- Видео 3
- Просмотров 2 026
Добавлен 20 дек 2018
[필리핀선교찬양] 짧고 쉬운 영어찬양 Jesus is the Christ
Jesus is the Christ - EMS
Jesus is the Christ and He's in my heart
He's the answer to every problem
Jesus abide with me and He will spread His word
to every place on earth
And He will come again soon
Jesus is the Christ and He's in my heart
He's the answer to every problem
Jesus is the Christ and He's in my heart
He's the answer to every problem
Jesus abide with me and He will spread His word
to every place on earth
And He will come again soon
Jesus is the Christ and He's in my heart
He's the answer to every problem
Просмотров: 617
[필리핀선교찬양] 짧고 쉬운 영어찬양 I know that I am a child of God
Просмотров 5506 лет назад
I know that I am a child of God - EMS I know that I am a child of God There is nothing that I need to fear He has broken all the chains of Satan How I really love my Jesus Oh, when I say my prayers He will always hear How I want to share his love with you Oh, I know I'm a winner just because I know, Jesus is the Christ, the son of God
[필리핀선교찬양] 짧고 쉬운 어린이찬양 John 3:16
Просмотров 8596 лет назад
John 3:16 - EMS For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not die but have eternal life John 3:16