  • Видео 1 402
  • Просмотров 23 709
There Are Two Types of Believers -- Sick & Healthy. Get Injected With God's Grace of Sanctification
THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF BELIEVERS--SICK & HEALTHY. Get Injected With God's Grace of Sanctification. God doesn’t see two classes of Christians. We’re not all on one big plane heading to heaven, some in first-class, living fruitfully and pleasing to God, and the rest of us are back in coach, just coasting but ultimately going to the same place. Sanctification isn’t optional. Holiness isn’t a bonus that some Christians manage to achieve. Jesus is working in all of us to produce holiness. Why?
“That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” That’s Part 3, the church in all her glory, a pure...
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What Makes Jesus Sick - Beware of the Materialism-Induced Blindness That Caused Jesus To Vomit
Просмотров 52 часа назад
Perhaps the most frustrating condition of all was what Jesus found in Laodicea. They weren’t living near Satan’s throne, struggling with martyrdom, or being led astray by false teachers. Their condition was completely self-induced. The Laodiceans were rich, well-fed, well-dressed, and had every advantage. And they knew it. They boasted that they had “need of nothing.” But God’s Word had been ta...
The Walking Dead of Revelation 3 -- Jesus warns of Becoming Sin Infected Zombies
Просмотров 102 часа назад
Jesus originally found Sardis, and Ephesus, and Pergamos, and Thyatira, and Laodicea, dead in a ditch. Every person was spiritually dead, exactly like every other unsaved person in town. But Jesus performed a miracle. This was the kind of transformation no doctor could explain. He took people who were dead and made them alive. Nobody but God could do this, and Jesus didn’t just make the church ...
What Jesus Found When He Came to Church In Revelation--When Believers Persist In Sin They GET SICK
Просмотров 22 часа назад
WHAT JESUS FOUND WHEN HE CAME TO CHURCH IN REVELATION When Believers Persist In Sin They GET SICK. 1 John 5:16 says there is a sin that leads to death. Not spiritual death. Remember, this is talking to believers here. But actual, physical death. When believers persist in unrepentant sin, like the false teacher Jezebel, and like those who are following her in Thyatira, Jesus will make them weak,...
Warning S.I.N. Virus Super-Spreaders-- When God's People Are Comfortable Around What God Hates
Просмотров 22 часа назад
The church at Pergamos was sitting right on top of a nuclear sin reactor, “where Satan’s throne is.” This would be like living in the twenty-kilometer radius zone around a melting down Fukushima-Like nuclear reactor. And Satan’s throne was just pumping out wave after wave of all this marrow-shriveling radiation for the soul. So Pergamos had developed spiritual immunity problems. They had been d...
Просмотров 42 часа назад
Jesus wasn’t first in their schedules, in their concentration, and that signaled: He was no longer the supreme ruler of their hearts and lives. The bottom line: Jesus didn’t take first place in their lives. Their heart didn’t belong solely to Him. The prognosis was simple: REPENT. From 2020Rev-03d - What Happens To Believers Infected With The Persistent Sin Virus? (200409AM) For more of Dr. Joh...
There's Only One Step Back to God--Take The One & Only One Step Back To Jesus Called Repentance
Просмотров 22 часа назад
No Matter How Many Steps we Take Away from God: It Is ALWAYS Only One Step Back (Repentance) From 2020Rev-03 - What Happens To Believers Infected With The Persistent Sin Virus? (200409AM) For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to FREE DTBM Academy Courses: Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook: discoverthe...
GOD DOES SPIRITUAL HEART CATHETERIZATIONS--Christ's Diagnostic Report On Treating The Sin Diagnosis
Просмотров 32 часа назад
But Jesus found something wrong in the Ephesians saints. Their blood pressure was up, their arteries were clogged. Their hearts had experienced a gradual buildup of other things so that Jesus was no longer holding the position of first place in their hearts. He wasn’t first in their schedules, in their concentration, and all that signaled that He was no longer the supreme ruler of their hearts ...
When Jesus Finds Cancer In Us- Revelation Shows Us What Happens When Jesus Finds Sin In His Church
Просмотров 272 часа назад
Most of us have been there before. We’re sitting in the waiting room, a friend or family member is in with the doctor, and we’re waiting. We’re wondering if everything is going to be okay. And when the doctor finally finishes his examination and comes out to deliver the news, we know. We know what he’s going to say before he says it just by the look on his face. And the doctor sits us down toge...
HIS LAST COMMAND--Are You Obeying Christ's Last Words To YOU as His Church?
Просмотров 62 часа назад
Beware of: coasting, just going through the motions, not passionate for Jesus like we used to be; starting to fear our future, our health, our safety; getting comfortable around sin… Beware of: amusing and entertaining ourselves with sin, and not fleeing sin; getting truth-challenged; acting & operating like lost people; so distracted that time with God in His Word is gone from our daily vitals...
Nothing Matters More At Your Last Breath--Jesus Fulfills Our Greatest Need
2 часа назад
Jesus performed over 30 recorded, amazing miracle after miracle during His time on earth, but one miracle stands out as greater than all the rest. He healed lepers, fed the hungry, calmed the storms, and even raised the dead, but none of these compares to Jesus’ greatest miracle. He didn’t come to impress people. He didn’t come in order to feed the hungry or heal lepers or manipulate the weathe...
Revelation Shows The Real Jesus--God Shows Us Jesus Christ As He Is Right Now
Просмотров 72 часа назад
In Revelation 1:9, John describes for us exactly what the Christian life is like. Thlipsis, “tribulation.” This is the word for being squashed. He was doing what he was supposed to do, preaching the word of God like he was called to, and because of that, he was in trouble. Thlipsis, squashed, can’t hold up the weight any longer. John’s readers were going through the exact same thing. They were ...
END OF DAYS BATTLES--Jesus Called You To Be Part of His Special Forces Deployed Behind Enemy Lines
Просмотров 112 часа назад
We are living at the End of Days. Spiritual Warfare is ramping up faster than we can comprehend. What are we to do? God lays out the clear preparation needed! Do YOU live like you’re part of Christ’s Special Forces that He has deployed behind enemy lines? Imagine today you are a special forces soldier invited to your final briefing before active duty. Today you are being sent to patrol, on foot...
The End of Day Mortal Dangers--Jesus Warns His Church In Revelation to Watch Out For These Traps
Просмотров 22 часа назад
THE END OF DAYS MORTAL DANGERS Jesus Warns His Church In Revelation to Watch Out For These Traps 1-Ephesus: just coasting. 2-Smyrna: living in fear. 3-Pergamos: comfortable around sin. 4-Thyatira: not forsaking sin. 5-Sardis: living like lost people. 6-Laodicea: distracted from His Word. From 2020Rev-02 - Christ Unleashed (200408AM) For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to D...
Revelation Reveals Jesus Unleashed His Presence Solves All Problems
Просмотров 42 часа назад
Why did the Early Church LOVE the book of Revelation? Jesus Illustrates & Demonstrates His 25 Attributes Jesus Keeps His Word Jesus Stops all evil Jesus Rights all wrongs Jesus Defeats all enemies Jesus Ends all sin Jesus Satisfies & Delights us forever From 2020Rev-02 - Christ Unleashed (200408AM) For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to FREE DTBM Academ...
Просмотров 82 часа назад
Understanding & interpreting Revelation-- How to Use the Vital Keys of Context
Просмотров 32 часа назад
Understanding & interpreting Revelation How to Use the Vital Keys of Context
No Other Book is Like Revelation--The Uniqueness of The Book of Revelation
Просмотров 12 часа назад
No Other Book is Like Revelation The Uniqueness of The Book of Revelation
The Key to Prophecy--Here's the Biblical Framework to Understand Revelation & The Rest God's Word
Просмотров 22 часа назад
The Key to Prophecy Here's the Biblical Framework to Understand Revelation & The Rest God's Word
Revelation's Most Important Message
Просмотров 42 часа назад
Revelation's Most Important Message
Revelation uses 800+ Prophetic Scenes Scattered Across The Bible, Applied in Revelation
Просмотров 172 часа назад
Revelation uses 800 Prophetic Scenes Scattered Across The Bible, Applied in Revelation
2020Rev 01a 3 Quick Reasons Why YOU Should Study The Book of Revelation
Просмотров 32 часа назад
2020Rev 01a 3 Quick Reasons Why YOU Should Study The Book of Revelation
COVID, Vaccinations, & The Mark Of The Beast
Просмотров 62 часа назад
COVID, Vaccinations, & The Mark Of The Beast
Does Revelation Explain If The Mark Of The Beast Could Be A Vaccine?
Просмотров 32 часа назад
Does Revelation Explain If The Mark Of The Beast Could Be A Vaccine?
Micro-chipping, Covid-19 Contact-tracing, Nano-tattoos, Anti-christ, 666 & Vaccines
Просмотров 22 часа назад
Micro-chipping, Covid-19 Contact-tracing, Nano-tattoos, Anti-christ, 666 & Vaccines
Is The Beast A Person In Revelation 13 Or Money?
2 часа назад
Is The Beast A Person In Revelation 13 Or Money?
Why Are The Malignant Demons Chained In The Pit Called Tartarus?
Просмотров 32 часа назад
Why Are The Malignant Demons Chained In The Pit Called Tartarus?
Hades, Paradise, Bottomless Pit, & Lake Of Fire
Просмотров 32 часа назад
Hades, Paradise, Bottomless Pit, & Lake Of Fire
How Does Michael The Archangel battle With The Dragon If They Don't Have Bodies In Revelation 12
Просмотров 12 часа назад
How Does Michael The Archangel battle With The Dragon If They Don't Have Bodies In Revelation 12
2020REV 20 Touring The Universe With God The Creator
Просмотров 22 часа назад
2020REV 20 Touring The Universe With God The Creator


  • @End-Time-Simon-Peter
    @End-Time-Simon-Peter Минуту назад

    So many people do not understand what has happened. I will give you 100% proof of the meaning of Revelation 13. We are going to look at what the word actually says. One of the most important things that Jesus said was that in the end everything that was hidden would be revealed We see this in Matthew 10:26. When you look at what Jesus said about how things would happen in time, He went though in chronological order stating what would happen. The key thing is that right before the end, the truth will be revealed. This means that what people have previously known to be true is not entirely correct. How else can we know this is true? Well when we look at Malachi 4:5-6 we see that there is like always someone who will come in the end to explain what most have not understood. This is also seen in Isaiah 49, Jeremiah 49. This would bring sense to what Jesus said in Matthew 16:17-19. Clearly there are things that have not been understood and in order to have the truth revealed in the end, you have to have the right keys. Jesus said that they hid the keys because they themselves were not going to enter. He often would preach against what they taught. This is because as He stated, they were teaching man made laws and not the laws of God and why He called it a synagogue of satan. The key important thing to remember with all of this is that this generation did not create this mess. We are the after affects of what was done. When we look at the new heaven and new earth, we see there is finally peace. The Jews are waiting for their messiah, the christians are waiting for the antichrist, the muslims are waiting for the Mahdi and the Didjal, Hindu's are waiting for Kalki, and Buddist are waiting for Maitreya. Now, if you were the devil and you wanted to make it impossible for people to know the truth and to try and prevent God's will to finally be done what would you do? Well we all know he came to seek, kill and destroy. We know he is a liar and deceiver. So the truth of the matter is he had things changed in texts, created other religions to keep people off track. The prayer of 2 Chronicles states that if only people would turn from their wicked ways He would hear from heaven and heal our land. This is basically one huge math problem. Satan has the Jews believing that a third temple must be built even though it clearly says that there is not a building large enough to contain Him. They also want to bring back sacrifices even though it clearly states in Psalm 40:6, Psalm 51:16, Isaiah 1:11-31, Jeremiah 7:21-23, and Hebrews 10:4-10 that is not what God said or wanted. So if this is not what God said or wanted, then it it should easily be clear that in all passages that state that they were to sacrifice animals that they are part of what came from man and not God. This also goes back to what Jesus said about hiding the keys. The thing is again, this generation did not do these things and just like all religions, we believe what came before us. The reason why there is violence and war is because it states that God told them to conquer and kill, yet that is just another thing that is not from God. This is just one of the many reasons why non-believers want nothing to do with God because they are right in not wanting to follow a God that would tell people to do such things. When we go back to Malachi 4:5-6, there is a correction that is coming. It is not aimed at one group in particular. It is a message to the entire world. This message is to correct the evil that has been throughout time. The Muslims were originally created by the Roman Catholic Church as an army to keep the Jews and Christians in line. That is why their doctrine says what it does about them. Now if you were satan and you knew that there was someone coming to correct this, you would try and make people believe this person is evil. The reason he has tried to make this person seem evil is because if people truly see what is being said then he has no more power. And when he has no more power, then there can be no more sin and the prayer of 2 Chronicles will be fulfilled. People are waiting for this person who is supposed to deceive the entire world, yet they have forgotten that satan has already been doing this since the beginning of time. This again is why Jesus said that in the end everything was going to be revealed, and then the end shall come. The idea that has been forced on the world is this new world order, yet people have also forgotten that Jesus said He was coming to set up His kingdom. This so-called one world religion that people say is evil is actually this truth that came out and people follow it. The fact that it says that everyone believed what was said in the end shows the power of God and as Jesus said when He gave the keys to Peter that nothing will overcome it and it will come to pass. As we have seen in the Old Testament, things are in there but doesn't mean it is all from God again as Jesus said. Things didn't stop there. See how Rome was in power and they already saw what happened with Jesus, they wanted to one keep the power for themselves, but also wanted to create a way for that to never happen. Again, the only way to do that is to make people believe something that isn't true. Well how can we know this to be true? Well Jesus said in Matthew 10:24-27 gives a glimpse into the person stated in Malachi 4:5-6. Jesus has given the information that has been hidden to this end-time figure. He stated that the members of the household would be called by even worse names. Now when you look at Revelation 12 and the beginning of 13, I want you as you read this to picture the story about Mary and the birth of Jesus. Think about what she went through and how she had to hide because all the male boys were being killed. Think about what they Jews thought of her because she was having a child and wasn't even married yet. Think about all that Jesus said to the teachers of religious law and how they said that it blasphemed God. When you look at the time of His ministry and everything else, it is a complete fit and match. Seeing how He said the members of the household would be called by even worse names, that is because of what is said in Revelation chapter 13. The fact is, the person in chapter 13 is the one whom Jesus said in Matthew 24:45 is one whom He can give the responsibility of feeding His other household servants. Going back to right before the end shall come the truth is revealed, He has given those keys of knowledge to Peter which is not the Peter that was with Him, this is what is going to make His church stand on solid ground and what is going to open the eyes of the blind, let those who can't walk in the true ways of the Lord to walk straight, those who are spiritually dead to come to live, those with little understanding to have understanding. Now, going back to Revelation 13, it states that wisdom is needed. When we look at the countless verses about wisdom, it only comes from God. It is for this reason that Jesus said in what He did in Luke 6:47. Knowing that wisdom only comes from God, it is only the person whom that passage was meant for that it will only be clear to its actually meaning. Seeing how God is a God of order, right after chapter 13, in chapter 14 it talks about all those who God saved and they had a "mark" on their forehead. Seeing how in chapter 13 it says that you could not buy or sell unless you had the "mark" which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. The name of this person is literally right there and the number is part of a larger number that represents ones name especially in America. Seeing how the righteous inherit the earth and as God said He will remove all who sin and do evil, one would truly not want to be raptured. It is for this reason that many may said to Jesus that they did this and that and He will say depart from me you who continued to sin. Certain people as I stated were privy to this information and why that changed it because it meant they would lose their power. This is part of the reason why the woman sitting on seven hills in scarlet will be destroyed. So many people have died not knowing the truth and it was because some change what was truly said. In regards to the Jews, the person they are waiting for is not the person everyone else thinks this person is. Their misunderstand about the temple needing to be built shows they had something to do with it. One could say it was just Rome, but in Daniel, it gives it away because Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 for the reader to pay attention. This is just one of the things Jesus said to show there is either more to the story, or something isn't right. Ears to hear and eyes to see would also be another one. When you look at Daniel 11:31-32 shows that their understanding was that of a physical temple, not knowing as Jesus said it was a body. This is also why it states in Revelation about worshiping the first beast who's deadly wound was healed, which again refers to Jesus because His deadly wound was healed and He rose from the dead even though they thought He did everything He did by the power of satan. There is much more to this and about other religions, but people will have to open their minds to understand this and really digest what Jesus was saying because clearly if everyone had it figured out in the end times, it wouldn't be when sin was at it's highest nor would there be a need for someone to be sent to correct things that have been previously believed to be correct.

  • @Jean-pierreNantel
    @Jean-pierreNantel 6 часов назад

    Pastor Barnett, I do believe that the 2 witnesses will be testifying for the first part of the tribulation, not the second part. Why? Because that because the antichrist will put them to death. He will do what nobody else have been able to do and with that formidable accomplishment, he will set the abomination of desolation on the holy of holy and magnified himself above all. Then will start the last part of the tribulation. I think that it makes a lot of sense, what do you think?

  • @markhauserbible7168
    @markhauserbible7168 7 часов назад

    It's sad that pre-tribers don't understand the word TRIBLATION. Deut 4:30/ Rev 1:9. Tribulation is NOT the wrath. Rev 6:17/ Rm2:5/ Zeph 1:15,18 DAY of wrath. Of course, STUDY takes TIME, and NOT for lazy people.

  • @ArtistBrianSheffield
    @ArtistBrianSheffield День назад

    Not cosmic warfare. Heavenly warfare. Lucifer lost. Is lost and will continue to lose and be a permanent loser.

  • @PhilipStevenson-x9j
    @PhilipStevenson-x9j День назад

    First comment!!! Well... I just found this professor and I'm an instant fan. I wish my professors were this on point when i was in seminary. I would have stayed lol. Shot out to all you believers out there!! Welcome to the apocalypse! It's not to be feared right?? It's what we pray for the return of Jesus Christ. I'm super excited to be living in such interesting times. Remember kids .. Faith can move mountains but you should still bring a shovel...

  • @rich3124
    @rich3124 День назад

    Btw..only God is omnipresent. No created being is. So no, they can't listen to every conversation or attend every meeting. Not even their chief.. just one place at a time.. like us🙂

  • @rich3124
    @rich3124 День назад

    I know, I know...the cherubim are described as having eyes all around...but I doubt it looks like you explained. It just means they can see you no matter where you stand. Stand behind them & they see you..but lots & lots & lots of eyes? No, don't be silly!

  • @rich3124
    @rich3124 День назад

    Although...I totally agree with your picture of the UFO & the Beast stepping out & saying worship me. Even if it's not the beast it's purpose is to prove God & the Bible as untrue. Nephilim I suggest may be the creatures that claim to be from another planet.. If they're more intelligent than us..or more superior in some way, then the liberals & God haters & Satanists amongst us will say "See, there is more intelligent life than us in the universe & so the Bible is not true." However, if God decided to make some furry little creature or fish or whatever on another planet it doesn't phase me one bit.. "So what!" I say. As for the nephilim.. they're not from another planet..but they may claim to be.

  • @rich3124
    @rich3124 День назад

    Wait..what? A demon that can listen to every conversation in Iran & attend every meeting? NO!.. Demons are not omnipresent. They may have an administration that covers many conversations, and attends many meetings, but even then I doubt they are numerous enough to listen to everything. Not even Satan is omnipresent. It's just one place at a us🙂

  • @PhilipStevenson-x9j
    @PhilipStevenson-x9j День назад

    I've been to seminary and this professor is one of the best I've ever heard. Great job.

