Xingyu Yao, MT-BC
Xingyu Yao, MT-BC
  • Видео 106
  • Просмотров 5 465
【Season 4】58. Celebrating community through song on World Singing Day | Join Scott Johnson & Cher...
Join us to explore the profound impact of music on personal identity, healing, and creativity. We discuss the importance of creating one's own experiences, the healing power of music, and the challenges of navigating cultural expectations in the music industry. Scott shares his journey of songwriting and the founding of World Singing Day, emphasizing that music is for everyone and can bring joy and connection across cultures. We explore the significance of singing and music in personal expression, healing, and community building. We discuss the origins of World Singing Day, the importance of finding one's voice, and the transformative power of music therapy, particularly for seniors. The ...
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57. 解析情感的本质-从动物择偶读懂人类的爱与性|女神节特辑
16 часов назад
Shownotes 00:04:00 为什么亚洲男性越来越白和美?是阴谋论还是基因适应环境的游戏? 00:10:00 “潮流”在动物界就存在,一旦形成标准,雄性会按照“潮流”演化 00:30:18 社会导向与潮流变迁:为什么农村中重男轻女,城市中更爱女孩儿? 00:35:47 为什么城市中会出现女性向男性求婚的现象?而农村则不会? 00:44:50 卷,有可能是在压力情境下的基因表达 00:49:44 一夫一妻多妾制的鸵鸟,为什么要“拐带别人的小孩?” 这居然是非常科学的选择 00:55:53 又组乐队、又帮爸爸妈妈照顾弟弟妹妹的红脸地犀鸟 01:03:31 哪些生物踏入了进化的歧途? 01:08:30 爱与喜欢:究竟有何不同?基因如何表达情感? 01:19:55 追寻大自然的奥秘:基因、阴阳调和与人类的本质 01:31:21 达尔文鸟如何寻找生态位(niche)从一种进化成上百种鸟...
56. 深入南非丛林,聆听音乐起源|张律Tigris Zhang
Просмотров 4216 часов назад
我又一次在南非的丛林中度过了两个星期远离现代社会的生活 没有网络、没有复杂的加工食品、没有五彩的灯火、没有机械的噪音,每晚枕着大自然的交响曲入睡(除了持续不断的虫鸣和蛙鸣,有狮吼宣誓领地、河马上岸、斑鬣狗猎食,几公里范围内在发生些什么可以听得一清二楚) 这一次我们自驾克鲁格国家公园:白天观察野生动物、animal tracking,晚上生起篝火、仰望银河、聆听昼夜的交替。Every time I went to South Africa, I receive new insights about life and music and human evolution. 这一次去正值南半球的夏季,也是动物们的繁殖季节,看着生命显化为多姿多彩的模样,在富足丰盛的丛林中自在地生活,生命们呈现出一种enough的妆态,“speechless”、“thoughtless meditative s...
55. 在清迈,我被爵士乐治愈-遇见自由灵魂的那一夜|Sandy
Просмотров 7016 часов назад
从Sandy随心地两度行走清迈、被当地的爵士音乐所打动,聊到我在伯克利学习生活时实验的各种音乐生活方式、如何将音乐应用在生活的方方面面来提升我们的身心健康、效率与创造力。在节目的最后我们提及如何在上海进一步实践这样的生活方式,十月份在上海开始每周的forejazzx jam session,开启了一个小小的试验场,发生了许多有趣的事情,接下来在今年的4-5月将举办一系列音乐会,将音乐的即兴魅力分享给更多有缘人。欢迎关注公众号来第一时间报名参与。更是希望更多的有缘人加入到弹心社的社群中、参与到播客录制现场中。 沉浸于古老的音乐俱乐部,徜徉在曼谷和清迈,体会琴声中那轻松自在的韵律与深深的共振,发现内在柔软之处,一路领略音乐旅途带给人心灵的自由与疗愈。加入我们的播客,与来自世界各地的游客,一同沉醉在柔和灯光下用音乐聆听灵魂! Shownotes 00:00:00 这一期播客的缘起:Kare...
54. Embracing Music as a Path to Personal Growth and Well-being | Karen Wacks
Просмотров 216 часов назад
"拥抱音乐,迈向个人成长与幸福" Shownotes [00:04:06] Unleashing potential as an entrepreneur. 释放作为企业家的潜力 [00:06:07] A simple song for grounding. 一首简单的歌曲来让自己安定下来. [00:14:20] Journey of music therapy evolution. 音乐治疗演变之旅 [00:16:10] Music therapy and healing. 音乐治疗和疗愈 [00:22:33] Community-based music therapy. 社区音乐治疗的发展 [00:28:04] The power of music: healing through cross-cultural experiences. 音乐的力量-通过跨文化体验进行疗愈 [00...
53. Music and Well-Being: Exploring the Connection from Womb to Adulthood | Dr. Kathleen Howland
16 часов назад
