired. I just spent a week with my dad, also someone who sucks at being retired. He l...
Chronicles of Nani - Plan B
Просмотров 242 года назад
The best laid plans of mice and Nanis… When we last left our face in the recliner talking about home health aides, things ended with the happy announcement phone with an aid that was going to come in every day while my husband was away. Now is where the “best laid plans” mine comes in. The nurse who was coming in to do aide work for the week is terribly allergic to cats. I don't usually think a...
Chronicles of Nani - Home Health Care
Просмотров 272 года назад
Whether it's a chronic illness or a wheelchair or both, we all have a need for assistance. Sometimes it takes a while before we admit that. It's human nature to try to be determined enough to do it on your own as long as you possibly can. But when you do need that help you need either someone that lives with you and is there 24/7 or you need a home health aide that can come in and help you with...
Chronicles of Nani - Short Stories 2
Просмотров 192 года назад
The editor promised there would be Short Stories 2 because I talked too much in short stories 1! (She knows me so well you’d think she was me! 😉) So here are the last four stories I discovered in my early smash books. Contact Nani at
Chronicles of Nani - Life Got Really Normal
Просмотров 252 года назад
Life with a chronic illness and in a wheelchair we all create and live with our own kind of normal. I had a few wonderful days of exactly that, including enough energy to accomplish "too much to do." With MS they don't last forever, but when they do it's heaven! Everyone enjoyed having me around, ESPECIALLY me! Please come and enjoy with me a great weekend including a new kitten! (Thank you Dav...
Chronicles of Nani - We Never Stop Learning
Просмотров 382 года назад
One of my dearest friends and someone I've known since high school is my hero! She's just a year younger than me, she's returning to school to earn an associates degree. Some people might find that scary, to return to school after all those years. I find it just a little bit different than what all of us do every day. We learn. Sheri is just smart enough to know that. And going back to school i...
Chronicles of Nani - This Week In My History
Просмотров 272 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - This Week In My History
Chronicles of Nani - Short Stories 1
Просмотров 332 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Short Stories 1
Chronicles of Nani - Be Back Soon
Просмотров 512 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Be Back Soon
Chronicles of Nani - Nani UTI
Просмотров 352 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Nani UTI
Chronicles of Nani - Rerun Silly Poetry
Просмотров 202 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Rerun Silly Poetry
Chronicles of Nani - Rerun Allergies
Просмотров 302 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Rerun Allergies
Chronicles of Nani - Let's Just Talk
Просмотров 462 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Let's Just Talk
Chronicles of Nani - Cutting
Просмотров 502 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Cutting
Chronicles of Nani - I Am A Crocus
Просмотров 172 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - I Am A Crocus
Chronicles of Nani - The Cutting Room Floor
Просмотров 282 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - The Cutting Room Floor
Chronicles of Nani - Love Songs
Просмотров 232 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Love Songs
Chronicles of Nani - Superheroes
Просмотров 402 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Superheroes
Chronicles of Nani - Be An Ambassador
Просмотров 632 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Be An Ambassador
Chronicles of Nani - Murphy Sucks
Просмотров 222 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Murphy Sucks
Chronicles of Nani - Chronic Illnesses & Tagalongs
Просмотров 662 года назад
Chronicles of Nani - Chronic Illnesses & Tagalongs


  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 Год назад

    Nani, you are so right about memories being yours to keep. One thing I found is if I dig deep and think of a memory,I have to write it down and then my fingers just start filling in the blanks that I have buried for years. I have about 50 short stories that I wrote for my blog years ago and most of them started with one sentence, then I had writers block, leaving me with no way to know how to fill in around 1000 words. but once I started writing, my fingers were faster than my mind was and by the time I was done writing my story, I was having a hard time seeing the keys through the flood gates of tears in my eyes. I haven’t reread those stories in a few years because at the time I had read them over and over. It was my gift to myself and I couldn’t get enough of them. However, I haven’t read them in a few years because the stories began to feel redundant to me after reading them so many times. I might have to dig up a couple and remind myself of some of the fun memories, as well as challenges, I’ve had in my lifetime! by the way, I never claimed to be a “writer“, only a storyteller in my own mind lol punctuation and grammar would have probably been an editors nightmare! 🤣 What a wonderful Vlog again, Nani!💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 Год назад