  • @rich3124
    @rich3124 День назад

    "Is there anything else alive in the univers besides what God talks about? No." 31:19 ...hmmm not sure I agree with that.. only because God is creative & isn't constrained by what we see or understand. If God has made some furry little creature on a far away planet, who cares! That's God's business. Sure, only one human race, redemption, heaven, angels etc ..but I wouldn't be surprised if He has created life (a creature) on a distant star. God created the 'heavens' and the earth. What's it to you if God put a caterpillar somewhere else? 🙂

    • @rich3124
      @rich3124 День назад

      Although...I totally agree with your picture of the UFO & the Beast stepping out & saying worship me. Even if it's not the beast it's purpose is to prove God & the Bible as untrue. Nephilim I suggest may be the creatures that claim to be from another planet.. If they're more intelligent than us..or more superior in some way, then the liberals & God haters & Satanists amongst us will say "See, there is more intelligent life than us in the universe & so the Bible is not true." However, if God decided to make some furry little creature or fish or whatever on another planet it doesn't phase me one bit.. "So what!" I say. As for the nephilim.. they're not from another planet..but they may claim to be.

    • @rich3124
      @rich3124 День назад

      I know, I know...the cherubim are described as having eyes all around...but I doubt it looks like you explained. It just means they can see you no matter where you stand. Stand behind them & they see you..but lots & lots & lots of eyes? No, don't be silly! 😂

    • @rich3124
      @rich3124 День назад

      Wait...what? A demon that can hear every word that everybody speaks in Iran? And is present at every meeting?? NO! Demons are not omnipresent. They may have an administration that covers all meetings & conversations but I doubt they're even that numerous. Not even Satan is omnipresent...just one place at a time, like us.🙂

    • @rich3124
      @rich3124 День назад

      Wait..what? A demon that can hear everything that everybody says & is present at every meeting? NO! Demons are not omnipresent. They may have an administration that is listening to conversations & attending meetings, but even then I doubt they are that numerous to listen to everything. It's just one place at a time, just like us. Only God is omnipresent.🙂

  • @jjt.9999
    @jjt.9999 День назад

    I get to be first here. Hello 👋🏽

  • @hadleymanmusic
    @hadleymanmusic День назад

    We not under roman empire law wake up

  • @hadleymanmusic
    @hadleymanmusic День назад

    Annointed , illuminated, a Lucifer is that

  • @sleepyhead9756
    @sleepyhead9756 День назад

    Subbed. This man knows God's word.

  • @SerikPoliasc
    @SerikPoliasc День назад

    Johnson Timothy Wilson Elizabeth Williams Joseph

  • @gknight4719
    @gknight4719 3 дня назад

    If you talk, to made up things like the devil, please see a doctor soon as you can.

  • @TboneWTF
    @TboneWTF 4 дня назад

    LOL. You can't even offer credible evidence that monsters are real preacher. Stop trying to frighten poor and desperate people. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    • @gknight4719
      @gknight4719 3 дня назад

      These parasites (preachers) need your money! Religion is a tax free ponzi scheme. "truth" there not interested in truth! just your money.

  • @ronnygibbon
    @ronnygibbon 4 дня назад

    Is it fair to say that Roman Catholicism is a religion intentionally in disguise? Is it possible your average Catholic is unknowingly worshipping the Babylonian entities of old? If so, to what extent is this known among Catholic clergy? Of course, most know that in Northern Europe people have been celebrating Pagan rituals and "holidays" as Christian rituals for centuries.

  • @AlphaStudios-lh1rz
    @AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад

    I prefer the trees to stay outside. While the tree of itself isn't the problem, the holiday however is. Christ-Mass means to kill Christ.

  • @AlphaStudios-lh1rz
    @AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад

    "Replacement theology" is a made up term. The Biblical term is "continuational theology".

  • @AlphaStudios-lh1rz
    @AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад

    At best not at all. Jesus cannot be elected.

  • @AlphaStudios-lh1rz
    @AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад

    It came up in the late 4th century, when Unitarian heretick Constantine took over the church

  • @AlphaStudios-lh1rz
    @AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад

    Sadly we are Lodicea

  • @trustenbaker8766
    @trustenbaker8766 4 дня назад

    That's a lie. The title is a lie. It's a catcher to get you to watch. But it's a lie.

  • @user-jw4fn6fh2x
    @user-jw4fn6fh2x 5 дней назад

    Doom is only central to the message of the Devil. The message of the Gospel (good news) is that God loves us and wants relationship with us. Terrible word choice for the title.

