It is what it is nothing can change this fact. Just admit it. The way I see it, this institution is established for lucrative business rather than teaching something valuable.
And FYI, all the schools that I went through in the United States are far more superior than your school standards. I strongly suggest you make your school do the same thing rather than wasting time looking at what other people would think about your school. Thanks!
It is not really worth my time. As a matter of fact, I dont even know y I am talking to you right now. As I said earlier, whatever you said it will not change the fact.
권용근 총장님 이원일 교수님 10년 젊으신 모습 좋아요.
지금은 상담학과도 있습니다.
나름 인지도있는 대학이긴하지
참 학교 잘 만들었는데 저걸 철거해야하다니 아무리 불법증축이있다고 하더라도 이미 만들었고 학생들만 피해입고 잘만든학교 없애고 참 안타깝네요 학생들 힘들겠어요 시설도 저리좋은데 다른거라도 유치해요
신학대는 한신대가 갑이죠.
It is what it is nothing can change this fact. Just admit it. The way I see it, this institution is established for lucrative business rather than teaching something valuable.
And FYI, all the schools that I went through in the United States are far more superior than your school standards. I strongly suggest you make your school do the same thing rather than wasting time looking at what other people would think about your school. Thanks!
Yeah. Whatever you say. Thanks!
It is not really worth my time. As a matter of fact, I dont even know y I am talking to you right now. As I said earlier, whatever you said it will not change the fact.
That took you 15 min to response. Are u sure u have a PhD? lol. Read more books and come back then we might be able to communicate.
백석대학교 광고 하나는 정말 잘 찍었음. 밝고 긍정적인 이미지 광고가 대학의 이미지와 너무 잘 어울립니다^^
[ 킹제임스성경신학교 ]☞☞에서 성경을 공부하세요. 개역성경은 변개된 카톨릭 성경이다. 한글킹제임스성경 럭크만 주석성경으로 성경을 공부 하세요. 말씀보존학회 사이트에서 구입 가능함.