    Hi Nani ! Welcome back :-). I am so happy for you! A new wheelchair sounds so exciting! I’m so anxious to see it :-). as far as change happening… Change is inevitable so whether we like it or hate it the best thing we can do is accept it, and I love how you except change as it happens :-). Have a great week and I hope to see your new wheels very soon!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, my heart aches for you! While I was watching your Vlog so many things kept going through my head about my own life, and I really hope I can be a little food for thought. when I moved from Ohio to Texas, my wonderful man had everything figured out so that we could get a U-Haul and pack all of my prized possessions and travel across country where I would start over. after a lot of frustration and many tears we discovered through the U-Haul company that a week that there was no way I was able to get this U-Haul, and this was one week before the move. I had to figure out how I would fit my whole life inside my Mazda CX five hybrid car. I didn’t have time to sell things or even find the best home for things. Anybody who could walk away with my things was doing me a favor. You have no idea how the tears flew as things were given away, donated or taken to the dump. My only saving grace was to take photos of anything that was memorable. However, when I got to Texas I was forced to figure out how I could live with my new normal. Fortunately the things that were the most important to me were memories, which I had many photos of, but there’s no way this was the same as being able to touch the item. I spent a lot of time ranting about how I used to have this and I used to have that and why did I have to give them away…three years later I am so freed by the fact that material things don’t weigh me down. I sometimes have a hard time remembering what I did and didn’t have. Jim and I were discussing the other day and the question came up; if there was a fire what was the one thing we needed to get out of the house. The obvious answer was our phone, which isn’t even the truth. Every picture, memory or legal document is photographed on that phone but backed up in the cloud. So the most important thing would be ourselves. my suggestion to you would be to find somebody to come in and help you take photos of every memory imaginable. Your antiques, your photo albums and anything that makes you happy. Then leave for the day and let them do their thing. You’re going to come home and you’re going to be furious and wonder where everything went. But after The dust settles you will be so happy when your life is all in your hand or on your computer. You can still do your Vlogs because you Will be able to pull up any photo in your library. My bike to the bay jerseys are in shadowboxes on my wall in my workout room, where I ride my stationary bike. And if I didn’t have those I would have photos of them as well. I’m not sure I can convince you to do it that way but I will tell you my life is so free right now knowing that I don’t need any tangible items to make me happy :-). I take that back, I do have to have my favorite coffee mug! I know you have one or two :-). looking forward to seeing you soon💕.

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Hi Nani, I know that one of the symptoms of MS can be loss of cognitive function, but I’m so impressed by your fabulous memory! At our age we have so many memories in our brain that it really takes some digging to find them again. Many of the times that you tell a story, I find myself finding another story inside my head as well :-). We’re all so inclined to want to relive a great memory of a vacation or memorable event, but the re enactment is never as wonderful as the memory in our brain. what a gift that is to be able to pull them back up and relive them in your mind! Thanks for the shout out as well! We all have to look out for each other🥰.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Christine, if you have to have MS, and I'd gladly just give up the whole thing but if I have to have it, I got lucky as far as the cognitive ability goes. I've read the cognitive problems are more common with RMS and less common with PPMS. Of course, with primary progressive it's much more common to lose use I love your ability to walk and dexterity in some other physical areas. I still if I had choose between my legs in my brain, I choose my brain. I guess one of the reasons for that is I do have a really full and far back memory. I think I get that from my grandfather. He's work grandma always said I got my storytelling ability from and it's because his memory was so detailed. I remember episodes from farther back than I'm supposed to. I can even remember where I was when I watched the first lunar landing on TV. When I was casually talking to my mother in my 20s she was totally shocked. Because the first lunar landing was nine days before my third birthday. But I also take advantage of the fact that I journal like crazy and always have and I scrapbook. And of course the good old Internet! A lot of times I don't remember exact dates and times but those are pretty easy to look up an old newspaper clippings. When a memory hits me that I hadn't thought about in a long time I write down as much of it as I can remember so I can go back and fill in dates and times later. You've given me a great idea for a vlog topic. Memory. There is dementia in my family background and I know the grandma had things to fight that like crazy and it actually worked pretty well. It was only in the last few months of her life that she started forgetting things & she passed at 84. Thanks for the compliments and the inspiration! -Nani

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Yay for plan D! You won, for sure! Great job on meeting your goal! I would never have known you had done it so close to your deadline. By the way, you look absolutely fabulous, Nani!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Thank you so much for the compliment! I think I’m going to try, at least try, to record in the bed more often, but with better light. I sit straighter and is an overall better look. But better light means recording in the morning, like I usually do, & making sure that the decent light is coming close enough to where I am. I can do that. I just need help to get everything in place. 😁

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, first of all… I noticed you have almost 40 subscribers! YAY!!! I have to say, since you asked… I think differences of opinions is similar to interpretation of the Bible, versus science, or is the glass half full or half empty, vegetarian versus meat eaters… (in order to grow vegetables you have to disturb the earth to plant them, which causes earth worms and insects to lose their homes. Or insect “ removal “. The whole circle of life thing… The argument could be “how ugly does a breathing being have to be before it’s OK to take their life). Sorry about that…🥴. I’m not one to stand on a soapbox because interpretation of right and wrong are so subjective. The biggest thing I will always stand up to is that we should all treat every human being with respect and compassion, regardless of their beliefs. And if we have the chance to help another person then it’s our duty to do so. It’s not our place to judge who’s right and who’s wrong. Thanks for giving us something to think about! Great vlog😊.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Christine, I noticed in my analytics it tells me in the last 28 days I’ve added 40 subscribers. That makes me so happy! I remember the last time I let myself have a cupcake was when I did my 10th vlog & I said at that time I would let myself have another cupcake while I did number 100. I’m in the 80s now and I’ve decided that it’s going to be number 100 I’ll caps or 50 subscribers, which ever comes first. Either one is worth celebrating! I couldn’t agree with you more about the helping and respecting other people regardless of what their opinions are about anything. And I think that’s what Luke Combs was saying in The Great Divide too. We really need to cross that and start respecting people as people and not as a different opinion. Sadly, I think social media is use wrong in that aspect. When people get behind a keyboard they feel like they can be king or queen of the world and try to insist that everyone Hass to be like them. They say things they would never say to someone face-to-face. I think it would help if we go back to social media as being someplace we can stay connected to friends, reconnect with friends and make new friends instead of making new enemies. Excellent opinion and the guts to share it!-Nani

  • @angelabulla3693
    @angelabulla3693 2 года назад

    Great vlog Nani! Can't wait to hear all about the event and I'm excited to see pics and vids if you have them 😊. I know what you mean about organizing! Have you read Mare Kondo's book Spark Joy? I read that about 6 months before we moved to OH and I was able to move about 1/2 of my house and I've been able to keep our new place so organized. I really enjoy being home now and not seeing clutter around and I now know what to do with new things so they don't become out of place. Take care and have a great weekend!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I definitely did make it! It was a pretty exciting day, including a bad and good ending that just reminds you how wonderful people are! I'll detail my day off in the next few weeks (That's my teaser) I just put Spark Joy in my audible library! Hopefully I'll very soon have someone helping me get things organized and coming in once a week to make sure they stay that way.

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, as soon as you lifted that West Virginia mug it spiked two memories for me; first of all John Denver’s country Roads is my all-time favorite “shower song “ , or anytime The acoustics are great I love to belt that song out. Of course I always make sure I don’t have an audience because I don’t want to scare them off, lol. Secondly I remember many years ago traveling to the corner of Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia and being able to be in all three states at one time :-). Setting priorities is definitely the answer for keeping your sanity. if I have a million things on my mind I’m totally stressed, but when I write them all down and cross a couple things off I feel so much relief. I might not get them all done but I feel so much more in control.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Like the editor said about the John Denver earworm. I think I bought that mug because it "saying to me" lol. I couldn't agree with you more about the importance of setting priorities. Like I said that Pat Benatar quote from way back in my teenage years stuck with me and never went away. Unfortunately I don't live the quote as well as I should. (Of course, I didn't date my guitar player and eventually marry him to still married today. But Benatar was vocally opera trained before she started singing rock and my singing quality… well, not in the shower, but give us a good acoustic place and we could definitely do a duet. (My cats like my singing) hahaha! Just having my priorities divided up and sit in my brain is already very calming. Now I just have to "recover" from a day off and get on making my organized dreams a reality!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, good for you for pacing yourself. Sounds like You had a pretty nice birthday. I’m glad to hear it :-). I pace myself every single day. If I set goals and break them down into steps I feel more empowered. Failure is hard to except, but having goals that are attainable can be so rewarding. Life isn’t a race. It’s one day at a time😊.

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I hope you had a fabulous birthday! I have to tell you, I also share a birthday with a famous person! Mickey Mouse!! OK, maybe he’s not technically a famous person, but it definitely makes me smile at the thought of sharing a Birthday with an icon that makes the world happy! I noticed you have two more subscribers on your page. Hooray!! congrats on two years with your Vlog! Thank you for continuing to share your experiences so that others can begin to understand what life with MS actually looks and feels like. have a great day💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I noticed the new subscribers. What an awesome birthday present! I love Martina McBride and I think it's awesome that we share EXACTLY the same birthday and as I said, the only thing good I can say about Mussolini is his evil made it possible for me to exist. (As far as I can tell the only thing good I could give him credit for) But Mickey Mouse! You totally got me there. I mentioned an evil guy and a great performer, but that depends on your taste in music. But seriously, who in the world doesn't love Mickey Mouse?

  • @judybloom2781
    @judybloom2781 2 года назад

    Happy Birthday!!! I am a July Baby too! Your hair did not look that bad. Plus I am at an age where I say who cares my hair is clean!!!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I love ad-libbing! Things seem to come from nowhere when you stop thinking so hard😉. I think sky diving is a great idea! I went a few years ago and it was a little scary, or maybe a lot scary 🤪, being I couldn’t run if the landing didn’t go well. And for that Matter, It was hard enough just to walk. But they have such cool ways of helping people with challenges to soar like a bird! My cousin who is in a wheelchair has gone skydiving and it was the best thing she ever did! If you ever get the chance please do it😃. In the sky, you feel just like everyone else! And the sky is the limit!!! No pun intended🤣🤣. Thanks for another great vlog💕.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Oh Christine, I am definitely going to go skydiving! I've been a little behind on answering my comments because things have been, well kind of nuts in Naniland. I promised a friend that when she was through this part of the world next year I was going to definitely meet her for lunch or coffee. And I meant it. I'm making a point of taking some time for me to get things sorted out and a year from now I'm gonna start really attacking my being out and about more often and attacking the things on my "want to do" list. And skydiving is way up there. After doing some reading and finding out that yes it's something you can do in a wheelchair, I am even more interested than I was before in doing it. Sort of a "Give me legs and I can climb mountains, give me wheels and I can fly in the clouds' attitude. LOL

