Dob Ba (Dobby B)
Dob Ba (Dobby B)
  • Видео 2
  • Просмотров 489
Bulimia Nervosa 2019: My Eating Disorder Story: Part 2
This is the second part of my eating disorder story. Here, I tell how I have got sick from Bulimia Nervosa 16 years ago. Furthermore, I mentioned the reasons that made me sick from this eating disorder. I hope this video rich other people like me and we can connect with each other.
Просмотров: 157


Bulimia Nervosa 2019: My Eating Disorder Story: Part 1
Просмотров 3325 лет назад
This is my eating disorder story how I have got sick from Bulimia Nervosa. I have it for the last 16 years. Here I mentioned, some of the reasons which have led me to get sick from Bulimia.


  • @evelynpech-vazquez1385
    @evelynpech-vazquez1385 4 года назад

    I don’t think it was your fault, sometimes one can’t help his/her perspective. Depending on what you observe, your knowledge and what support you do or don’t have you will have a certain perspective. When I struggled (After the birth of my second son) I was also very unhappy with my life. But it makes since because it’s related to perspective. It took a long time but I finally feel free and have a different view of food, my body, and life. You aren’t alone at all.

  • @The_Mim
    @The_Mim 5 лет назад

    thank you for sharing. I just wish I was able to hear what you were saying!

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      Coffee Cay Cay Yes , there were others that complained about the poor quality of the sound for which I apologize 😟

    • @The_Mim
      @The_Mim 5 лет назад

      @@dobba3608 its okay! Thank you for sharing your story! 😊 💘 💕 ❤

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      Coffee Cay Cay Thanks for listening 🙂👏🏻

  • @gregdiamond5355
    @gregdiamond5355 5 лет назад

    I went through rehab I won’t lie. I thought I could quit on my own to get off alcohol. I won’t lie. I have relapsed but I keep trying. The important thing is to get help before you die and forgive yourself but please get help you don't want your baby to be an orphan do you?

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      No, I don’t want! I don’t want him to witness all my struggle with food. Thank you for your encouraging words, it is nice to hearing them from a person who faced his fears and keeps fighting .

    • @gregdiamond5355
      @gregdiamond5355 5 лет назад

      You need help if you’re binging and purging. Soon laxatives won't work and you’ll need enemas to go. The woman I told you has to have them and she Lost hr teeth.

  • @gregdiamond5355
    @gregdiamond5355 5 лет назад

    Any addiction,!’m a recovering alcoholic and opioid addict, can involve relapse. I’ve relapsed numerous times but I don’t give up. The important thing is to never give up. I realize it’s harder for those with bulimia. I can quit alcohol and heroin but you can’t quit food. You have another life to think about. I know that doesn't make it any easier but the best thing I did was rehab followed by therapy. If you don’t want to go that route I understand but at least talk to someone. You can't do this by yourself.

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      This is a great accomplishment that you have achieved! Exactly, till now I was thinking that I can stop whenever I want if I really wanted but in reality it is not that easy 😟

  • @gregdiamond5355
    @gregdiamond5355 5 лет назад

    I know a group here on RUclips if you want to discuss it in an informal group called EDucatingshanny. It’s led by Shanny who has battled Bulimia since she was 5. She's 34 now and lives in Utah. ED stands for Eating Disordor. She has put together a group with eating disordorß. Just search RUclips for EDucatingshanny. She’s so sweet.

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      Thank you for giving me this info. Any information is valuable and I will definitely check her channel .

    • @gregdiamond5355
      @gregdiamond5355 5 лет назад

      Good and I you decide to join them.😋❤️

  • @arwazzzzzz3689
    @arwazzzzzz3689 5 лет назад

    I can totally relate to many parts, I used to also starve before bulimia, though I started throwing up cuz I was so sad my body would just refuse to keep in food. and the constipation part is true too like I used to get constipated for weeks at a time before I finally give in to laxatives. You are not alone in this, it must be hard to share this with the world, but you are strong enough to get through this, you are strong enough to recover, this disorder has taken up enough of your life and it is time to break up with it. It will be hard but you have enough strength to get through this!

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      It is nice to see that I am not alone. I never tried a group treatment where people sick from bulimia share their experiences. Now, when I am reading your message , I feel that I am not alone and there is another person that can understand my obsession about controlling my weight and all my struggles with food. Do you continue starving or now you are just eating everything what you want and then throwing up ?

    • @arwazzzzzz3689
      @arwazzzzzz3689 5 лет назад

      @@dobba3608 when I was at my worst I would throw up over ten times a day, then about 6 months ago I attempted recovery and gained a lot of weight, but now I am relapsing and like I can understand how it is a daily routine cuz I also have that, like it is second nature! Nonetheless, I do know that they sooner the recovery, the better chances of not having really bad illnesses when like we are 50 years old and such.

