AmCham Moldova
AmCham Moldova
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TAXCON’24 | Raportarea și auditul
Просмотров 2714 дней назад
TAXCON’24 | Raportarea și auditul
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Selda SAATÇI and Neriman KALYONCUOĞLU | Anadolu Efes Turkey
Просмотров 2414 дней назад
Selda SAATÇI | Chief Corporate Communications and Affairs Officer at Anadolu Efes | Turkey Neriman KALYONCUOĞLU | Group Sustainability Manager at Anadolu Efes | Turkey Integration of ESG Values in Modern HR Leadership
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Eugenia DANU | President ABSL | Director Dopomoga
Просмотров 5714 дней назад
Unlocking Talent Potential: Strategies for Skills Development, Career Growth, and Engaging the Diaspora
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Vladimir BADAN | Head of Marketing Department |
Просмотров 3114 дней назад
Efficient Hiring Strategies in 2025: How to Attract and Retain the Right Talent in a Constantly Changing Environment
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Inga GALBEN | HR Director | Key IVR
Просмотров 4514 дней назад
Reskilling and Upskilling for the Future of Work in the Era of AI and Automation
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Irina STRAJESCU | People and Communication Director | Moldcell
Просмотров 3414 дней назад
Purpose-Driven Companies: Unlocking the Power of Values for Sustainable Success
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Mădălina BALAN | Managing Partner | Hart Consulting
Просмотров 2114 дней назад
Who You Are Is How You Lead: understand your personality, your reputation and the impact you have on others
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Ludmila NISTORICA | CMO | Orange Moldova
Просмотров 4114 дней назад
The power of authenticity and openness in leadership
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Svetlana BODACI | HR Director | maib
Просмотров 2414 дней назад
Skills of Tomorrow & Learning Development: What’s Next for the Workforce?
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Elena NAUMENKO | General Manager | Philip Morris Moldova
Просмотров 2414 дней назад
Decoding Company DNA: Building a Culture That Drives Performance and Innovation
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Veaceslav CUNEV | CEO | Deeplace
Просмотров 8914 дней назад
Future HR and Leadership in the AI era
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Ayşe TARHANŸ | Leadership & Resilience Facilitator, Coach
Просмотров 1214 дней назад
Adaptive Leadership for Building Resilience
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: David KINCSEM | Director | McKinsey & Company | Hungary
Просмотров 1414 дней назад
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: David KINCSEM | Director | McKinsey & Company | Hungary
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Alexandru Filip | Deputy CEO | Purcari
Просмотров 3514 дней назад
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Alexandru Filip | Deputy CEO | Purcari
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Welcome Remarks
Просмотров 1214 дней назад
AmCham HR Management Conference 2024: Welcome Remarks
TAXCON'24 | Sesiunea specială: Implementarea Noului Cod Vamal
Просмотров 3421 день назад
TAXCON'24 | Sesiunea specială: Implementarea Noului Cod Vamal
TAXCON’24 | Administrarea fiscală și contabilitatea
Просмотров 37Месяц назад
TAXCON’24 | Administrarea fiscală și contabilitatea
TAXCON'24 | Sesiune pe Politici fiscale
Просмотров 32Месяц назад
TAXCON'24 | Sesiune pe Politici fiscale
2024 Human Resources Management Conference, Meet the Lineup of Speakers!
Просмотров 145Месяц назад
2024 Human Resources Management Conference, Meet the Lineup of Speakers!
TAXCON'24 | Sesiune de Deschidere
Просмотров 30Месяц назад
TAXCON'24 | Sesiune de Deschidere
#AmChamExplains: Modificări Legislative privind Performanța Energetică a Clădirilor, Vasile Stepanuc
Просмотров 892 месяца назад
#AmChamExplains: Modificări Legislative privind Performanța Energetică a Clădirilor, Vasile Stepanuc
TAXCON'24, 5th Anniversary Edition, Coming Soon!
Просмотров 745 месяцев назад
TAXCON'24, 5th Anniversary Edition, Coming Soon!
Sustainable Horizons: Charting Moldova Green Building Investment Future_RO
Просмотров 86 месяцев назад
Sustainable Horizons: Charting Moldova Green Building Investment Future_RO
Sustainable Horizons: Charting Moldova Green Building Investment Future
Просмотров 756 месяцев назад
Sustainable Horizons: Charting Moldova Green Building Investment Future
#AmChamExplains:Prevederile legii privind efectuarea decontărilor în numerar, Mihai BURUNCIUC,AmCham
Просмотров 1438 месяцев назад
#AmChamExplains:Prevederile legii privind efectuarea decontărilor în numerar, Mihai BURUNCIUC,AmCham
TVR Moldova: Emisiunea „Obiectiv Comun” (01.04.2024)
Просмотров 788 месяцев назад
TVR Moldova: Emisiunea „Obiectiv Comun” (01.04.2024)
#AmChamExplains: Legea privind examinarea investițiilor de importanță pentru securitatea statului
Просмотров 389 месяцев назад
#AmChamExplains: Legea privind examinarea investițiilor de importanță pentru securitatea statului


    @STOP_MAFIA___STOP_TERRORISM 5 месяцев назад

    Как вы думаете - что происходит с отходами производств которые не подлежат переработке? (хочется услышать от вас список 100% вариантов возможных сценариев* !)

