Paulina Nicole
Paulina Nicole
  • Видео 34
  • Просмотров 911 247
how to be happy in 5 minutes (or less)
for quite some time, I was trying to find joy in every single way possible...until....
☆ Hi there! New to the PaulinaNicole channel? If so, here's what you need to know -- Im a 21 year old who loves trying out new things and traveling a LOT, so I use this channel to explore various topics and to help you obtain tips or information along the way!.☆
☆ Where else you can find me:
INSTAGRAM: pauliina.aa?hl=en
☆ Join our growing community for new videos every week!
Просмотров: 490


Ice skating in Chicago | Opening Christmas Gifts | December Vlog
Просмотров 231Год назад
Last week of 2022 vlog - Fun winter break moments with clips from finals week, going to the gym and studying, leading up to Christmas weekend. The first portion of this video contains content from a fun city trip to Chicago. My boyfriend and I had brunch near the loop and then went iceskating at the Maggie Daley Ribbon near Millenium park. On Saturday my family and I celebrated Wigilia, or Chri...
living a minimalist lifestyle
Просмотров 6802 года назад
Trying to minimalize your life but don't know where to begin? Enjoy some tips and tricks on minimalism for begginers. I recently have been trying so hard to declutter my life, room, workspace, and mind/body soul. While it might seem cliche, having a cleaner world around truly helps me be more productive and have a better sense of mind. In this video I share some tips and tricks that I have foun...
This is why your Christmas gifts are boring...
Просмотров 4483 года назад
Happy Holidays and a happy winter to everyone! I feel like December came super duper fast this year, and I cannot believe it’s already almost Christmas. As a student, being super busy with schoolwork and my job, it has not been easy to find time to go Christmas shopping, let alone make wish lists and buy personalized gifts for everyone during finals week. In this video I go through some creativ...
Making banana bread | easy and delicious recipe
Просмотров 4793 года назад
Watch in 4K | Bake with me, following the recipe step by step :) Today I got the urge to bake so I decided to make some yummy banana bread! My urge to cook and bake has been a pretty consistent occurrence recently, so be prepared for more recipes to come. Since I am constantly scrolling through social media and finding videos on home improvement and kitchen-related ideas, I realized I have prob...
summer morning routine 2021
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.3 года назад
With summer break halfway through and Fourth of July just around the corner, I figured it’s about time to post my summer morning routine! It’s been a highly requested video and honestly took me too long to upload, but here it finally is ;) I usually have a morning routine that varies (especially during the summer where there are new things happening everyday) although this year I’ve finally est...
Просмотров 4343 года назад
all of the links are in the description! In this video I share some of my favorite products from amazon that I have been using this year in 2021. Many of these items are geared toward the summer too, and I hope to make more videos like this with various categories like amazon room decor or favorite essentials. Many of these products are my must-have finds on amazon. Items mentioned: -Acrylic ri...
Просмотров 3653 года назад
WATCH IN 4K Lots of new nail designs have been coming up my social media feed for 2021, and springtime is the best time for nice nails! This video gives you a simple - but ultimate- nail tutorial for 2021.With new colors and fun designs all around, I decided to give a few super easy ones a try. These are some of my most used nail designs and don't require tools. With no tools required, anybody ...
room tour 2021 *minimalistic and pink*
Просмотров 6213 года назад
WATCH IN HD Hi lovelies! Today I decided to upload my 2021 room tour, I have changed my room back to the minimalistic theme with pink and gray colors so wanted to keep you guys updated with that. Lots of you have been asking where my room decor is from or about specific pieces of furniture or room decoration, so I will try to upload as many links/descriptions as I can below! Most items are from...
valentine’s vlog : sledding without sleds
Просмотров 4653 года назад
Watch in 4K the audio in this video is very quiet I apologize Hey everyone! It's Paulina, and this week I'm coming atchu with you a belated valentine's day or "galentines" day vlog. My friends and I hangout and had a good time together over the weekend. We made DIY chocolate covered strawberries, Valentine's Day cookies, and went sledding late at night. Looking for how to sled without a sled? L...
First week of classes + Cutting my hair short | January Vlog
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.3 года назад
WATCH IN 4K This is a super quick little vlog to give you guys an update as to where I’m at and what I’m doing :) in January I started my second semester in college, so I filmed a little bit of the process and my first week back at school. Second semester is definitely not what I had expected last year, and I feel like everyone is having quite an interesting experience as the pandemic unfolds.....
Seeing my best friend after months! Girls trip to Florida
Просмотров 8793 года назад
Watch in 4K Last spring my friend (Ashley) and I did not see each other for roughly 5 months with college decisions, moving, and the pandemic going on. Julia (my other friend) and I decided to plan a quick last minute trip to go visit her, and this is a combination of some clips from our trip! We spend 3 days in Florida and had a blast. From beach days, to ancient ruins, to shopping and simply ...
What I got for Christmas 2020!
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.3 года назад
WATCH IN 4K Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Wesołych Świąt! In this video I go through my Christmas gifts and do a haul of what i got for Christmas 2020. This has been one of the most highly requested videos, so i would like to say that I’m doing it because people have asked. In no way am I trying to brag and I am very thankful for all of the gifts I have received. Since I come from a Polis...
CHEAP Iphone 11 cases (all under $3!) Shein, Romwe
Просмотров 8 тыс.4 года назад
WATCH IN HD | I ordered many cases from amazon, shein, and Rome. These are my favorite ones by far! In this video I review and unbox super cheap iPhone 11 Pro Max cases! Each case is under $3 and i go through the quality and design of the cases to see if they are really worth it in the end. Overall, I’m pleasantly surprised, and have to say that if you’re looking for a cheap phone case under $2...
iPhone 11 Pro Max Unboxing + Setup and Camera Test!
Просмотров 62 тыс.4 года назад
WATCH IN HD In this video I unbox my new iPhone 11 Pro max! This is a two part video, so click the link below to see a camera test and full setup of the iPhone 11. I got the silver version and really like the overall design. The 4K camera is AMAZING and I didn't ever realize how much of a difference there would be until I tried it out with the video and portrait photo settings. There is a camer...
BACK TO SCHOOL HAUL 2020 | What I got for back to school!!
Просмотров 9334 года назад
BACK TO SCHOOL HAUL 2020 | What I got for back to school!!
SNEAKER COLLECTION 2020 | Nike, adidas, vans, more
Просмотров 14 тыс.4 года назад
SNEAKER COLLECTION 2020 | Nike, adidas, vans, more
DANCE TEAM TRYOUTS | tips and tricks, what to expect!
Просмотров 35 тыс.4 года назад
DANCE TEAM TRYOUTS | tips and tricks, what to expect!
Last day in Poland | Travel vlog | Wroclaw
Просмотров 6784 года назад
Last day in Poland | Travel vlog | Wroclaw
Travel essentials 2020!
Просмотров 8774 года назад
Travel essentials 2020!
SHEIN swimsuit try on haul!
Просмотров 729 тыс.4 года назад
SHEIN swimsuit try on haul!
Summer Outfits 2020 | Basic and Casual outfits for the summertime!
Просмотров 11 тыс.4 года назад
Summer Outfits 2020 | Basic and Casual outfits for the summertime!
TRAVEL VLOG | Bird cafe | Best food in Poland
Просмотров 7664 года назад
TRAVEL VLOG | Bird cafe | Best food in Poland
Room tour 2020 + makeover | *aesthetic*
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.4 года назад
Room tour 2020 makeover | *aesthetic*
TRAVEL VLOG |Sky tower Wroclaw | Riverboat Cruise | Japanese garden |
Просмотров 9194 года назад
TRAVEL VLOG |Sky tower Wroclaw | Riverboat Cruise | Japanese garden |
Travel with me | Poland | Panorama Painting in Wroclaw |
Просмотров 9444 года назад
Travel with me | Poland | Panorama Painting in Wroclaw |
EASY Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas | Great gifts for Quarantine
Просмотров 4184 года назад
EASY Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas | Great gifts for Quarantine
Easy Workout | NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED | At Home Exercise | Beginner workout
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.4 года назад
Easy Workout | NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED | At Home Exercise | Beginner workout
TRAVEL VLOG | Europe and the beautiful city of Krakow // visiting home
Просмотров 7664 года назад
TRAVEL VLOG | Europe and the beautiful city of Krakow // visiting home
TRAVEL VLOG | Visiting Poland | Home in wroclaw
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.4 года назад
TRAVEL VLOG | Visiting Poland | Home in wroclaw


    @IGOTYOBACKVR 4 дня назад


  • @chase180-e4n
    @chase180-e4n 12 дней назад

    You have cute eyes baby so beautiful

  • @cosmicred7401
    @cosmicred7401 18 дней назад

    You are socute lovely little princess😂❤❤❤

  • @whiteguy4120
    @whiteguy4120 22 дня назад

    You’re shy!

  • @DarioAthan
    @DarioAthan 23 дня назад

    Dying to see a back side

  • @SlayerMetallica
    @SlayerMetallica 23 дня назад

    I miss this little hottie

  • @RileyNowe-u3t
    @RileyNowe-u3t Месяц назад

    Wow so beautiful

  • @karsendarsenlarsen
    @karsendarsenlarsen 2 месяца назад

    This is for anyone who does dance please let me know!!! Ok so I’m a freshman who did dance a lot (5 years) when I was younger. I wasn’t ready to try out for a freshman team so I’m waiting till mid May 2025 to try and get on JV. (It’s October 1st) today am going to start stretching for my middle and regular splits and just overall perfecting my flexibility so in the winter (December???) I can sign up for some jazz classes to help me get better for tryouts in May! I would love to get a dancers take on this (advice, tips, what to focus on) tysm if u read this plz reply!

  • @Makayla16910
    @Makayla16910 5 месяцев назад

    i have tryouts in april and i want to make the team (varsity especially) more than anything so tysm for these tips i will definetly apply them

  • @MelodicMizeryPs3Vids
    @MelodicMizeryPs3Vids 5 месяцев назад

    good lord your beautiful

  • @starlightswift_13
    @starlightswift_13 6 месяцев назад

    I've been dancing for 5 years, but i haven't ever done competition's tryouts on july 8th. im scared but also exited

  • @stefansmetek3015
    @stefansmetek3015 7 месяцев назад nächsten Jahr wird darüber gejammert, dass es Kämpfe um die Nachfolge gibt oder dass die Nachfolger schlechter sind als er...

  • @smiley_brielle
    @smiley_brielle 7 месяцев назад

    I’m trying out for my dance team on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday we find out I’ll let you guys know if I make it!💗

  • @JoseFernandez-kn8eu
    @JoseFernandez-kn8eu 8 месяцев назад

    You so pretty sexy chica 😊

  • @oveasheim4145
    @oveasheim4145 8 месяцев назад

    what d point of a try on.when we dont see you. waste of time by by

  • @John-zn1rw
    @John-zn1rw 8 месяцев назад

    Lets go underwater

  • 8 месяцев назад

    I have a clinic tonight and im teffried. I have literally no experience. Ill update tonight how it goes 😭

  • @baileynope
    @baileynope 8 месяцев назад

    My tryouts are April 13!! Wish me luck! I’ll update this comment with the results!! Update: Sadly I didn’t make it, but I’ll keep practice and try out again next year

    • @gemmsoo
      @gemmsoo 8 месяцев назад

      Good luck! Mine are on the 23rd...

    • @baileynope
      @baileynope 8 месяцев назад

      @@gemmsoo I believe in you! I hope we both make it! ❤️✌️

    • @gemmsoo
      @gemmsoo 8 месяцев назад

      @@baileynope Wow, Thank you!! ✨

    • @baileynope
      @baileynope 8 месяцев назад

      @@gemmsoo Ofc ❤️

    • @itsangel5270
      @itsangel5270 8 месяцев назад

      Mine are April 26th 😬

  • @alcaponemafia
    @alcaponemafia 10 месяцев назад


  • @baileynope
    @baileynope 11 месяцев назад

    My try outs are in a few months and I’m SO SO nervous!!

  • @Annadr3wmorrison4477
    @Annadr3wmorrison4477 Год назад

    Hope you're okay

  • @cetinozden6937
    @cetinozden6937 Год назад

    Hello love ❤

  • @JacobMeye
    @JacobMeye Год назад

    Love this Paulina!!!

  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda Год назад

    Hi. Wow. this is best . adios, 🤞

  • @AdvaithKumar
    @AdvaithKumar Год назад

    good stuff

  • @RealJKal
    @RealJKal Год назад

    Great video Paulina

  • @M1r4b3ll3
    @M1r4b3ll3 Год назад

    I’m so nervous dude Edit: I’m a quitter

  • @BreezeWithAfrica
    @BreezeWithAfrica Год назад

    What happens if you get a call back to come back in while doing tryouts for Dance team? Does this mean you made it. I didn’t get a call back to dance with other girls as other did?