In this inspiring podcast episode, Tim and I are joined by our beloved mentor, Dr. Kathleen Howland, an American board-certified music therapist and speech-language pathologist with 40 years of experience. We discuss the power of music in promoting health and well-being, particularly in the context of early childhood education and the treatment of various conditions. Kathleen shares her persona...
52. 土豆计划:食品安全问题、心理健康与自然农耕 @米乐农庄
Просмотров 916 часов назад
在2023年的最后一周,我和米乐探讨了米乐农庄的农业实践、2024年2月即将开启的土豆计划、对自然与人类关系的看法。我们谈及各自对自然农业的认识,批评了工业化农业对土地的消费品思维,并提出了通过种植本地季节作物来获取最佳能量的观点。我们还讨论了食品安全问题,特别是现代食品生产方式对于土壤的破坏导致我们今天吃到的食物缺乏人体所需的微量元素,及其对于心理健康的破坏性影响。 欢迎你加入米乐农庄的土地计划中,通过亲身经验体验并领悟自然农业的价值。让我们一起通过自然农业实践来重新连接人与土地的关系! The speaker passionately advocates for a reconnection with nature through embracing local food production and natural farming methods. They challenge...
51.【Season 3】Finding Balance: Nurturing Human Connection in a Digital World
16 часов назад
Xingyu provides a quick update on her recent trip to South Africa and the insights she gained about society and its impact on our health. She discuss the perpetuation of trauma in our systems and the need to address it for personal and collective well-being. She acknowledges the challenges of discussing the aftermath of the pandemic and emphasizes the importance of finding stability and safety ...
All I Need -- Melodica Jam with Jacob Collier Shanghai Jazz Festival 2023 Audience Video Montage
Просмотров 74810 месяцев назад
Half of the 2500 audience took video recording of the impromptus moment. These videos have gone viral in Chinese social media and inspired a hot debate about what music really means to us. One of the videos has reached over 8000 likes already (still growing). It's phenomenal because social media in China is more controlled and capitalized than the ones in U.S. Lots of people are sending me comm...
{Full version} Melodica Jamming with Jacob Collier in Shanghai Jazz Festival 2023 [All I Need]
Просмотров 54011 месяцев назад
Welcome home, your 1/4! This is the full solo from other audience! Followed my heart and intuition, allowing music to speak through me. Music is life. I envision a world where everyone unlocks the power of their inner musician. Then the world would become a more loving place! April, 2023 TEDxTALK | From Survival to Thrival through musicвидео.html #allineedchalleng...
Jamming with Jacob Collier in Shanghai Jazz Festival November 11, 2023
Просмотров 80011 месяцев назад
Followed my heart and intuition, allowing music to speak through me. So thrilled to jamming with you, Jacob! Hope to have another opportunity soon to play and create music together!
50. 自然疗愈|南非音乐生态之旅教会我的那些事 单口
Просмотров 316 часов назад
想象我们坐在南非丛林中,点燃一堆篝火,沉浸于口述历史中,这是我们在被现代化的生活方式奴役以前最熟悉的交流方式...... 本期亮点包括: 1. 非洲音乐为何拥有如此丰富的节奏?原来源于...... 2. 作为人类,我们并没有自己想象的这么聪明;大自然比我们有智慧得多。 3. 生活方式:多样性VS内卷 4. 人类给自己造了一个制造疾病、痛苦的社会系统,先花钱制造疾病、再花钱治病,延长的不是健康快乐的人均寿命,而是带着痛苦疾病的人均寿命。这是我们要的吗? 5. 城市高温的罪魁祸首 6. 我们应该向白蚁虚心学习,将可持续发展进化到极点的物种 AI shownotes 00:02:27 大自然中的奇妙旅程 一个自然保护区内的人类与动物的生活 00:09:41 音乐与文化:自然环境如何影响人类的文化表达 00:20:40 与大自然的亲密接触 我们的营地生活 00:25:38 丛林游猎之旅:越野...