  • @scott7684
    @scott7684 5 дней назад


  • @billygoat5091
    @billygoat5091 5 дней назад

    Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Jesus Christ is CENTRAL to the gospel. Jesus Christ IS the GOOD NEWS because He has saved the whole world, just not completed as yet,but it is done because God declares the end from the beginning.If God declares something it MUST be so and will be so.

  • @WilliamReed-i4y
    @WilliamReed-i4y 5 дней назад


    @IOSARBX 5 дней назад

    DiscoverTheBookMinistry, i just subscribed

  • @mpossom8352
    @mpossom8352 6 дней назад

    This message is inaccurate on so many levels. Seals 1,2,3, and 4 represent the demon powers and evil spirits that have dominated this world since the first century, otherwise known as the 2000 years of tribulation. Paul warned us of this the the book of Ephesians. Revelation chapter 6 perfectly parallels and is in harmony with the Lord's olivet discourse in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. The fifth seal reveals the believers that have suffered and died in the tribulation. When the sixth seal is opened, the Lord appears, and comes in His glory to rapture believers and began His wrath upon an unbelieving world, and every eye will see Him. Matthew 24:29-31 explains this very clearly. Revelation chapter seven shows the raptured believers standing before the throne of God in heaven in verse 9. John is told by the elder in verse 14 that these are they who have come out of great tribulation. The mistake that most people make is believing that the tribulation is God's wrath when it is not. The miseries of the last 2000 years are the work of satan, not the Lord. No where in scripture is it stated or implied that there is a future seven year period called the great tribulation. Does anyone really believe that the last 2000 years have been nothing but sunshine, bluebirds, bunnies and butterflies; how naive. The wrath of the Lamb will come, but we as believers will be ruling and reigning with the Lord over the affairs of the world from above.

  • @TheProdigalCat
    @TheProdigalCat 6 дней назад

    Freedom of Religion is protected under the 1st Amendment. If they come for the churches, we have another Amendment for that.

  • @ianmonk6211
    @ianmonk6211 7 дней назад

    If he really studies his bible. When hes talking about pentecost and Jesus rising both in Sunday. He will gind hes wrong. You count from the weekly Sabbath 50 days statting with sunday. So Jesus rose on the Sabbath nit Sunday. Andvthe bible proves this. Also the day after Passover is an annual Sabbath. Annual Sabbaths can be any day of the week not necessarily Saturday. The exodus was 1450 the year tutmoses the third died not 1446

  • @PhilipCallicoat-k9z
    @PhilipCallicoat-k9z 7 дней назад

    "Be not decieved, God is not mocked.... Whatsoever man sows, that he shall reap...😢

  • @christopherchmiel7872
    @christopherchmiel7872 7 дней назад

    If you truly serve God, prosperity is irrelevant. He may or may not grant. If prosperity is your priority then you’re not serving God but yourself.

  • @toddarcand6002
    @toddarcand6002 8 дней назад

    Why does your respondent war against those that keep the commandments of God? Satan does that too, therefore, we know which side your teaching is on. He blatantly lies to deceive your audience as much as you are deceiving people with Jesuit lies. I am teaching protestant views from every reformer and early protestant teachers which you contradict. The Jesuits countered the protestant view with the very same teachings you are teaching. This channel is not protestant, but counter protestant, counter reformation truth. John was trained in Jesuit theology, not biblical theology.,

  • @stevenartascos2918
    @stevenartascos2918 8 дней назад

    God's grace is sufficient... I have given you all things that partain to life... When our Spirit is joyful.. we're content!!!

  • @burdettheithold1534
    @burdettheithold1534 8 дней назад

    Wow, he just defined the "churchy word" COVET. This video really cleared that up. I have a lot to think about moving forward.