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I’m so glad your Plan B worked out! I live for Plan B! I don’t handle disappointment very well and it takes a while to process before I realize things almost always work out in the end. Some people live life winging it as they go. I live my life with two plans. Plan B just in case the perfect plan falls through. Many times Plan B turns out to be a better plan after all! I hope you had a wonderful visit with your father!💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      My dad and I both enjoyed Plan B! And David will never ever admit that Plan B was acceptable, but I'm one of his nights that he stopped home we had a long lost chicken recipe that we made for Pop and my husband found out that it really was as simple as I've always told him it was to make. We've had two meals of it since then. There are things he might not have gotten to do with Plan B, but he also learned some wonderful things he never would've learned on Plan A. I always subscribe to having Plan B, that's something that you always have to have when you're doing things with kids. Too many people let it get to them and never have a back up plan. They end up just disappointing themselves and if they were planning something with kids, they end up disappointing the kids too. it also teaches them to be disappointed & not to have back ups. Learning to enjoy new things is one of the very positive points of Plan B! -Nani !💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, it’s always wonderful to see your smiling face with your cute little kitties. I’m glad your father is able to be there with you and seriously hope you can find someone to help with the Hoyer (SP?) lift. It’s been my experience that the things that scare us the most always work out for the best, eventually. I certainly hope to see you next week but if I don’t, please keep your spirits up and I’m looking forward to seeing you real soon :-)💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Christine, first off yes you spelled Hoyer right,. My dad is wonderful! He’s where I get my goofy sense of humor & my eternal optimism from. (He hasn’t always been the eternal optimist. He had to grow into that, but he grew into it well. I think my mom and I helped. Now he helps me too.) working on next Friday. Definitely gonna be back, facing adversity and sticking my tongue out at it, as usual! 😁💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, your stories make me imagine I was there! I bet as you tell them, it helps you re-live the moment😃. I’ve only ever been to a Tigers, Rangers, Blue Jays and Indians game. But it takes me back to every one of them, all over again :-). Thanks for sharing!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Christine, everybody has special gifts. I'm gifted with a really good memory! I can even remember episodes, with detail, of things that happened when I was as young as three. I enjoy remembering them and I've been told I tell stories about them well. It's a gift I inherited from my grandfather who used to captivate me with his stories about his time in the Navy. I really felt like I knew the guys he was on ship with. Grandma was very proud that I inherited Papa's ability to tell stories because it was proof that we never really leave when we're gone. But it does feel good to talk about the things I remember and things I've done. I think that's why I keep the SMASH books and make scrapbooks. So I can always relive the things I've enjoyed. What I'm really glad about is so many people have told me they enjoy hearing my stories because it reminds them of things that they've done and things they've enjoyed. I'm sure that's one of the things my grandfather really enjoyed about sharing his memories because I can definitely tell you it's one of the greatest things his granddaughter finds in telling stories is bringing happy memories to people who listen to them too! Thank you for reiterating happy memories of my grandfather! :) -Nani

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Congratulations on your new adorable little fur baby, Nani! She is as cute as a button!. And as for your topic of the week, speaking of freedom, I’m so happy to hear that you were out and about enjoying the weekend :-). Those little things that so many people take for granted are so freeing to all of those with physical challenges. It really puts things in perspective. Again, congrats and enjoy that precious little Casey!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      It was a wonderful day! And speaking of those freedoms, thanks to the ADA the pavilion is totally accessible. I even got all the way to the top thanks to the ramps! My dad built the ramp in his house after the first time they had a hard time getting me up the steps and having the manual wheelchair waiting for me. Every little bit helps and every little bit in the world at large helps everybody!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      And yes Casey is precious in so many ways! But I’ll send you a picture of what she’s done to my legs!

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 oh, no! What did she do?!?

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      @@christinekajfasz5437 it's the sharp little kitten claws. She's gonna see our vet on Friday (7/1) and they'll get clipped, but right now David says my legs look like they have a UPC code. And those scratches when you put them in a UPC reader would say "Casey's mommy." So right now they look pretty scratched up. When my doctor put moisturizing lotion on them they stung for about 15 minutes. But when my aide did it just yesterday, no sting. So my "Casey tattoos" are already starting to heal. LOL

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 Sorry the little baby can’t cause grass you but I bet it was worth it!💕 glad they’re healing🙂

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, you are so right about learning just by living. With modern technology it makes it so easy to learn new things all day long. If there’s something that I question and say I don’t know what the answer is to that, I Google it every single time. My favorite passion is cooking. I never went to culinary school, but I love improvising and making my own creations based on watching famous chefs. If they have a sauce in their ingredients that I don’t have, I Google it to find out what I can mix together to create that sauce. I love learning something new every day. Great Vlog as always :-)

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I do a lot of learning every day myself. I learned about how to do this RUclips thing. I also really want to learn about deer and fire flies. Yes dear that live behind the house and lightning bugs we see all the time and I want to understand more about them. (After I figure out how to get more subscribers.) Heck, you earned a lot for MS research riding a bike after so many "they" said you shouldn't be able to. And I also greatly admire anybody who says I'm gonna get a degree or certificate that will move me ahead at work or onto a job I like better. Whether it's a chronic illness, like you have me, or moving on professionally, like my friend, no one should be afraid of learning because we do it all the time and it's the people that are afraid that end up losing out because they don't get the knowledge they need.