  • @leighnorman2579
    @leighnorman2579 9 месяцев назад

    "promosm" ☺️

  • @ciupacvictor7134
    @ciupacvictor7134 10 месяцев назад

    Moldovenii stabiliți în România sunt descriminati chiar și de Curtia de apel Cluj , din aciasta cauza criminala noi Moldovenii nu vrem în Europa , romanii sa a-și caute de capul lora la ei în tara

  • @endouceurendouceur318
    @endouceurendouceur318 10 месяцев назад

    We, Moldovans, We want Re-Unification with our historical motherland - România Mare europeană !

  • @dianapostica6448
    @dianapostica6448 Год назад

    foarte bine explicat... dl Roger, sunteti un profesionist desăvîrșit, onest și echilibrat! Succese mari în continuare!

  • @oleggolopeatov6113
    @oleggolopeatov6113 Год назад

    Super foarte bine explicat. Scurt dar clar .

  • @vernonz8897
    @vernonz8897 Год назад

    🙌 *promo sm*

  • @martapanco1117
    @martapanco1117 Год назад

    1:10:00 Dna Iordanov suggesting the government and businesses will work together on biodiversity and climate change, but we all forget how interlinked are those issues and agriculture. Better to start working sooner while the action plans are developed together between farmers, scientist and policy-makers, not by the politicians alone. And lets focus on capacity building of those SMEs and women led organisations ;)

  • @makennajoseph7446
    @makennajoseph7446 2 года назад

    p♥r♥o♥m♥o♥s♥m 😁

  • @Antonio-eu4vi
    @Antonio-eu4vi 2 года назад

    PROCESS is the basis of wealth creation. One of the greatest things I learnt in investing is the two-year rule: for an investment to be termed profitable, you must be willling to wait on that investment for at least two years. But my biggest shock was the last investment I made with the help of an lnvestment advisor. I tripled my portfolio in less than 5months and its super mind blowing!

    • @AnnaPAM188
      @AnnaPAM188 2 года назад

      interesting , building a good financial portfolio is more complex right now because the current market inflation is really not helping. i buy the dip and wait

    • @helenstam1033
      @helenstam1033 2 года назад

      The stock market rally run is over but I don't know if stocks will quickly rebound, continue to pull back or move sideways for a few weeks, or if conditions will rapidly deteriorate. i started buying stocks through bank about 2 years ago, ever since i had terrible experience because i didnt know what I was doing and almost lost 100k. Anyways I do not know how your financial coach program works , but I would love to learn from your coach.

    • @210171M52110
      @210171M52110 2 года назад

      Everything is possible, it all depends on your consistency and discipline. 2022 is going to be the best year for all investors.

    • @Antonio-eu4vi
      @Antonio-eu4vi 2 года назад

      @@helenstam1033 I invest across the top markets but not by myself tho. i follow the guidelines of *Michelle Francis Elo* . you might have heard of her.. I can correctly say she’s worth her salt as a investment advisor as her diversification skills , and her stock picks are top notch/ I say because i see that in her results as my portfolio grows by averages of 30 to 5O% on a monthly basis, unlike i can say for my IRA which has just been trudging along. my portfolio just mirrors what he place and not just on some particular industries of my choosing.

    • @Antonio-eu4vi
      @Antonio-eu4vi 2 года назад

      @@helenstam1033 She is easy to find , make a quick research of her on the internet with her name Michelle Francis Elo . She works with anyone independent of their location

  • @russkieunicorn13
    @russkieunicorn13 2 года назад

    Inflation goes all over the whole world

  • @russkieunicorn13
    @russkieunicorn13 2 года назад


  • @ladiyjednn7443
    @ladiyjednn7443 3 года назад

    I myself struggle with weight gain and I've tried everything..supplements, exercises, diets, you name it😅 Honestly none of them are working until I found this 🍵 I wrote an Honest Review regarding it.. 👉 Feel free to read and tell me your thoughts after you tried it😉 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした -String.Spintax- . 🤩 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成%員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙 (如山核桃 😍