- Видео 29
- Просмотров 80 522
Christian Choir, HKU
Добавлен 2 окт 2011
CCHKU | 袮的名在全地何其美
曲:Tom Fettke
詞:Linda Lee Johnson
曲:Tom Fettke
詞:Linda Lee Johnson
Просмотров: 1 235
CCHKU | This is the Day
Просмотров 227Год назад
《This is the day》 Words from Psalms 118, 148, 91, 121 and 27 Composer: John Rutter This is the day The day which the Lord hath made We will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day The day which the Lord hath made We will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day. O praise the Lord of heav'n: praise him in the height. Praise him, all ye angels of his: praise him, all his host. Praise him, su...
CCHKU | 讚歎主恩
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.Год назад
「讚歎主恩」 With adoption of a traditional English hymn, “All things bright and beautiful” 曲、詞:林思漢 All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small. 看看這世界,眾生皆光輝與美麗。 看看這世界,全是我主的恩賜! All things wise and wonderful: the Lord god made them all. 你我要讚歎,上主親手創宇宙! 你我要讚歎,全是我主善美賜賞! 青天、藍海、高山、平原,處處見證我主的偉大! 風聲、月色、雲霞、朝陽,無語能述說主創設心思! 新生、成長、青春、老去,恩主愛眷從未變異。 感恩、頌歌傳上帝恩永載! 多麼神奇!恩典厚愛! 一生讚美:上帝的恩惠! He gave us ey...
CCHKU | Love Is Our Theme
Просмотров 440Год назад
《Love is our theme》 Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin (BMI) Incorporating “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” Lord, we are gathered, united in faith; one in our worship, one in our praise; reaching for purpose in this time and place; pleading for courage to follow Your way. Grace is our music. Love is our theme. Hope is our message. Peace is our dream. We are God’s people, restored and redeeme...
觀看宇宙 Look at the World
Просмотров 20 тыс.3 года назад
【觀看宇宙 Look at the World】 大至浩翰星際,小至青草螻蟻,一切都由上帝創造。祂精密地規劃萬物的運行,受造之物各從其類,一切都是美好的。我們讚頌神的創造,不只想要讚嘆這些美妙的事物,更因為我們都是祂所創造的,祂值得我們眾口歸一地頌揚。每當看見神的創造,願我們在欣賞的同時,也能看見神的大能:耶和華是我們生命的主。 「哈利路亞! 你們要在上帝的聖所讚美他! 在他顯能力的穹蒼讚美他! 要因他大能的作為讚美他, 因他極其偉大讚美他! 要用角聲讚美他, 鼓瑟彈琴讚美他! 擊鼓跳舞讚美他! 用絲弦的樂器和簫的聲音讚美他! 用大響的鈸讚美他! 用高聲的鈸讚美他! 凡有生命的都要讚美耶和華! 哈利路亞!」 詩篇150 《觀看宇宙》(Look at the World) 曲:John Rutter 粵詞:劉永生 編:陳供生 地與青天,無限色彩璀璨!凝望四方,環宇令我驚歎! 萬里江山,...
CCHKUSU | 神永是王 歌詞MV | 2019AP
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 года назад
滴答滴答...... 時間的腳步催趕著 城市裏的你和我。 我們的生活總是很忙, 工作很忙、讀書很忙。 時間表排得滿滿的, 每分每秒都要緊握在手中。 一件工作完成,又再開始新事, 周而復始,沒有喘息的空間..... 有時自己不禁會問:「為了甚麼?」 為了生活?為了first hon?為了贏得別人的肯定? 沒完沒了的追逐,我已經很累了。 「上帝啊!我沒法了!」 請祢帶領我的前路。 《神永是王》 作曲:Geron Davis, Becky Davis and Tim Pedigo 編曲:Richard Kingsmore 粵詞:劉永生, 2009 忙碌急促兼紛亂,俗世中我沒寧靜; 行動節奏迅速只想勝!我每天輾轉。 要拓建心中天下,夢想跨到頂峰: 期望每次得新收益,讓我確可得寵。 搏奕世界拼命控制,夜靜卻覺空虛! 上帝啊!我沒法了!求祢此刻甦醒我! 信念校正、盼望再壯, 更讓我愛心激發;承認...
CCHKUSU | 將重擔交託上帝 歌詞MV | 2020AP
Просмотров 12 тыс.3 года назад
又到sem尾啦,project、present、exam、paper...壓力面臨爆煲未呀? 唔係講笑,真係發夢都諗起deadline呀。 唔緊要,我哋完全明白,除咗致以最誠懇的一句加油之外,亦為大家準備咗一首名為《將重擔交託上帝》嘅詩歌。 當同學仔感到心力交瘁時候,可以聽下詩歌、休息一下,之後再繼續努力。 你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神,因為祂顧念你們。彼得前書5:7 《將重擔交託上帝》 曲:Benjamin Harlan,1989 詞:Psalm 55:22 粵詞:劉永生 將沉重負擔交託上帝, 卸全部煩惱專心靠主。 上主無窮力量,步步扶持呵護, 日日輔導牽引;上帝愛寬宏! 將重擔卸給主。信靠! 將沉重負擔交託上帝, 卸全部煩惱專心靠主。 上主無窮力量,步步扶持呵護, 日日輔導牽引;上帝愛寬宏。 將重擔卸給主。信靠! 恩主的應許確定, 即使地老天荒不變, 這世界縱有困難,無端來臨苦痛, ...
CCHKUSU | In Pace 歌詞MV | 2020AP
Просмотров 5043 года назад
最近你休息得好嗎?有沒有因為讀書或其他原因難以入睡? 拉丁文 In Pace 的意思是in peace。 這一首詩歌是向神發出的禱告,詩人盼望並相信靠著耶和華能坦然安睡,領受那無憂無慮的平安。 詩篇 4:8 我必安然躺下睡覺,因為獨有你─耶和華使我安然居住。 希望這首詩歌也能帶給你一刻平安。 《In Pace》(求平安) 曲:Peter J. Durow 詞:Peter J. Durow(based on Psalm 4:8) 粵詞:劉永生 In pace, in pace, in pace, 求令我無慮、免憂,安心休歇。 求恩主護佑,令我安睡。 (我得安睡,我已安身主裏) (恩主賜我安睡,恩主賜我安睡) (重擔已免除,重擔已免除) 榮耀歸聖父與聖子,亦歸聖靈! 阿利路亞,Amen! (恩主賜我安睡,恩主賜我安睡) (我得安睡,我已安身主裏) (重擔已免除,重擔已免除) (求恩主護佑...
01 全地正等待 Waiting for a King | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.4 года назад
《全地正等待》 詞:J. Paul Williams 曲:Joseph M. Martin 譯:梁孟傑,2006 - Special thanks to Methodist International Church Hong Kong for providing the venue for practice and recording, and for its continuous support to our choir during the pandemic. N.B.: Our Christmas carolling video shooting was done earlier in compliance with the latest social distancing measures. 特別鳴謝循道衛理聯合教會國際禮拜堂提供練習及拍攝場地,並在疫情期間支持詩班的事工。 ...
02 A Spotless Rose | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 6984 года назад
“A Spotless Rose” 詞:14th-century German hymn, tr. Catherine Winkworth 曲:Herbert Howells 譯:潘宏亮,2020 - Special thanks to Methodist International Church Hong Kong for providing the venue for practice and recording, and for its continuous support to our choir during the pandemic. N.B.: Our Christmas carolling video shooting was done earlier in compliance with the latest social distancing measures. ...
03 Silent Night | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 7964 года назад
“Silent Night” 詞:Joseph Mohr, tr. John F. Young 曲:Franz Gruber, arr. Paul Johnson 譯:潘宏亮,2020 - Special thanks to Methodist International Church Hong Kong for providing the venue for practice and recording, and for its continuous support to our choir during the pandemic. N.B.: Our Christmas carolling video shooting was done earlier in compliance with the latest social distancing measures. 特別鳴謝循道...
04 O Holy Night | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 6874 года назад
“O Holy Night” 詞:Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure, tr. John S. Dwight 曲:Adolphe Adam, arr. Paul Langford 譯:潘宏亮,2020 - Special thanks to Methodist International Church Hong Kong for providing the venue for practice and recording, and for its continuous support to our choir during the pandemic. N.B.: Our Christmas carolling video shooting was done earlier in compliance with the latest social distanc...
05 聖夜靜歌 | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.4 года назад
《聖夜靜歌》 詞:朱味腴,吳敬人 曲:史奇珪 - Special thanks to Methodist International Church Hong Kong for providing the venue for practice and recording, and for its continuous support to our choir during the pandemic. N.B.: Our Christmas carolling video shooting was done earlier in compliance with the latest social distancing measures. 特別鳴謝循道衛理聯合教會國際禮拜堂提供練習及拍攝場地,並在疫情期間支持詩班的事工。 註:片段於較早前拍攝,詩班員均有遵守社交距離和防疫措施。 - 詩班現...
06 Candlelight Carol | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 5354 года назад
“Candlelight Carol” 詞:John Rutter 曲:John Rutter 譯:潘宏亮,2020 - Special thanks to Methodist International Church Hong Kong for providing the venue for practice and recording, and for its continuous support to our choir during the pandemic. N.B.: Our Christmas carolling video shooting was done earlier in compliance with the latest social distancing measures. 特別鳴謝循道衛理聯合教會國際禮拜堂提供練習及拍攝場地,並在疫情期間支持詩班的事工...
07 Ring the Bells | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 3504 года назад
“Ring the Bells” 詞:Frances Jane Crosby 曲:Alan Bullard 譯:潘宏亮,2020 - Special thanks to Methodist International Church Hong Kong for providing the venue for practice and recording, and for its continuous support to our choir during the pandemic. N.B.: Our Christmas carolling video shooting was done earlier in compliance with the latest social distancing measures. 特別鳴謝循道衛理聯合教會國際禮拜堂提供練習及拍攝場地,並在疫情期間支...
08 Ding Dong! Merrily on High | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 4064 года назад
08 Ding Dong! Merrily on High | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
09 Star Carol | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 3544 года назад
09 Star Carol | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
10 Sans Day Carol | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
Просмотров 3924 года назад
10 Sans Day Carol | 2020 Christmas Caroling 聖誕報佳音 | Christian Choral Music by CCHKUSU
CCHKUSU|你願意與我們一同用音樂事奉上帝嗎?|Promotional Video
Просмотров 1954 года назад
CCHKUSU|你願意與我們一同用音樂事奉上帝嗎?|Promotional Video
CCHKUSU | 放心倚靠上帝 手寫歌詞MV | Virtual Choir
Просмотров 24 тыс.4 года назад
CCHKUSU | 放心倚靠上帝 手寫歌詞MV | Virtual Choir
CCHKUSU | Be Strong in the Lord 歌詞MV | Virtual Choir
Просмотров 8274 года назад
CCHKUSU | Be Strong in the Lord 歌詞MV | Virtual Choir
CCHKUSU | 盼望銘刻 Inscription of Hope 歌詞MV
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.4 года назад
CCHKUSU | 盼望銘刻 Inscription of Hope 歌詞MV
CCHKUSU | Welcome to our Youtube Channel!
Просмотров 3924 года назад
CCHKUSU | Welcome to our RUclips Channel!
【考試打打氣】香港大學學生會基督徒詩班--Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord 將重擔交托上帝 |Christian Choir HKUSU
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.6 лет назад
【考試打打氣】香港大學學生會基督徒詩班 Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord 將重擔交托上帝 |Christian Choir HKUSU