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад


  • @sherimoffat8707
    @sherimoffat8707 2 года назад

    Just to be clear, I’m still intimidated and terrified every semester I start new classes. But I’m doing it. Thanks for calling me your hero. I don’t think I am but….🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      When others say they "can't," you DO. And you inspire. That makes you a hero. A real hero goes where it frightens them and perseveres! You're definitely a hero.

  • @tracy3369
    @tracy3369 2 года назад

    Great!! Great!! video this week♥

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani,I’ll say it again… You look absolutely wonderful! I know when you feel good about yourself it shows to the rest of the world, and I can see you’re in a much happier place right now! I’m so glad to hear they got your medication figured out so you can continue on your healthy journey! Congrats on your fourth booster also!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Technically fourth shot but first booster. You and I, and those immunocompromised people like us, are supposed to have three shots to be considered fully vaccinated and then two boosters after that. Because we're special! :D

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, it’s great to see you back and smiling! I hope you feel as wonderful as you look! Your short stories always make me smile :-). I just had my two grandsons visiting this past week and we made s’mores while they were here. It’s not about the marshmallow, rather watching their eyes light up as they Watch the marshmallow go up in flames! Looking forward to seeing you again!💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      S'mores are fun for sure! It's awesome that your grandbabies were down to visit! But it's true that even when I was a Girl Scout I was the only one who did not toast a marshmallow to go in between my chocolate and graham crackers. All of the other Girl Scouts thought I was weird, but I was the number one cookie cellar in our troop & That helped pay for camp so nobody teased me about it too much. LOL But my nieces did find my maniacal laughing at the burning marshmallows to be scary in a funny sort of way.

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 Of course the one difference we made from traditional s’mores is we put the marshmallow between two Fudge stripe cookies! You can never have too much chocolate lol

  • @sherimoffat8707
    @sherimoffat8707 2 года назад

    I’ve heard a few musicians, Garth Brooks to name one, have been releasing new material on “vinyl” and record players are becoming more popular again.

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling bad but glad you’re on the mend. I’ve missed your vlogs. It’s been a pretty crazy weekend for me as well so I just now watched this episode. Looking forward to seeing you back again :-)

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I have missed your comments too, Christine. Maybe now that my world is getting a little bit more normal again, we can schedule that long awaited in cyber-person FaceTime coffee!

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 Would love to Nani! Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my best days. Let me know😀

  • @maryfrances5968
    @maryfrances5968 2 года назад

    We ❤️ You Nani! Hoping you get reliable care and are on your way to feeling better soon. 😘

  • @tracy3369
    @tracy3369 2 года назад

    Another great video. Glad you are doing better!!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, that was very informational. Thanks for sharing. Most people have no clue how complicated mobility issues can be. By sharing this personal information I’m sure it helps others who don’t feel comfortable talking about these topics to feel closer to “normal”. Hope you continue to heal well💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Sorry to hear you have a UTI. I know that can be some serious stuff so I’m glad you’re taking it easy. Hope you have a speedy recovery💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      {{hugs, Christine}} Still not completely recovered, but tomorrow it's actually going to be me and current. 💕-Nani

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 nice😊💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    I sure hope you got that much needed rest. I can totally relate to the unfairness of “normal” illnesses for people who already have MS. Allergy season in Texas is mostly from “Cedar fever”, which is due to the pollen from the bazillion cedar trees in our area. No fun at all, and unfair to us with our own issues to deal with. I have never heard of using Flonase for plugged ears. I seem to get a lot of drainage from all of the cedar pollen, which effects my ears as well. Thanks for the tip! Hope you get through this season soon, and somewhat unscathed!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I'm glad to share the tip! It totally shocked me when I tried the Flonase end it unplugged my ears! As far as allergies go, I've since this Vlog seen the doctor. She actually came in to change my catheter and told me it's not allergies, you have a UTI. I was still feeling sick and she immediately put me on an antibiotic but that doesn't change overnight either. So tomorrow will be a funnier rerun and I'm feeling up to doing new Vlog on Saturday. Not back yet, but very soon!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, what would we do without the EMT!! That is one thing we fellow MSers can all relate to is there’s always a story of something that didn’t go well. I’ve written many stories about how I’ve fallen or tripped or catapulted because of my clumsiness due to MS. But I think telling our story is a lot more therapeutic than feeling bad and keeping it to ourselves. And it helps everyone realize we’re not alone. Great Vlog :-)

  • @pokutelover
    @pokutelover 2 года назад

    I love teal swan and Bryson Katie’s the work content on RUclips. They both speak on getting attuned with your emotions, body sensation and the energy around you. It took me two years to get out of the mode of self harm, hate, fear and shame (subconscious need to feel something other than futility). The completion process and the work really helped me become an observer of my body and mind. I love how real you are. Helps others to stop escaping reality. Thank you. 🥰

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Thank you for your kind words! And I'm definitely going to check out the two RUclips channels you mentioned.