  • @dontburstmybubble686
    @dontburstmybubble686 13 дней назад

    A few things: 1) Humans have pretty big and sophisticated brains while bees are very simple creatures that do not have vocal chords, so I don't see how humans having different languages = tower of babel 2) The seven day week only happened because of the spread of Christianity. If anyone suggested a 5 day week, the churches would claim that was an act of satan or something 3) First off, explain WHAT the principles of evolution are before saying that its wrong. Secondly, the sun and stars were made after the earth in the genesis story. How can that be if we have pictures of stars which means we know that they arent just lights in the sky and that the planets orbit around them? 4) Yeah isn't it so moral to put children to death for "dishonoring their parents"? Also did Jesus not say "do not be mistaken for I have come to fulfill the law but not an iota shall fall away til the end of time?" So why do we differentiate between ceremonial and moral laws when Jesus himself said to follow every word of the bible? 5) It was not called Saturday because Saturday comes from the word "Saturn", which was a Roman God. So really you can't know if it was Saturday or Sunday. 6) Jesus healed someone on the Sabbath so he was not sinless on the cross.

  • @wlodell
    @wlodell 14 дней назад

    Am I hearing this right?!? Of all the years of me mouthing the words of the Lord’s Prayer, was wrong? When I say the Lord’s Prayer, often I am overwhelmed by life’s events and it is difficult for me to find the right words. So, when I say the Lord’s Prayer and I utter my cry, I know that the Lord God Almighty hears me. He knows my heart, soul, and mind and He knows what I am trying to say. I also use other Bible Scriptures to facilitate my talks and prayers to God, the Book of Psalms, verses 23 and 91 come to mind. I apologize for not following or fully understanding all of what this preacher is saying. As an old military combat veteran soldier blessed with years of an incredible life I don’t deserve, I tend to say things out loud and as they come to mind.

  • @timothyIII1977
    @timothyIII1977 7 месяцев назад

    Very informative. Thank you and Amen.

  • @gtgodbear6320
    @gtgodbear6320 10 месяцев назад

    Study how to read the KJV. It is the easiest most detailed bible to understand once you know how to read it. Don't fall for the LIE that it's the hardest to read.

  • @heidibrydson3793
    @heidibrydson3793 Год назад

    I think this includes your dollar vote, what are Christians supporting?

  • @gnieu1278
    @gnieu1278 Год назад

    People die and go to hell because of unbelief.... Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Grace alone, Faith alone, in Christ alone. The Door, the Tent, the Veil. Faith, Hope, Love Jesus is Lord High Priest, Prophet, King of Kings

  • @P-47D_theJug
    @P-47D_theJug Год назад

    This is what makes Calvinism so confusing I believe in the theology but without careful consideration it can be misleading.

  • @lamminlalvaiphei6269
    @lamminlalvaiphei6269 Год назад

    Yeah, that's why their seems to be a lot of contradicts and many missing, errors and mistake in our own dialect Bible , I am talking about the Bible versions of more than 150 different in the NE India in just 7 states and it's because they are all translated from NIV , and no wonder People often argued about the verses and pick and choose is very common so no real doctrine but their own self made doctrins according to their denomination , so I had to study along with KJV Bible then it makes sence 🤗 I mean, the inspiration of the word of God 🙏.

    • @gtgodbear6320
      @gtgodbear6320 10 месяцев назад

      The best thing new/any Christian can do is learn how to read the KJV first. Once you learn how to read it, it is the most precise easiest to understand Bible there is. One of the best words of advice I got was all the "T" words like "thou" was you in singular form and the "Y" words "ye" was you plural (ye people/tribe, ect...) my understanding of the Bible went up at least 40% with just that. It's a LIE that KJV is harder to read. It's just way more detailed in the meaning.

  • @mathias8627
    @mathias8627 Год назад

    Wrong, god has never said anything about working, jobs, or careers, in fact he specifically says those who put their work above their service to the lord are blasphemous. So the real Christian thing to do would be to quit your job and go out soul winning spreading the word of Jesus... Also whenever the lord speaks of sloth and laziness he was ALWAYS referring to kings and oligarchs, Jesus and the lord are in clear opposition to capitalism and wealth/general inequality

  • @heathenhammer2344
    @heathenhammer2344 2 года назад

    Typical protestant ignorance.

  • @judgmentlapworth3601
    @judgmentlapworth3601 2 года назад

    Well said

  • @tamaraheater9695
    @tamaraheater9695 2 года назад

    I don't think that makes sense, Enoch clearly belongs among the Old Testament books.