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      @@arwazzzzzz3689 Yes this is what I am afraid of to get even more sick that I am now. I am sick and tired to have luck of energy every time after I throw up. Right now and for most of the time, I throw up around 3 times after every meal. I am trying not to do it in the mornings, but not always I am successful. Usually, I eat something small, but then I am hungry and I eat again and its a vicious circle ... During my pregnancy, I was so terrified that I will gain so much weight and I will never be able to loose it again. I had to put all my energy to convince me that it is ok to gain weight and later I will loose it but was very hard. Again, I felt like I don't have control over anything .. Is it because of the weight, you are relapsing?

    • @arwazzzzzz3689
      @arwazzzzzz3689 5 лет назад

      @@dobba3608 Actually relapse is a stage in recovery that not all but many people go through, it is where you learn more about yourself. Recovery will not be easy but it is possible. My personal reason for relapsing is due to digestion problems and although I do take meds I have a lack of medical supervision. Also in bulimia recovery mostly we have to go all in (like eat to hunger no matter how much it is) or structuring your day to 5-6 six meals that you should eat at certain times even if you weren't hungry and it will help to read through this

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      @@arwazzzzzz3689 thank you for the blogs. I didn't know that relapse is a stage of recovery . I can see how less, I know about the recovery process. So nice of you to include the articles, I will read them tomorrow.

  • @arwazzzzzz3689
    @arwazzzzzz3689 5 лет назад

    It is so brave of you to upload a video about your struggles. I too have bulimia and have had it for over 4 years now. I can relate to the issue with being force fed and it is something that fuels my bulimia. I am here for you if you would like to talk.

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      Thank you so much for response. Yes, I definitely want to talk especially with person like you who has experience with this eating disorder. I want to ask you if you tried to sick help and if yes did it help you? I tried while I was pregnant but it did not helped me. Maybe because I have it for so long and I feel too comfortable with it or maybe because my hormones were so uncomfortable.

    • @arwazzzzzz3689
      @arwazzzzzz3689 5 лет назад

      @@dobba3608 Actually I have never had any professional help, no therapist or anything I decided to recover on my own with a bit of help from my siblings. It went fine but I relapsed and although it is normal to relapse in recovery I would really advice that you have a therapist and a doctor, as I have been diagnosed with gastritis while having issues with refeeding. It is also helpful to read blogs such as the ones for Kayla Koteki (she even has a youtube channel, and tabitha farrar, ownitbabe.)

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      @@arwazzzzzz3689 Thanks Amy! I will check them. To be honest, I checked some channels (not these ones) before, but I have got disappointed since many of them were focusing on getting subscribers and views. I felt like bulimia is a trending world and then I stoped searching for more channel. That is why I made this two videos, hopping that I will attract people like me that can share me their experience and recommend me a proper sites/ blogs or channels that actually are helpful.

    • @arwazzzzzz3689
      @arwazzzzzz3689 5 лет назад

      @@dobba3608 Yeah it takes quite a lot of time to like find the right resources, like everyone's struggles are different and recovery will be different for everyone, it will take a bit of time to get yourself to even want to truly recover, but exposing yourself to positive content and similar situations will make it easier. But I would advise you to seek medical help as in tests to know what to focus on more, because there is also the refeeding symptom which you should be on the lookout for.

  • @BruTaLyDoLL
    @BruTaLyDoLL 5 лет назад

    I Don'T Have reLaTaBLe experience, BuT I aDmire your Bravery To TaLk aBouT your proBLem puBLicLy. AnD BTw THe kiDs can Be very crueL - I was LauGH aT scHooL & BuLLieD Because I was Too THin. THey caLLeD me "skeLeTon, sTork" & so on, I've Been consTanTLy askeD if I am sufferinG from anorexia & THe Top QuesTion was "Is your parenTs feeD you aT aLL?". On THe oTHer siDe - my famiLy was concerneD aBouT my LiGHT weiGHT Too, of course from HeaLTH perspecTive. WiTH THe years everyTHin' wenT normaL, BuT.. My poinT is - PeopLe can Be mean To oTHers wiTHouT rLy knowinG THem or THeir personaL fiGHT & THaT's on aLL aGes. THe mosT imporTanT is To Be HeaLTHy & feeLinG GooD aBouT yourseLf/your personaLiTy.. BeinG aBLe To Look afTer THe ppL you Love - THaT's aLL!! WHo cares in wHaT sHape as LonG as you are cLinicLy HeaLTHy, we are aLL THe same on THe insiDe. AnD yea' - I know THis is ToTaLLy LonG & off THe Topic commenT, sry aBouT THaT. 😅😅 X.o. 💋

    • @dobba3608
      @dobba3608 5 лет назад

      Thank you for sharing your experience. I believe it is good to talked about things which bothering us and it taces courage to share them with others .