  • @pokutelover
    @pokutelover 2 года назад

    I like your story times. Have you ever looked into RUclips shorts, I like watching those with poems about life. Get ready with me and vlogs. I personally like to listen to your videos because your voice is soothing. Sorry if that sounds creepy. I just wanted to share my opinion.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      RUclips shorts and something that's on my list of things that I want to check out and consider adding to my content. "Soothing" It's not at all creepy. It's flattering and thank you!

  • @cyndiwasson5445
    @cyndiwasson5445 2 года назад

    My dear, dear friend and "cousin-in-law", I'm thinking of you. I wish we lived close and I could drop by to see you or wash your hair for you or fix you a cup of tea. I think you helped all of us who watched your blog understand things we didn't understand before, and while we grieved for you we realized how many others are living in pain. We need that wake-up call. Take care, Davonna. I send my love. Cyndi

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      One of the quick replies that they offered me was "maybe someday." I really want to believe that's true! But until that time comes, I truly cherish our online kinship!

  • @maryfrances5968
    @maryfrances5968 2 года назад

    Thank you sooo much for sharing this Nani. Love you ❤️

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, your arm looked so painful! I do understand how feeling pain can give you a feeling of control though. I know there are so many things in our life that we can’t control the outcome but when we find some thing that is controlled by our actions we feel empowered. I think that’s why I have a such a high tolerance for pain. All of the injections, Infusions, and blood draws actually make me feel like I’m doing something to fight back. I do hope your arm is healing well. Thanks for sharing reality with us😉.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      The fortunate thing is that because my skin is so dry from medication I take that heals pretty fast. But I know what you mean about blood draws and injections actually giving enough pain to make you feel strong. With my doctor does butterfly on my hand for a blood draw I can actually watch the needle go in and the blood come out and feel some satisfaction. It’s kind of empowering. 💪❤️

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 💕

  • @mariasawczuk1515
    @mariasawczuk1515 2 года назад

    ((Hugs)) to you sweetie. I'm so sorry you're going thru this. Love you and glad you have the help you need surrounding you.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      🤗 Maria, I do have good help physically and emotionally from my friends who care! Like I said to Christine, fortunately my skin is so dry that it actually helps it heal faster. 💕💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, what a great reminder that we’re all like crocuses! It made me think back to two years ago when my mother had moved to senior living due to being unable to care for her house and unable to drive. She was thriving there, amongst all of the other seniors and the activities, including the dining room where she could share meals with friends. However, winter and snow set in and she was feeling alone and depressed. I felt helpless in making her feel better all the way from my home in Texas, but as soon as I knew it was crocus season I asked my mom to look out into the courtyard and look for the crocuses. she eventually spotted them and I asked her to take a picture of them for me. I knew she always loved crocuses and always referred to them as being her first sign that spring is here! Although, eventually, Covid took over in her will to fight the Battle, for the moment, the crocuses gave her a reason to get up :-). I think crocuses are natures way of saying hang in there, the best is yet to come! Thanks for the reminder :-).

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Christine, thank you for the comment and the story. I'm so sad you lost your mom to the pandemic. When my great grandmother was in assisted-living I always thought of it as a country club that I choose to retire to, if I ever chose to retire. And if I could still do counted cross stitch, I think I do a huge framable one of the purple and white stripey ones. (Yes, I did counted cross stitch and could make my own patterns from photos. But my MS hands won't let me do crosstitch anymore.) Maybe I should look at getting a print of that photo to frame. 🤗🌺❤️ Nani

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I totally agree with you that female issues need a female doctor. Male doctors might know The female anatomy but they’ve never worn it. Great Vlog, although, Marco seemed a little bored LOL. And I always like a walk down memory lane! Thanks for sharing💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I know, I always said I would never see a male gynecologist for the same reason I wouldn't ask a Catholic priest to fix problems in my marriage. But the truth is I was referred to a gynecologist specialist and he knew his job and did it well. The truth is a trained and experienced gynecologist does a great job but no matter how much training a urologist has, men seem to forget that women are built different. A male gynecologist sees women all the time. When I looked up female urologists, there was only one in network with my insurance company. I would imagine that she definitely has all of the women who have my insurance!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I couldn’t agree with you more about the importance of music. A song doesn’t always represent the meaning behind the song itself, but the memory it sparks from when you heard it is what makes the song special. The love of my life shares a name with the legendary “James Taylor”, however, that’s the only thing they have in common :-). He’ll be the first to admit he didn’t make his claim to fame by his singing voice, however, there are so many love songs that remind me of his warm and caring hurt. Music is the one thing that writes a story for all of us, and it Sparks so many precious memories that we will remember forever :-) great Vlog!💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I see you have 2 New subscribers😊. Awesome! Someday you’ll be showing up all these young millennials!! But for now, I would say if you were sitting in a room of 33 people and having some sort of impact on their lives, that would be something pretty exciting to be proud of! I totally agree that it takes a village! If everyone does what they’re capable of and share your strengths with others, it will make life A whole lot easier, all the way around! Thanks for sharing💕

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Great job again, Nani! I see you’re finally on the mend:). I can’t agree more about being kind in order to receive kindness. I’ve never had someone be unkind to me after showering them with kindness myself. MS is very humbling. It doesn’t seem like we should have to go over the top to get help from abled beings, but it’s a fact of life; we all have challenges of some sort, and if a smile and kind words is what we have to offer, then it’s our moral obligation to share them with others. I often find that I’m doing a good deed by asking for help, because it also makes others feel good to help me as well. Thanks for the reminder:).