    • @Osubliminals-x2f
      @Osubliminals-x2f Год назад

      If you didn't get a callback or a confirm you made it that means you didn't. But idrk

    • @Brooke13-bcb
      @Brooke13-bcb Год назад

      Callbacks ate great things, they give you a second chance to tryout again. The reason some girls got a call back is they wanted to see them next to another girl dancing or they did not get to see a move that you did . Also, no it doesn’t mean you made it. I got a call back and I still made team, just act like you have a new start and be confident. Good luck 🍀

  • @corndog1868
    @corndog1868 Год назад

    Welcome back & Happy New Year, it's going to be a great 2023🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆

  • @rickmiller7148
    @rickmiller7148 Год назад

    The Christmas Eve & Day food all looks delectable. (Mom & I went to the Red Lobster on Christmas.) Glad to see you reflecting your relationship with the REDEEMER. Thanks for sharing, Paulina. Pleasant #WorldIntrovertDay, #NationalBuffetDay, #SwissCheeseDay & #NationalCreamPuffDay! (Also, tomorrow will be #WomenRockDay, #JRRTolkienDay & #NationalChocolateCoveredCherriesDay.) Happy - Healthy - Hopeful 2023 to you and yours, in the LORD of all Seasons and Circumstances...

  • @RealJKal
    @RealJKal Год назад

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Paulina

  • @mohamedninja85
    @mohamedninja85 Год назад

    What happened no talk

  • @mohamedninja85
    @mohamedninja85 Год назад

    Happy new year hop doing god Paulina

  • @morgancarioscia8835
    @morgancarioscia8835 Год назад

    U need 1 million subscribers

  • @israelramirez5874
    @israelramirez5874 2 года назад

    For shein cases I recommend getting a tempered glass screen protector loki lol front and back so u don’t have to stress😭😭😭

  • @gxgi_rose4102
    @gxgi_rose4102 2 года назад

    Hi! Can someone give me a run through of what thing you should definitely master before you tryout. IF YOU CAN THANK U SM AND I WILL FOREVER BE GREATFUL

  • @sveinthorebergan5769
    @sveinthorebergan5769 2 года назад

    wow you are beautiful..

  • @itsmeegan1251
    @itsmeegan1251 2 года назад

    I danced when I was younger and then I quit but I really like to dance so I want to try out for my highschool dance team but I can’t do any turns or anything like that but I’m pretty flexible and I can tumble since I’m a cheerleader I’ve been a cheerleader my whole life but I love to dance too so I’m trying to watch videos so I know what to expect for tryouts next year

  • @pallmall7385
    @pallmall7385 2 года назад

    Should be illegal to let some of these young looking girls post stuff like this on youtube... A lot of them don't have their age... You are 19 so that's good.

  • @MC.Jelord
    @MC.Jelord 2 года назад

    this is so helpful - thankss x

  • @antekpiekutosky818
    @antekpiekutosky818 2 года назад

    Beautiful clip ! ❤ Very nice Vlog, Can You make clip.. Organisation, cleaning office desk - Declutter Paperwork your office? cleaning desk old papers, mails, documents ... sorting ripping papers, documents ... can you make that clip?

  • @alicetibu9324
    @alicetibu9324 2 года назад

    Oppo phone is better than iPhone

  • @bwalker4276
    @bwalker4276 2 года назад

    🌸 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘮

  • @rrhalelol4668
    @rrhalelol4668 2 года назад

    when are you going to make a video about you help hide the homosexuality in your 'boyfriend' ?

  • @johnsolo123456
    @johnsolo123456 2 года назад

    you always do well crafted vids and you're super cute.

  • @loida6837
    @loida6837 2 года назад

    I start my minimalist living this this and so far so good I love the outcome every day

    • @Paulina.nicole
      @Paulina.nicole 2 года назад

      Glad to hear it! If you have tips please feel free to share :)

  • @mohamedninja85
    @mohamedninja85 2 года назад

    Welcome back it been long time of RUclips

  • @sisiwriter3470
    @sisiwriter3470 2 года назад

    So cute

  • @KeepaQuietHeart
    @KeepaQuietHeart 2 года назад

    Tysm i needed this because I will be trying out for a competitive team

  • @dapv144
    @dapv144 2 года назад

    This is the best and most perfectly composed style video I have ever seen. You are gorgeous and your style is amazing. You do the damn thing gjrl!!!