49. The past, present and future of music therapy-30 years | Prof. Annie Heiderscheit Interview
Просмотров 116 часов назад
与Annie的交谈让我对音乐治疗的发展充满希望! 00:00 Guest Introduction 介绍嘉宾Annie Heiderscheit (安妮-海德赛特) 01:57 What is Annie’s favorite music? Listen to ‘The Doctor’ by The Doobie Brothers 安妮最爱的歌之一The Doobie Brothers的“医生”完美诠释了音乐与治疗的结合 04:25 Why does Annie love this song 详述喜欢这首歌的原因 08:19 What was Annie’s relationship with music like before becoming a music therapist 在成为一名音乐治疗师之前安妮与音乐的关系是什么样的? 10:37 How Annie got into...
48. 留学需要放下的六大文化滤镜|单口 中美教育价值观差异
Просмотров 316 часов назад
星宇聊聊接下来的大事件:TEDxTalk 4/2/2023,嘉宾4/15/2023; 回顾2月大事件:社群成长,音乐治疗基础训练课程第一届开启,4月开始第二届招生,受邀有关留学文化的采访。 基于经验与观察,聊聊留学需要放下的六大文化滤镜 “留学项目选择是看排名还是根据自己特点” “能不能谈论政治宗教” “要不要融入美国主流文化” “遇到不公是忍耐还是发声” “学历成绩重要还是能力经验重要” “人的幸福不基于学历,而基于自我同一性的建立” Support this podcast:
47. 爱的艺术 孤独 工业化 人的异化及返璞归真|情人节单口
Просмотров 2316 часов назад
1. 情人节分享两本书 有关爱的 -Rumi's the Little Book of Love 一本感性的诗歌集 -The Art of Love 弗洛姆《爱的艺术》 2. 分享我作为音乐治疗师在和老人家工作的经历 Facebook提醒我,4年前的今天,我在情人节当天工作发出的感叹:One of the beauty of aging is that we loose our inhibitions to express love and care to anyone. 人在人生的末尾,会倒退回去,按照一个婴儿、儿童、青少年的发展顺序完完整整地倒退回去,同时却也变得越来越不吝啬表达爱。 Support this podcast:
46. 音乐镇痛的科学依据 How to reduce pain through music with zero side effects? | Literature Uncovered
16 часов назад
46. 音乐镇痛的科学依据 How to reduce pain through music with zero side effects? | Literature Uncovered
45. 快乐不是目的,是手段,也是唯一可以掌控的
Просмотров 1116 часов назад
45. 快乐不是目的,是手段,也是唯一可以掌控的
44. A Happy Life filled with Persistence, Music, and Creativity | Dr. Kazuo Tsubota
16 часов назад
44. A Happy Life filled with Persistence, Music, and Creativity | Dr. Kazuo Tsubota
43. 我们还在决赛圈是怎么做到的?疫情下艺术治疗师们的自我照顾心法|华欣&Cherub星宇
Просмотров 116 часов назад
43. 我们还在决赛圈是怎么做到的?疫情下艺术治疗师们的自我照顾心法|华欣&Cherub星宇
42. 刷手机,可以弥补爱的缺失吗?|星宇&华欣
Просмотров 1016 часов назад
42. 刷手机,可以弥补爱的缺失吗?|星宇&华欣
41. 莫扎特效应有效吗?Mozart Effect Debunked? |Literature Uncovered
Просмотров 516 часов назад
41. 莫扎特效应有效吗?Mozart Effect Debunked? |Literature Uncovered
40. 重返与溯源:一位伯克利音乐学院音乐治疗师的内在之旅|串台「不可说」
Просмотров 516 часов назад
40. 重返与溯源:一位伯克利音乐学院音乐治疗师的内在之旅|串台「不可说」
39. 有一听就有效的自闭症音乐歌单吗?|留美音乐治疗师对谈
Просмотров 2416 часов назад
39. 有一听就有效的自闭症音乐歌单吗?|留美音乐治疗师对谈
38. Launch of Season 2 and Patreon Community
Просмотров 116 часов назад
38. Launch of Season 2 and Patreon Community
37. 艺术治疗师遇上音乐治疗师|刘嘉
Просмотров 916 часов назад
37. 艺术治疗师遇上音乐治疗师|刘嘉
Talking about the power of music with Berklee music therapists
Просмотров 27Год назад
Talking about the power of music with Berklee music therapists
35. 第二季开播|应对不确定的世界|剧透+社群成立
Просмотров 716 часов назад
35. 第二季开播|应对不确定的世界|剧透 社群成立
The Voice of Eating Disorder|Music and Mental Health|写给进食障碍的一首歌
Просмотров 242 года назад
The Voice of Eating Disorder|Music and Mental Health|写给进食障碍的一首歌
第34弹 Life After Berklee as a violinist and mindfulness Music therapist | Timothy Cole & Cherub Xi...
16 часов назад
第34弹 Life After Berklee as a violinist and mindfulness Music therapist | Timothy Cole & Cherub Xi...