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I love the term "abled beings." I have often said, when I talk about my wheelchair and refer to myself as a "wheeled person," "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against walking people. I have friends who walk!" :)

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 💕

  • @lilliancovarrubias9772
    @lilliancovarrubias9772 2 года назад

    Davonna, you are looking beautiful and your smile seems genuine which is also beautiful. I know last time I was over at your home you spoke of your depression but not with the candor that you expressed on this vlog. Your honesty is commendable. I'll check in to your next episode. ☮❤

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, what a great “Queen of improvising” you are! If it’s one thing MS does to us, it”s that it transforms our coping skills. I can’t tell you how many times I had the perfect plan and MS said “oh no you don’t! So I always have a Plan B. I loved all of your pictures this week :-). Seeing your precious Kitty reminds me of a recent occurrence I experienced. We have a couple of feral cats that hang around our property chasing after mice, and we’ve named them both. The orange one is named Sylvester and the black one is named Tom. The other night we saw Tom peering in our family room window and of course my wonderful Jim makes the obvious statement… “hey look, peeping Tom!” there’s a comedian in every crowd, lol! Looking forward to next week :-) 💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Christine, you're absolutely right. If we can't improvise, the bad guys win! I like Jim's sense of humor!

  • @atchisonfamily5612
    @atchisonfamily5612 2 года назад

    Thank you for your bravery and transparency! I love every second of this video EXCEPT for 38! ". . .I can't do my vlog. . . " TS ~ 09:58 - 10:39. I strongly disagree!! You CAN do your vlog despite wardrobe challenges! For most, if not all, people living with Invisible, NCF, and Chronic medical conditions, the challenges you refer to in those 38 seconds, are what many struggle with validation for. As you also spoke about in the beginning was, this community is what keeps us sane! I assure you, what you have to share, is far more of a blessing than a fashion violation! Matthew 5:15-16 [15] Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. [16] Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Thank you for watching my Vlog and for your comment! In my own defense, my clinical depression was not CAUSED by wardrobe challenges. That was one of the things that added to it. I was not knowing where any of my things were. Not having an aide on a regular basis and being surrounded by disorganized chaos was one of the big problems that I had. Honestly I think the worst of it was I couldn't even tell a nurse where supplies that she needed to care for me were because I just didn't know where they had been put. My depression was more or less caused by my absolute inability to control anything going on around me and not having the ability to do it myself. When I record this vlog I have to actually be pushed back and ensured that I'm sitting straight up so that I can speak properly. Then I have to have what I call my "highchair table" set across the armrests on my recliner so that the computer can be placed in front of me to record. Those were also things that I wasn't getting assistance with because I just didn't have a home health aide they would help. It's actually the full culmination of those things that caused the clinical depression. And real depression is something that is totally capable of incapacitating the person with it, sometimes for a while and sometimes indefinitely. I actually lucked out this time because I've been there before. I had those symptoms for a year and a half before I got help the first time. Thank you so much for your concern, and I really do mean that. If it were just a concern about my wardrobe I could've stubbornly gotten through that. But it was the culmination of everything that was making it impossible for me to live a life that made me feel worthy. Thankfully I had a great psychologist a few years ago and an equally wonderful therapist now that are getting me through. And people like you who watch and comment and care. Thank you!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, it does seem strange that people with MS tend have other chronic illnesses on top of it, but it only makes sense being it’s an auto immune disease. When I got breast cancer on top of MS it didn’t seem possible, but here we are. Like the old cliché, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right?? Thanks for staying strong and hope to see you for cyber coffee Tuesday :-)💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I don't think we've talked about it in detail and I didn't actually realize till just now that you already had MS when you were diagnosed with breast cancer, I thought it was the other way around. But now that you mention it, you're right, it does make more sense. MS is the gift you never asked for that keeps on giving in the most horrifying ways. You're right, as long as we're still here and talking about it we are stronger. That's why you're my hero! I am selfishly embarrassed about type two diabetes (because I was always proud hat even though I may have looked too big, I was incredibly fit and healthy...until MS) you've had to deal with a lot more. And I'm sure others have too, perhaps worse than either one of us. I'm in a Facebook group for Raynaud's, and people who have that as their primary disease show pictures that just make me hurt so bad looking at them. What is the primary disease can leave you in constant pain from lack of proper blood circulation in your hands and feet and sometimes even parts of your face. It's one of those things like MS is too. You don't do anything to cause it and there's nothing you could've done to keep it from happening. And they don't know why it happens or how to cure it. Thanks for keeping me on the "straight and positive!" :) <3 (Make sure you email me about cyber-coffee!)

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 I certainly will, Nani! Look for my text :-)

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

    Nani, I am so, super excited to see you back! I love your hair, I love your earrings, but mostly I love your honesty! I try so hard every single day to have mile markers to get through each and everyone of them, but seeing someone’s face helps most of all. Living in Texas I have many hours in the day, but when I travel to Ohio I can’t find the time to see everyone I want to see. If I meet someone for coffee I literally have to set an alarm on my phone to know how many minutes I have left before I have to move on. Do you ever do video chat coffees? That has been a lifesaver for me. I video chat with my grandsons and kids and it just brightens my day! Most importantly though,I didn’t have to get on a plane to do it. I would love to do a video coffee with you! I miss the MS chats we used to go to! Tuesdays in particular are my longest days. Please let me know when you would like to do “virtual coffee“! I am so in! Take care, and welcome back, Nani!💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Christine, I'm definitely gonna be taking you up on that offer for a video Coffee! Now that I have the part of the house I live in in decent shape, even if it's a half hour that you can squeeze me in and stop by when you're in Ohio, I'd love that! But I also totally understand the squeezing everybody in when you visit home… Or anyway original home, I know things are good, really good, in Texas and you totally deserve that! But I definitely wanna make plans to every now and then do a video coffee! <3

    • @christinekajfasz5437
      @christinekajfasz5437 2 года назад

      @@thechroniclesofnani4804 That’s great, Nani! Now that you’ve committed, how about next Tuesday the 25th? Is 10:30 Eastern time good for you?

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      ​@@christinekajfasz5437 Christine, if we could do Wednesday, that would be better. Monday and Tuesday are my editing days this week. (it's usually Sunday and Monday, but this week, I didn't get a chance to record until Sunday.) Email me at for more details!

  • @sherimoffat8707
    @sherimoffat8707 2 года назад

    Yeah, I agree, Betty White dying was just icing on the craptastic cake of 2021. Glad you’re back. Love you.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      I am so glad that I still have a couple of books on audible that she wrote. Even if it's only a chapter or two at a time. I still feel like I'm always going to be able t have coffee with her every now and then. In the vlog, I feel like I do have that moxie I wished I did. She is my spirit animal and part of her will always be there when I need it!

  • @psychsgrandma
    @psychsgrandma 2 года назад

    Aw, Nani -- so sorry this is the "soul-weather" you're enduring now. My abiding wish for people I care for, especially those in bad soul-weather, is that a variety of pleasant surprises start to pop up. So I'm hoping things will not take as long as you fear, and that although there may be alterations in what you need and what you can get, you will be up and rolling very soon -- preferably before the weather-imposed quarantine of winter -- for our sake as well as yours. Please keep us posted, here or on FB, as you are able. Know that a lot of us are virtually-hugging you -- put me down for the 3 am whim-wham shift. I've been eating some pumpkin-spice Werner's caramels that I meant to put in the mail but could smell through the wrapper -- so I deem eating them to be in your honor, and if they are on your "permitted list" I'll get more and send them. Meanwhile.... well .... praying the length of that "meanwhile" is shorter than you fear. Take care m'dear. Come back soon! Chickie

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Chickie, I'm catching up on old replies right now. You know what I'm truly grateful for and feel every virtual hug I am sent. I hope you (and everyone) is feeling the hugs back.

  • @sherimoffat8707
    @sherimoffat8707 3 года назад

    I wish there was something I could do to help. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Call me if you just need to talk. Love you.

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Sheri, you know you've done a bunch of stuff to help me through this and I'm truly grateful. You sent me a gift that's going to be featured on Chronicles of Nani in the not so distant future. Your inspiration has actually helped a lot! Love you too!

  • @christinekajfasz5437
    @christinekajfasz5437 3 года назад

    Nani, I’m sending you many virtual hugs. I can only imagine what it feels like to feel overwhelmed trying to continue this vlog. I give you a lot of credit for all of your hard work trying to edit and come up with new things to talk about every week. I know when I had my blog it was extremely challenging and sometimes overwhelming. I wish I was closer so that I could help. Unfortunately this disease does put us at the mercy of the help from others. When you do find that special someone that can help fill in the gaps I will certainly be back to share life challenges and strategies with you🥰. Please feel free to call me or video chat with me anytime you need a friend. No matter what I’m doing I will always be here to reply to you and if possible have a conversation at that time, or one that works for both of us. Unless I am at a doctor appointment, which happens frequently in our MS world, I am never too busy to lend an ear😉. Take care and I’ll be thinking about you and watching for your return💕

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Oh Christine, thank you so much! I know you completely understand everything that I'm going through right now. And when I'm through with what I need to do on my own right now, I'm definitely going to take you up on that offer for a video chat or to or a gazillion!

  • @tracy3369
    @tracy3369 3 года назад

    Great job on montage. Music bed was very soothing with the photos!!

    • @thechroniclesofnani4804
      @thechroniclesofnani4804 2 года назад

      Glad you liked it! My business and even the professional award that I won many years ago, what is greatly based on doing for a work with the music background. It feels fantastic and comforting to hear that compliment!