  • @roia6684
    @roia6684 4 месяца назад

    How exciting!

  • @deannanguyen3247
    @deannanguyen3247 10 месяцев назад


  • @samhuang7391
    @samhuang7391 10 месяцев назад


  • @ivanrobles1276
    @ivanrobles1276 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks for such a magic moment! I was there and I loved it

    • @xingyuyaomt-bc6592
      @xingyuyaomt-bc6592 11 месяцев назад

      You are welcome! Glad to hear that your loved it!

  • @PixelCultureMedia
    @PixelCultureMedia 11 месяцев назад

    This was beautiful!! Was sitting right above you so I couldn’t see who was playing. 😂

  • @guanyuxin973
    @guanyuxin973 11 месяцев назад

    很棒!Very Brave 现场目击👍👍

  • @bossalicious6821
    @bossalicious6821 2 года назад


    • @xingyuyaomt-bc6592
      @xingyuyaomt-bc6592 2 года назад


  • @Ralphbone
    @Ralphbone 3 года назад

    Awesome rendition!!

  • @SupremeUnicorn
    @SupremeUnicorn 3 года назад

    right on the money 👌🏽 - Flo - 😉

  • @SupremeUnicorn
    @SupremeUnicorn 3 года назад

    Happy New year to you Xingyu

  • @xingyuyaomt-bc6592
    @xingyuyaomt-bc6592 4 года назад

    Please share your thoughts in the comment: Will we be able to create a vaccine for human minds to prevent the spread of hatred, discrimination, blaming, and lack of empathy? If so, what shall be the component of this vaccine?

    • @SupremeUnicorn
      @SupremeUnicorn 3 года назад

      this need more than a vaccine. it’s so rooted deep down in our ways of living and thinking that it will take time to go away and we will eventually get to fix it. we have to

    • @xingyuyaomt-bc6592
      @xingyuyaomt-bc6592 3 года назад

      @@SupremeUnicorn You mean, we require a gene editing instead of a vaccine. 😂

    • @SupremeUnicorn
      @SupremeUnicorn 3 года назад

      @@xingyuyaomt-bc6592 Vaccine is what we need but it has to be very efficient

  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    💕 💕 love 💕 love 💗 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️👏👏👏很喜歡!

  • @damascusmusic3298
    @damascusmusic3298 4 года назад


  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    I have an image of busy streets full of rush walking people towards different directions. Is everything over? 😉🤪🤣We shall dance… let us 💃🏻

    • @xingyuyaomt-bc6592
      @xingyuyaomt-bc6592 4 года назад

      Let's dance through the chaos, groove through the chaos and uncertainty!

  • @marikok4250
    @marikok4250 4 года назад

    Totally danced through the entire music 🎶👍

  • @ppitzele
    @ppitzele 4 года назад

    An oriental touch, exotic and very pleasing in its lightness,

  • @ppitzele
    @ppitzele 4 года назад

    mysterious, haunting I like it

  • @xingyuyaomt-bc6592
    @xingyuyaomt-bc6592 4 года назад

    I am looping it while writing emails, posts, and run errands.

  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    Deepest sorrow that penetrates hearts ... beautiful song, beautiful voice...

  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    Woo! Love it…

  • @ppitzele
    @ppitzele 4 года назад

    This rendering of the words I wrote receive here the most tender, the most compassionate, and the most touching singing I could imagine. You capture the sorrow and the weariness. thank you

  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    I want to dance with it! Love it!

  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад


  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад


  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    Powerful sounds! So expressive from your deepest emotion.

  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    The way to home is far…you sing the exact feeling for a far away child. Pass my love to her!

  • @ppitzele
    @ppitzele 4 года назад

    How extraordinry to realize I can't understand the words so I must drop entirely into the mood and feeling...amazing feelings coming through. I hipe to hear more in this language of the moon

  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    I love it! Cool!

  • @sandyhsu2660
    @sandyhsu2660 4 года назад


  • @xingyuyaomt-bc6592
    @xingyuyaomt-bc6592 4 года назад


  • @bettyfang0195
    @bettyfang0195 4 года назад


  • @ning-shingkung5915
    @ning-shingkung5915 4 года назад

    what a deep thought in the song... also very inspiring people to look for the direction of positive and controlling way in the current situation.

  • @ernestofredrich8235
    @ernestofredrich8235 4 года назад

    Nice ..... a bit anxious ...

  • @ernestofredrich8235
    @ernestofredrich8235 4 года назад
